-Chapter 17-

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Henroin was at his desk, he was frustrated as he tried to call Arackniss for the ninth time. There was a meeting but he couldn't get ahold of his eldest son. Every time it would go straight to voice mail. He growled and slammed his phone on the table after the tenth time. His son never missed any of his calls. This was not only frustrating, but odd.

"Shit, shit, shit! Fuck, I'm fucking dead!," Arackniss was in the mists of a panic attack, as he scurried around trying to get dressed. Sir Pentious laid in the bed, raising a brow, "Why? what'sss the matter?"

"I forgot to charge my phone and I have ten missed calls from Pops. Oh god Pops is going to be beyond pissed! I knew I should have charged the damn thing!," the spider gulped, looking at himself in the mirror as he fixed his fedora. Pentious sat up, "Nisss I'm sure everything is going to be alright."

The snake knew that Arackniss was in the mafia, and understood they had to keep their relationship on the down low. Mainly because he knew his little sniper would be distraught if Henroin found out about them. Sighing, he slithered over and wrapped his arms around him, "Breath my spider, you're going to make yourself dizzy."

Arackniss took a deep breath and calmed down, he gave the serpent a kiss on the cheek, "Thanks, Pent. I gotta go okay? I'll try ta be back in time for dinner."

He got out of his partner's grasp and left.

Upon arriving, the gang was in the middle of the meeting. Henroin narrowed his eyes seeing his son slip in the back. But he continued to speak about some matters at hand, and targets that they needed to be on the look out for. As he finished his attention went back to his eldest, "Arackniss, my office. Now."

Arackniss' eyes widened a little, and he swallowed thickly. He was going to be yelled at, but he had to keep calm. Don't show fear, don't show sadness. Be as emotionless as possible. So he nodded, and quickly followed after his father down a long hallway. There was uncomfortable silence as they walked. The smaller arachnid looked up at his father ever so slightly. Which in turn got him a side eyed glare. He quickly looked down, oh yeah his father was pissed and he was about to get an ear full. The office door creaked as it opened, his father letting him go in first. Arackniss felt like it was hard to swallow as he took a seat. What was he going to say? What if something was brought up that he hoped never would be to begin with? Oh sweet Lucifer, internally he was terrified. "Arackniss...," Henroin's voice growled as he spoke his name, as if laced with hatred.

"Yeah Pops?"

"Where the fuck have ya been?! First, you've been takin' off at random! Second, you're never at ya apartment for days, sometimes weeks at a time! I've sent others ta ya check on ya, and I've even went down there myself! Third, ya either late or not showin' up at all. And now you're missin' my calls too," the elder spider ranted. Arackniss kept a cool attitude, "Things just came up. I have a life, well after life, outside of the gang Pops."

Henroin sneered, "And that's fine Arackniss, but when it starts interferin' with work then it becomes a problem. If I have ta have one more person go ta ya apartment and ya ain't there or ya so much as miss another phone call, I'm not goin' to be very happy. Do I make myself clear?"

The smaller spider could feel his heart racing a mile a minute. Every second becoming scarier than the last. "DANTE! ANSWER ME! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!," Henrion yelled. Arackniss hated when his father addressed him by his real name, so he nodded, "Yes Pops. Loud and clear."

Sighing his father shook his head, "Good. Ya are dismissed. I'll have a job for ya tomorrow, don't ya as so much be even a second late."

"I won't be. Promise," the other stated as he got up from the chair. He was quickly out of the office, letting the heavy door close behind him with a resoundingly loud slam. He sighed in relief before heading out into the main area again. Nothing about him and Pent was brought up, but his father was starting to get suspicious of his actions. He had to start being more careful now than ever. One wrong move, one wrong look, even so much as one wrong word, and he could kiss his job and his family goodbye. Probably Pent too....

He sat in the back, trying to keep himself together as his mind spiraled. He needed to come up with a plan. One that wouldn't draw anymore suspicion on him. But how? He pretty much stayed with Pentious all the time now since they started calling themselves official two months ago. Other than the rare occasions that he did go to his apartment of course.

I guess I could start stayin' home more. But maybe I should explain to Pent before just disappearin' for weeks at a time. Granted sometimes my job does that for me. He hates when it does, so I know he's gonna to hate this.

Arackniss sighed, his gut instinct telling him everything was about to go horribly wrong. But he shrugged it off, he could just be overthinking. He did that a lot. He wouldn't put it past himself if that's what he was doing now. Getting up from his set, he noticed two gang members heading down the hall. He guessed his father had a mission for them to do. Besides that wasn't out of the ordinary.

In the office, Henroin waited for the two spiders to arrive, when they did and the door shut, he looked up at them. He was hunched over, elbows resting on the desk, hands intertwined together in front of his face.

"What do ya need us to do boss," the tall brown spider asked first out of the two.

"I need ya ta spy on Arackniss for me. If he's doin' somethin' he knows he shouldn't send me a picture," Henroin ordered, his eyes narrowing a bit.

The two gang members looked at each other, then the grey one responded, "Are ya sure boss? Arackniss doesn't seem like he'd be doing anything you'd disapprove of. He's always been loyal to ya and the gang."

"Do not question me," the old spider barked.
The two nodded their heads frantically.

"Now then, ya may go," he waved a hand dismissively, "Oh but do not as so much let him see ya alright? Don't fail me."

"Yes boss," the two spiders responded in unison, before leaving Henroin alone in his office again.  His eyes narrowed once more, mumbling to himself, "I know ya up to somethin' Dante, and when I found out, I'm goin' ta make King Lucifer look like the nicest being in hell."

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