-Chapter 25-

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He's been down there for hours.....maybe I should go talk ta him. But what if I just piss him off further going down there?

Arackniss groaned as he sat at the kitchen counter, he eyed the heavy metal door to the lab, hoping Pentious would come up. But now it's 3A.M. and the snake has yet to make his appearance upstairs. With a sigh he looked at his glass of whiskey in front of him.

"Little boss," an eggboi called, which made the spider turn his head to look down from the tall stool he sat on. "Yeah?"

The eggboi looked to the side nervously, "You should go talk to him, when Boss is upset he won't come back upstairs for days." Arackniss took a sip of his drink, "I don't know if it's best for that right now though...."

"It's always best to talk things out...Mr. Boss Man even said it himself once," the eggboi goes to impersonate Sir Pentious, "One should never go to bed angry or sad because of their partner. I failed that so many times in life....no wonder that woman wassss so unhappy." Now normally when the eggbois tried impersonate the snake, it would usually make Arackniss laugh a tad. Not this time though. He stared down at the small henchman, before speaking, "Alright...I'll...try ta speak with him."

The smaller sinner got off the stool and took out the spare key to the lab that Pent normally kept hidden. As he walked over to the heavy metal door(or in this case doors) he took a deep breath.


Arackniss unlocked it, and the doors opened up to let him go in. As he descended the stairs he mentally had to keep telling himself that he could do this. Yeah he might have royally fucked up his whole relationship but he could still at least try to attempt converse with the serpent. It was better than not trying at all....right? Reaching the bottom he saw Pentious with his back facing the stairs. He swallowed thickly, "Can we talk?" It took the ebony reptile by surprise, but he quickly pulled himself together, "I don't know."

The spider walked up closer to him, "C'mon don't be like that..."

"Like what?! Angry? Upset? Well, I'm ssorry... I'm not the one who betrayed you, you have that backwards Arackniss...," Pentious hissed, slamming a his equipment to the table. The smaller male flinched due to his lover not addressing him by the usual pet name, "H-Hey I know what I did was wrong and ya have every right to be mad....just hear me out will ya?"

With a sigh, the serpent turned to face Arackniss, "...Fine. But this better be good."

The two ended up going back upstairs to talk this out, being the that lab wasn't the best suited place to have this sort of conversation. Arackniss was sitting on the bed with his legs crisscrossed, while his partner sat next him. He wasn't sure where to start, Pentious was clearly pissed off. It made him nervous...like how he was when his father always got mad at him. He felt fidgety, but he tried not to show it as he began to speak, "I want to say I'm sorry....I get ya mad, but y-ya don't understand, I was dyin'!"

"I get that part Arackniss...," the snake hissed, "But what you don't seem to understand is now you're at that asssholes beck and call!! I wanted you to be free to come along in turf wars with me! Now you can't!! You're stuck with him and whatever twisted game he has for that joke of a hotel!! Now I'm going to have to fake nice to him just to keep you here!!"

He flinched again, a whimper escaped his throat. He didn't like this, he didn't like when Pent addressed him like that instead of calling him Niss. Made him think of his father when he was call him by his real name. "I-I know," he stuttered, "I'm just...it's....it was in the moment Pent, I just had my father call me an embarrassment, and then point a gun in my face. After being shot at as I fled, and almost dyin', what was I supposed ta do?!"

"For fuck sake I was scared Pent!...I was so scared," he was rambling on and every word coming out faster than the next as he spoke, "I-I-I was scared ta die a second time, I was scared to lose contact with Anthony again, and most of all I...I was scared I wouldn't see ya again! So I made the deal outta desperation and stupidity knowin' ya two were enemies and yes I know I should have questioned it farther and yes I should have thought about the consequences ta all of it but I didn't okay?! I fucked up! I admit it and I'm sorry! I fucked up and if ya want me ta leave for good I understand!"

Pentious sighed, "Oh, now don't start crying! What'sss gotten into you?" Arackniss blinked, was he crying? He ran a hand up to wipe his own tears. Oh fuck he was crying. He was crying like a bitch and yet he couldn't stop it. "I-I dunno....I-I just don't like ya bein' mad at me....it...just reminds me of Pops....I don't like it...none of this....I hate it."

The serpent eyes softened a bit, "...Niss I'm not your father. I'm not going to hurt you, and I'm definitely not telling you to leave. Ssso will you please try to calm down...we're just having a fight, mosssst coupless do."

Arackniss continued to wipe at his eyes. He wanted to stop crying. It made him feel weak and vulnerable. He didn't like it one bit, but the more he tried to stop it the more tears began to fall. "I-I'm so sorry P-Pent...," he hiccuped. He didn't know if it was because of how late into the night was and it causing his emotions to run on high or what. But sweet Lucifer he was truly a blubbering mess, and Sir Pentious' anger deflated because of it. He instantly pulled the smaller sinner into a hug. "Shhh it's alright, don't cry. Don't cry my spider," he cooed softly, hoping this would calm the other. His red snake eyes watched as Arackniss' small body shook and sobbed into his chest. "Shhh....it's okay," the snake began to coo again. He would continue to do this until the spider had cried himself to sleep. Pentious couldn't help but feel relief upon seeing that, so he used one arm to hold onto Arackniss and the other to shift the bedsheets to the side, before he gently placed the spider down to rest for the night.

Once he pulled the covers over the other's small frame, he let out a yawn. He looked at the time on the digital clock, as it read 4:30A.M. Pent nodded deciding it would be best to go to bed himself. So he joined Arackniss under the covers and clapped his hands, causing the lights to turn off.

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