-Chapter 20-

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I'm gonna die...again...come on! Just grab your pistol....shoot! Grab it!


Arackniss dodged the first shot, causing it to go into the cushioned arm chair. One of his arms grabbed his pistol from his side and fired at his father's hand that held the revolver. With the bullets being  normal, it will only stun him. As he shot the elder's other arms, he heard movement from behind. Turning, he saw the goons had pulled out their firearms. Aiming and ready to shoot.

He jumped, dodging every shot that was coming for him. Thankful for his long spider legs for being as power as they are. While mid air he pulled out his other guns, and fired like a lose canon.

They're down I need to take this time to escape!

Arackniss landed on his feet, and bolted out the office door. His heart in his head. Behind him his father could be heard yelling, "DON'T LET HIM ESCAPE!" Every gang member was aware that they had to keep the eldest son from exiting the building. They jumped into action, blocking the entrance of the hideout.


The ebony spider was surrounded as he entered the main room. All his guns aimed in different directions. In the corner of his eyes he saw one move closer, so he cocked one of the guns towards them. "Put ya weapons down Arackniss. Ya can't win somethin' ya already lost," the goon stated. Arackniss panted, "Like hell I've lost...I'm gettin' the fuck outta here, and none of ya are goin' to stop me from doin' so. So if ya don't want a fuckin' bullet in ya head, get outta my way!" They all laughed, and pulled out their own guns, "There's more of us than you, if anyone ends up with a bullet in their head it's you." He gritted his teeth, the guy was right, there was more of them, all with six arms and guns aimed towards him. "We know ya only pack holy bullets when ya snipe, so even if ya do shoot us, we'll just regenerate," the goon taunted, "But many of us here are smart, we carry them at all times. We could end ya right now."

Fuck...what do I do? Think Arackniss think.

His eyes darting all over, he need of a strategy to get out of this mess. That's when something hit him, the huge light fixture above.

If I shoot that correctly, I can cause it to fall. They'll scatter trying to get away giving me the chance to run.

"Ya maybe right there, but not that I always need holy bullets," he slowly aimed one of his guns to towards the light. The goons laughed again finding it ridiculous, until two shots fired and the colossal light came falling. They immediately scurried away, which opened the entrance for him. Taking his chance, he darted towards the door as fast as his petite legs would take him.

He ran down the sidewalk, dodging and dunking pass other demons in his way. He could hear he was being followed by some of the gang.


"Gah-," Arackniss cried out, a holy bullet had hit him in his left side, lodging itself in his lower back. He didn't dare let it slow him down.


Another shot rang, this time missing him.


"Fuck!," he was now limping thanks to a bullet leaving a gash in his thigh. This slowed him down greatly.

Two more shots rang out, hitting his upper back. He couldn't run anymore, he couldn't fight these guys off. He tumbled over onto the ground. His body screamed in agony as his wounds began to fester.


"My my, it seems the effeminate fellow's brother can take a few bullets now can he? Quite the petite tank."

The goons stopped in their tracks, their eyes widened, "Shit it's the Radio Demon!"

"Fuck this!"

They quickly ran off. Leaving Arackniss at Alastor's feet. The deer demon bent down at the panting spider. He could tell the other was starting to lose consciousness. "I suppose I should help you. Don't think we want the white arachnid going crazy due to his brother dying on the sidewalk, now would we," Alastor asked. Arackniss couldn't even respond, he was in too much pain as the festering wounds poured blood like a flowing river. He was trembling, his energy completely drained. All he heard was a snap of fingers before everything around him went dark.

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