-Chapter 3-

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~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone messages~~~~~~~
Niss: No it's okay...sorry....just have a lot on my mind.

Sir Pentious: Well, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here.

Sir Pentious sighed as he sat his phone to the side of his work desk. He was worried about the other. After all he did leave with out saying goodbye, which is normal, but that doesn't mean it still didn't sting a bit. Maybe he was asking for too much. Wanting to serious little spider to stay until they both woke up, that seemed almost impossible. But mostly because he feared he was scaring Arackniss.

Maybe next time we meet we shouldn't drink. We always end up in the bed together somehow when we drink. Not that I hate it...but I like having a friend for once....I don't want to lose that.

He shook his head, knowing he had to get to work on his new weapon he was making. Hoping that would keep his mind off the spider for a few hours.

At Arackniss' home, he was sitting on the floor with his body leaned up to his bed. Everything felt numb as the high kicked in. Peace....his mind so numb it couldn't even think about much. If anything at all. One thing managed to slip through though....Sir Pentious. "Fuckin hell....I...I can't escape ya can I?...," the ebony male acknowledged the thought out loud. He couldn't, not matter how hard he tried, the memories of reptiles' kiss and touch and... "NOPE!"

Arackniss had stood up quickly, maybe too quickly for being high off his ass. "Nope nope NOPE, I'm not going to think about it! Do not think," he commanded himself. He'd be damned again if he'd think about those drunk memories. They maybe fuzzy, but they were there. But that command didn't keep his mind from trying.


"Ah~ P-Pent mmm~," Arackniss was cut off by the ebony snake passionately kissing him. The spider had somehow found himself sitting in Pentious' lap, as the coat and dress shirt to his suit was open. Slightly hanging off his shoulder exposing his torso. Despite Arackniss' small appearance, the smaller was quite built, and Pent was feeling every muscle in the smaller's abdomen. When he got to his chest he cause the spider to break the kiss with a surprise gasp.

"Ssssenssstive there I sssee~," Sir Pentious grinned causing Arackniss' face to turn as red as all eight of his eyes, "S-shut up...."

"Hmmm what if I do thisss~," the snake immediately went to that soft fur patches and started licking one with his fork tongue, causing yet another gasp to escape Arackniss' mouth, "F-Fuck Pent!"

Pentious chuckled, yet continued his work. Both too drunk to stop this from going any further—

NO STOP! I can't...I don't....I'm not....I am not gay!

The spider had managed to flop onto his small twin bed, mentally screaming for the memory to fade. He wasn't gay, and he definitely wasn't falling for that damn reptilian bastard! Right! Right...? This was just lust, maybe even mindless curiosity. Maybe he was just as they say "pent up" and was using Pentious as a way to relieve that. It had to be that! Right?! But if that was true....why did the idea of someone else touching him in that way make him so uncomfortable. Especially another man. Why was Sir Pentious the only exception?

Shit...I'm way too high to be thinking about this....

The spider groaned in frustration, his body, heart and mind betraying him like no other. "Why him....why couldn't it have been some woman....," he questioned himself out loud, "Besides....he probably doesn't feel that way....I'm just someone to fuck. So why, why him?!"

He felt tears form in his eyes, "Dammit, no!"

Arackniss always hated to cry, it made him feel weak, and vulnerable. Made him question his manhood. Men aren't supposed to cry....at least that's what his Pops always said. So why cry now? There was no need. There wasn't? His high turned bad, as he was envisioning his father finding out what he was really doing:

A familiar voice called for him. The small spider turned and seen his father, who is way taller than him. "Hey Pops-" Arackniss was cut off by the older spider, "I know what you've been doing, ya been sneaking around with some guy like ya're a fag! First ya lie to me and now you're a faggot like Angel!"

"Pops just let-" he was cut off once again. Henroin growled, "No I will not listen to whatever fuckin' excuse ya have! I raised ya better and ya turn around and become a sissy like Tony. Boys, come out, show him what we do to those who not only lie, but are a faggot as well."
Arackniss's eyes widened as he heard sounds of foot steps behind him. He turned to see six guys, all taller than him, all better built than him. His fear rose and he quickly tried to pull out his guns....except...there was nothing. He was defenseless. "W-wait, ya d-don't want to do this....please...I'll just leave-," he yelped as he was picked up by one of the guys and two others came over to grab his other two sets of arms. Holding them so he couldn't fight back. The other three began to laugh darkly before one of them made the first strike.

Everything was hurting, every punch, kick, slap, every time he was thrown to the ground. "Enough. Let him go," Henroin commanded, they listened and dropped Arackniss for the last time. The small spider fell to his knees. He was shaking, and too weak to stand as his father kneeled down to him. He brought a hand to Arackniss' face and forced him to look up at his own, "Ya're a disappointment, Arackniss. Clearly no son of mine. NEVER show ya face around here ever again, ya got it?"

Arackniss didn't answer, so he was punched again, "Did ya not hear me boy!? Ya got what I said!?"

Finally the smaller spider weakly nodded, trying not to let tears form in his eyes, "Yes sir....loud and clear...."

"Good. Boys get him outta my sight," Henroin harshly pushed his son away from him as the other men grabbed the small spider once more. They walked until they reached the door. One wickedly grinned at him before opening the door, "Cya faggot. We won't miss ya here."
After that the other threw Arackniss out the door. He rolled and tumbled until he hit the alley wall with a sounding thump. As he went to get up he heard the heavy door slam shut. He was disowned...

Tears fell from Arackniss' eyes, he gasped for air as both his throat and chest felt so tight he couldn't breathe. This had to be the worst high he's ever had, he couldn't stop it. Nothing would calm this fear, his tears, the pain his chest, the lump in his throat. He needed someone, anyone, to break this nightmare of a high.


His head lifted up so quickly at the sound of his hellphone ringing from the living room. Someone was calling him. But who? Was it his father? He hoped not...anything but him right now.


Swallowing hard he shakily got onto his feet. He walked into the living room, picking the phone of the floor. As he turned the phone over so that the screen was facing him, he saw none other than the same snake emoji from earlier.

Thank Lucifer, its just Sir Pentious.

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