-Chapter 8-

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Arackniss' face was as red as all eight of his eyes as he was walking to the hide out.

That happened?
        That just fuckin' happened?!
We kissed
       And we weren't drunk either!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is bad. Very bad.

His pace quickened, and he kept his head slightly down. He didn't want anyone to see him all flustered. Why did a kiss have to get him so messed up anyway? It ruined his persona. Oh sweet Lucifer if his little brother could see him right now. He'd probably be laughing at him. Maybe even mocking him, saying something along the lines that he ended up a faggot too.

I am not....I will never be like you Anthony.

He could hear Angel laughing mentally at him for even thinking that. Almost like a laugh to say "whatever ya say big bro. Believe what ya want to believe, but face it, you're like me. Ya like men."

"I DO NOT!," Arackniss yelled out. Causing him to get some strange looks by demons passing by. His face would turn a darker shade of red if it could. His heart racing a mile a minute. With a huff he hurriedly started moving again. He didn't like to bring attention to himself much. Just wasn't his thing. Upon arriving to the hide out, he forced himself not to think about the kiss, Sir Pentious, or his brother taunting him. He just had to report that everything went according to plan. Easy.

The redness left his face as he knocked on the big heavy doors to his father's office. "Come in!"

Arackniss opened one of the doors and slipped into the huge room, "Hey Pops. It's me."

"Good to see ya're back in one piece. So, how did it go?"

"Target has been taken down. So no need to worry about him anymore.," the ebony spider informed.

"Good good. Well then I suppose ya deserve a few days off my boy. So feel free to go on home.," Motioned him to leave. In which Arackniss did so. Back outside he lit a needed cigarette. Taking a long drag as he let the nicotine calm him down. He was getting a few days off. So he could have some time to think about stuff. His mind went back to Sir Pentious. Damn that snake. He poisoned his mind, and now it seemed like that's all he could think about. Maybe he really was becoming like his brother. Not like he'd ever admit it though. But, he'd really wish his relationship with the younger was mended...as he could really could use some advice. He shoved(tried to at least) all six arms into his pant pockets. Letting the cigarette hang from his mouth as he walked. His mind trailed back to the kiss from earlier, causing heat to come to his face once more.

Fuck really?! Come on! I hate this...why does my mind have to do this to me?!? It's just a flippin' kiss, sure it was good, and Pent's lips are kinda soft. But who the hell cares right?!

Arackniss wanted to slam his head to a wall. He cared obviously, otherwise his face would stop lighting up like a damn Christmas tree. Ever an over thinker he was. His mind pulled back and forth between liking the kiss and telling himself that it was wrong. That he couldn't enjoy it, and that he wasn't gay. He wasn't a thing, like his brother. Becoming frustrated he growled at himself, "Pull yourself together dumb-"

"Aww no c'mon Husky don't be like that!," a familiar voice broke Arackniss from his grumbling.

No....that can't be!

Looking up, he saw his younger brother laughing, hugging on a cat demon that had huge wings on his back who didn't appear to look to happy. He mentally started to panic. He didn't even realize he had walked this far. How long had he been in his own mind? What should he do?  What should he say? Should he just try to walk by his brother and act like he didn't know him like he always did? But wait this could be a good time talk to him. Apologize even, but would Angel even accept it? Probably not.

"Arackniss?," Angel's voice pulled him from his mental freak out. He stood there with his for arms crossing, eye brow raised. "Uh, hey Angel," Arackniss responded with. Now the cat was confused, "You two know each other or something?"

With a sigh Angel responded there was a hint of annoyance in there, "I hoped I'd never have to talk about this, nonetheless any of ya meeting my family. Husk, this is my older brother, Arackniss. Arackniss this is, Husk."

"Oh...," was all the old cat could manage to say. He could sense the tall spider wasn't too happy about bumping into the other. "Hi," Arackniss pulled one of his arms out giving a small wave, his attention went back to his brother though, "Ant-I mean Angel, we need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about," Angel growled a bit, "You and Pops said what ya thought about me 70 years ago! I don't need it repeated, thank you very much."

"Angel...I'm not-"

"I don't care about anything ya gotta say," the taller arachnid spat, "come on Husky-"

"Dammit Anthony if you'd just let me speak you'd know that I'd actually want to apologize," realizing he called his brother by his real name, guilt set in, "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean ta slip ya real name out....just....I'm sorry...for everything. I wasn't the best big brother like I should have been ta ya."

Angel stood there, shocked, his arms unfolded. His eldest brother was apologizing to him? Without Ma or Molly here to tell him to like when they were alive. What has gotten into his brother to make him act such a way?

Arackniss lowly laughed, "Who am I kiddin' I know ya hate me so apologizing like this....I'm beyond stupid."

He ran a hand over his face, he felt frustrated at himself. And shit what was is that weird wetness he feels? He felt it when he tripping from his high before.

Fuck! Am I crying?!

Now it was Angel's turn to feel guilty, "C'mon, Niss its okay." He has never seen his brother cry. That was unlike him. Luckily this street is like a dead zone, so no one would see the eldest spider like this. With a sigh, Angel looked at Husk then back at Arackniss, "Come to the hotel with us. I think there's more on ya mind than ya lettin' on."

"To the hotel..?"

Angel smiled, "Yup, the Happy Hotel, well it's not called that anymore, but that's besides the point. Let's talk there okay?"


"Glad we agreed, now let's go because of we're late I don't feel like hearing the Princess' lecture and the moth girl's bitchin'," Husk states, as he started walking. Angel giggled, "Alright alright ya old puss!"

Soon the three were headed to the Hazbin Hotel. The same hotel where Arackniss meet Sir Pentious for the first time.

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