-Chapter 9-

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Husk opened to the door holding it to let Angel and Arackniss in first. Everyone in the hotel looked up at them. They seemed to have made themselves cozy. "Welcome back your guys!," Charlie smiled. Vaggie raised a brow, noticing the tinier arachnid, "Uhh who'd you bring with you two?"

Angel steps to the side, "This is my older brother, Arackniss."  The smaller spider waved as a hello. "Oh my gosh! Hi I'm Charlie!," the princess immediately, and enthusiastically greeted Arackniss, startling the smaller sinner a bit enough to make him back up a step. "Uhh yeah, I know who ya are ya highness. No need ta introduce ya self to me," he waved a hand dismissively. She gave a tender smile, "You don't have to be so formal. Just call me Charlie and this is my girlfriend Vaggie."

A grumpily "hello" was all that came from the moth girl's mouth. She was clearly not happy to see Angel bringing someone else who would most definitely be trouble to the hotel. "And that's Niffty," Charlie motioned towards the small cyclops, "and you seemed to have already met Husk so the last would be...wait where'd he go?"

"Why I'm right here my dear," Alastor states from the right side of her, he had teleported next to her without anyone's knowledge, "Names Alastor! Pleasure to meet you Arackniss!" He reached out to shake the other male's hand. Hesitantly, Arackniss accepted the handshake. He's heard about Alastor. Everyone feared him. Not even the gang wanted to fuck with this guy. Their hands retracted, so Angel spoke up, "Alright now that ya've met everyone, how about we settle at the bar and chit chat?"

"That sounds fine with me," the ebony demon responded.

As the others went off to do their own thing, the three had taken their places at the bar. Husk being behind it. "So what have ya been up to Niss?" The taller clearly wanted to catch up. After all he hasn't seen his brother in years. "Still working for the gang. Just had snipped someone earlier," Arackniss explained.

"Mhm I figured ya were...," Angel grinned, "Make me a sex on the beach will ya Husky~?"

The cat nodded, then looked at the smaller spider, "Anything you want?"

"Got any whiskey?"

"A shit ton," Husk pulled out what he needed. He did Arackniss' drink first since he didn't have to mix anything and placed it in front of him. Angel's grin never left, "How is Pops treating ya? I hope he hasn't been too harsh on ya since he basically disowned me."

Arackniss laughed a little, not a happy one, more like a nervous one, "He's definitely been tougher....but I can tolerate him...I just fear..." His sentence faded, he was scared to say it. "Ya fear what," Angel raised a brow, sipping on his drink.

Fuck what do I say? How do I word this?!

"Ok um, well, I guess I fear...," he was stumbling over his sentence, "he'll uh ya know, find out I'm into someone." The younger brother laughed, "Who's the lucky guy?"


Angel put a hand on his fluffy chest seemly acting offended, a grin on his face, "C'mon Niss, how stupid do ya think I am? Ya scared Pops is goin' ta find out? Why, if ya stumbling didn't give it away, saying that sure did. Besides ya were never scared to let Pops meet ya girlfriends when we were alive. So who's the guy?"

Damn, Arackniss hated that he was right, he picked at a button on his suit nervously, "Ya know a guy named Sir Pentious?" The younger brother nearly choked on his drink trying not to laugh, "Y-yeah, he's a bit out there. Kind of a loser, but entertaining none the less, why?" The realization hit him, "Wait! Oh sweet Lucifer! Niss he's the guy you like?! I can't believe it! Where'd ya meet him at?"

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