-Chapter 6-

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Pentious facepalmed, hissing as he nagged at himself, "Friendssssss?! What kinda moron suggestssss friendship after you've fucked them more times than you can count?! Pentiousss for once you're a dumbasss!"

As soon as he got back to his home, he started this. Mentally and verbally cursing himself for his own stupidity. "Boss is everything alright?," one of the eggbois asked, while the others looked up at him. "I'm fine!," he hissed back, throwing his arms up in the air. He wasn't fine, he was mad. Mad at himself, "I wouldn't be surprised if he never wanted to see me again after I said that. Fool, idiot, moron!"

"You're talking about the little spider right Mr.Boss man?"

The reptile looked back down at the eggbois, he didn't know which one asked it, "Yes, yesss I am. Although I don't see how that'sss any of your business!"

"Well...," eggboi #77 started, "Mr.Boss Man, it sounds like-"

Eggboi #52 cut in, "You're in love with the spider!!"


The eggbois scattered quickly, not wanting their boss to act out on his threat. Once the room was cleared of every egg, the snake huffed, "The nerve!"

The next day arrived pretty quickly. At least for Arackniss that is. He was up at four in the morning, getting ready to meet his father about the details of how he had to snipe outta hell this time. It's most likely someone who didn't pay his Pops some money they owed. That was nothing new there. When mafia bosses loaned money to others, they always want it back. If not, they get it back a different way. The unsuspecting victims would pay with their lives. He got out of the shower. He grabbed his towel and dried himself off but didn't bother to wrap it around his waist. After all this was his home, no one was here other than him. Not like anyone would see him. As he reached his bedroom he opened the dresser drawer and pulled out a neatly folded, clean suit to wear. Getting dressed was always annoying when you have six arms. But he manages to do so quickly. Looking at the time his phone said 4:30A.M.

I better go.

Making it to the hide out never took long when you know fast ways to get there. When he entered he was greeted by the gang. Although all of them family in some way, Arackniss never bothered to learn their names. They're just goons at this point anyway. Giving a wave to them he walked to his father's office. He knocked on the heavy doors, and then waited a few minutes. "Come in," his father's voice called from the other side. With swift motions he opened the door. "Mornin' Pops," he greeted. Henroin greeted back, "Mornin' Arackniss. Ya ready?"

"Locked and loaded Pops. Who's my target?"

The huge spider tossed a file out across the table, "This guy, he owes me money, has been refusing to pay for a year. I've grown impatient. So I expect some blood in return instead."

Arackniss picked up the file, and viewed the contents on a demon who looked high class, although he's never heard of the guy. "Okay, I'll handle him," he stated as he put the contents back into its sleeve.

"Then see to it. I heard he'll be having a party with some of his friends tonight. His address is there in the files. Use the correct bullets and send him to the void for me son."

After that, Henroin let his eldest son leave. It's time to get down to business.

Going to said home that was in the contents of the file, Arackniss scoped things out from a distant. He kept himself hidden, which is easy with how small he is. He watched the unsuspecting target through some binoculars. "Tech guy hmm....I can only assume this guy works for Vox, hope tv head doesn't mind losing an employee because he won't be living for much longer," Arackniss mumbled himself quietly. He now knew where and when would be the best time to strike just by watching his target interact with things, and even getting the chance to over hear a conversation. Yup, he was set. So he could take his leave and come back later.

As Hell's sky turned to its usual shade of maroon, Pentious came out from under his air craft. He wiped his brow, he'd been working on this thing for hours without end. "Phew, finally done," he stated out loud as he sat up. An eggboi came over to him with a cold beverage, "Here you go Boss."
Taking the cool drink from the eggboi, he got up from the floor, and took a sip. He set the glass on his work bench before turning to look at his new and improved air craft. He felt beyond proud of himself. "It looks great boss!"

"Yeah," the eggbois were looking at it as well.

"Of course it looks great you buffoons! I, the great and evil Sir Pentious built it with my own hands!"

The snake cackled, the fact he was beaten by Angel, Cherri and Alastor didn't seem to hurt his ego. He was too full of pride. Once he stopped, he decides he should shower. So he slithered up the stairs from his lab. As he reached the top he heard his phone ding from the living room. He was a little annoyed being that he wanted to bathe, but went over to check it, to his surprise it was Arackniss.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~
Arackniss: You okay with me dropping by for a bit?

His heart nearly pounded out of his chest. The little spider wanted to visit?! Well now he definitely had to get cleaned up. He quickly answered.

~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~
Sir Pentious: You're always welcome. Although I just got done working on something, so I'll need to shower.

Arackniss: That's fine. I'll be a few minutes anyway. Got some business to take care of. Cya soon Pent.

Arackniss looked at his phone as a small smile formed, maybe the snake would be willing to let him see what he was working on. Plus he never got that tour. As he slipped his phone into his coat pocket he got himself into position. He on top of a far building away from his target's home.

Okay, ya got this Arackniss. Just one shot to the head with a holy bullet and this fucker is as good as dead. Don't mess up.

He looked through his scope, watching the fox carefully as the male chatted amongst his friends. "Fuck...I need him to move," the spider mumbled, he couldn't get a clear hit on his target due to a red tree blocking them. Luckily the fox had to get up and walked over to the side to answer a phone call. "Perfect," Arackniss grinned.


Screams of horror filled the air as blood splattered from the fox's head and on to the pavement. Demons scattering, not wanting to be the next victim. Arackniss laughed quietly to himself as he watched them. His job was done, so he started packing up. He was actually excited to go see the snake, so he was happy this job didn't take too long.

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