-Chapter 31-

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"Oh gosh what happened to you guys?!" The princess was practically in a panic as the group came back covered in blood.

"Ah just a little blood bath my dear do not worry. We brought back Arackniss," Alastor pointed at the small spider that rested in Pentious' arms. She walked over to the the snake, "Is he alright?!"

"He'll be fine. Give him a few days to rest," Husk stated before walking past them, "now excuse me I want to get this shit outta my fur." Angel grinned, "Mind if is join ya Husky?~" The cat turned at the steps, "C'mon ya horny fuck." The white arachnid's eyes lit up, and he quickly followed. Vaggie rolled her eye at that, "Gross..."

"Why I think we're all do for a cleaning, so I'll take my leave as well," Alastor snapped his fingers and disappeared. Niffty even ran off to her own room to clean up. This left Pentious and Arackniss, so the princess turned to the snake, "I'm sure you're exhausted, you're free to stay here for the night...Arackniss has a room here anyway...," she looked to see the spider's coat was gone, "But I assume he's lost his key due to whatever happened. Let me get the extra."

The blonde demon walked behind the bar and pulled up out a ring of keys. "Let me lead you there," she gave a gentle smile. "Thank you Princesssss," the serpent followed. "Oh it's nothing, and remember you don't have to call me that, just Charlie is fine," the blonde girl stated. It didn't take them long to reach the room, she unlocked the door and let them in, "Here you go Mr. uhm—," she realized she forgot his name. He laughed at her red cheeks for turning a dark maroon, "It's alright many seem to forget my name, it's Sir Pentious. You can address me as just, Pentious."

"Of course Pentious, just let me know if you two need anything at all," her smile came back for a second before she looked at Arackniss, "He is going to be alright...right?" The serpent blinked, before looking down at his spider, "Husk wasss correct last time. I'm ssure he will be again. Do not fret though, I've learned that Nisss is able to bounce back quickly. In the meantime I will keep watch over him." Charlie smiled once more, her eyes gentle, she saw the love in the other's eyes when he said that, "Okay, well, I'll leave you to it. Goodnight Pentious."

Once the woman left, Sir Pentious sighed, he gently removed his own coat from Arackniss' small frame, before laying him down on the bed. He went to the bathroom and wetted a rag to clean off the remaining blood that still remained on the spider's face and body. His head spinning with so many thoughts as he wiped away a bit of blood from Arackniss' cheek.

That girl...she seemssss too nice to be the daughter of Lucifer....how did she get involved with the radio demon of all demons in hell?

He looked down at the smaller one's body, he was only left with his boxers due to Husk having to remove any clothing that was hiding injuries. He would have to get those off the airship once the other was awake. Though, those clothes were ripped a bits...so they're probably better in the trash. He got up once he was done cleaning Arackniss up, then covered the spider in the warm blankets. While his lover rested, he decided it would be best to try to get a shower himself. Luckily this bathroom had a walk in shower. So he didn't have to worry about his tail.

While Sir Pentious was in the middle of his shower, Arackniss began to stir. He opened his eyes and squint at the bright light in the room. "Ugh.....," he groaned rubbing his eyes, he just wanted them to adjust. As he sat up, he let out a small gasp due to pain. His insides were burning, now doubt from the holy water he was forced to drink. He felt....sick. Jumping to his feet, he ran over to the small trash can that settled in between a dark wooden desk and the wall. Blood...he just vomited blood.

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