-Chapter 10-

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Making his way to the room, he heard a tune softly playing. As he followed it, lead him to a small lounge area that sat on the other side of the hall, that just so happened to be in front of Alastor's room and Husk's old room. He peaked over, seeing the deer like man sitting in one of the chairs, eyes shut yet, humming the tune that played, with a cup of coffee in one hand. "My friend if you're going to spy on me you'll have to do better than that.," Alastor opened his eyes, looking in the direction where Arackniss is. "Come out now. No use in hiding," he called. So the spider obeyed. "Oh, its you I thought it was Angel trying to sneakily play a prank on me," Alastor' smile went to a grin to show his teeth. The ebony male hunched his shoulders, his hands in his pockets, "Ah nah, just me. They didn't want me going out there while the buzz starts to kick in. Too dangerous. So Husk is letting me stay in his room since he stays in Angel's."

"I see. Well, I hope you sleep well my fine fellow. Don't let the bed bugs bite.," the red head's grin never faded but became more dangerous looking. Arackniss backed away a bit, "Yeah I think I'll be good. Thanks."

After that he quickly scurried into the room. He could hear the deer laughing on the other side.

So he gets enjoyment from terrorizing people here....guess I can't say I'm surprised. But that's a good way to scare off new patrons. Oh well not my problem.

He looked around the basic room, it was cleaned so the little cyclops has to have been in here before he was. Contently he sighed before flopping onto the bed, which was surprisingly soft. Or maybe he was just that tired. He pulled out his phone to see he had a message from Sir Pentious. So he unlocked it to see what was sent.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~
🐍: I'm sorry about earlier I hope I didn't scare you. You ran off so quickly.

Arackniss felt his face heat up as he remembered the kiss again.


Sir Pentious connected their lips, the kiss was gentle but turned a bit passionate as it deepened. Their need to breathe caused the kiss to break, a trail of saliva connected between them. Arackniss' face turned bright red, "I-I gotta go! Sorry."

Without hesitation, the small spider ran out the door. He wasn't expecting the "goodbye kiss" to deepen, but it had made him beyond flustered.


"Goddamnit...why is he such a good kisser?," Arackniss mumbled to himself as the memory of that kiss replayed over again, along with some other memories. Sir Pentious was way too good at that shit for his own good. Even if he wouldn't say it to Pentious' face, he enjoyed the snake's company just as much, if not more. He looked back at his phone, he should probably answer back, after all he got that message five hours ago.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~
Arackniss: Nah, don't worry about. Ya didn't scare me at all.

He assumed the snake was asleep, but was surprised when his phone dinged right in his hand.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~
🐍: Ah! I'm glad then. Thank you for coming by again. I hope you do come around more. Well, anyway, I should probably get to bed. Goodnight Niss. <3

Arackniss: Goodnight to you too Pent.

The spider sat up, smiling at the screen, Sir Pentious must've thought he didn't know that those two symbols together made an heart. But he did and his heart was pounding like crazy. He shut off his phone and sat it on the night stand, before ridding himself of his suit jacket, bowtie, and pants. This left him with just his yellow dress shirt and boxers on. Arackniss had a wild day. He got a job done, he hung out with Pentious, got a good ass kiss out of it too, and connected with his brother again while downing a few glasses of whiskey. Sleep was practically calling his name. With a yawn, he turned off his lamp, giving into the call. As soon as his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.

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