-Chapter 30-

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Angel was getting his guns ready, he was preparing for a hell storm. Niffty was standing by Pentious as he was controlling the ship, and watching Alastor down below stalking through his own shadow. She was talking the poor serpent's head off, while Husk was next to the white arachnid, sharpening his claws. The eggbois seemed to be worried about Arackniss asking if they found "little boss" yet. "Who da fuck is little boss," Angel asked. "They mean Nisss...that's what they call him," Sir Pentious answered him without turning away from the controls.

Arackniss panted over the shovel, his body trembling. All this digging and the abuse from earlier taking its toll on him. "Keep diggin'," one of the gang members kicked him. He grunted, "I am..." With a shaky breath he started shoveling dirt again.

An hour or so passed, Hell's "sky" was starting to turn into a dark maroon. Arackniss sighed as he shoveled the last bit of dirt. He knew where this was going. "Come on out boy," Henroin demanded. Doing as he was told he stood at the foot of his own grave. A gun immediately put in between his eyes.

Well....I guess this is really it huh....? I'm sorry Pent...

He closed his eyes, he could do nothing more...he had to accept his fate. He could hear his father's grip tighten onto the gun. "What the fuck," he heard the elder spider say out loud, which caused him to open his eyes again. There he saw an aircraft above with a spotlight pointing down at them. Relief washed over him like a tsunami. "My my Arackniss you've gotten yourself in some trouble," Alastor's chipper voice rung before he appeared next to the spider. The goons eyes widened, "Holy fuck it's the Radio demon!"

"Ah why yes hello it is I, glad you all seem to know me so well," the red demon's smile only widened. "Radio demon, this has nothin' ta do with ya. Leave," Henroin growled, his gun still in the smaller spider's face. "Oh I'm afraid it does," the red deer answered darkly. Behind the the elder spider, the others had come down from the airship. Angel being the first, followed by Husk, Pent, and then Niffty.

"Pezzo di merda," Angel growled aiming a gun to his father, "Let him go!"

Sir Pentious grabbed the other goons with his tail, and started constricting them. Henroin just laughed, "Ya dumbasses think I'm not prepared for this kinda shit?!"

He whistles and other members come out of the red sea of trees. Angel's eyes widened, "Fuck! Get ready for one of hell of a fight!" Niffty pulled out her knives as Husk readied himself. Alastor's eyes turned into radio dials and Pentious threw the three goons he had before pulling out a ray gun.

Members of the gang started firing. Some hitting with bats, or pipes. They all quickly started fighting back, they were out numbered but with Alastor on their side they can put up a fair fight. Angel dodged as a bat was swung at him, and then turned to shoot the guy in the face. One started to aim at the white spider, but before the shot could be fired, Husk attacked. Ripping the fool's throat out like a feral animal before spitting it to the ground with disgust. The taller sinner smiled at his boyfriend, "Thanks Husky~ I appreciate ya watchin' my back." The demon cat nodded, before attacking another. Niffty was quick on her tiny feet, allowing her to dodge and jump around while throwing one her knives into the heads of the goons. She giggled as more surrounded her, "Oh fun!" Sir Pentious was shooting other demons with his ray gun as he tried to make his way to Arackniss while the Radio Demon is keeping Henroin distracted from the other.

The ebony spider felt weak, all of hell felt like it was spinning, so he sat down. Holy water seemed to still be in his system and causing his stomach to turn once more, he vomited up blood on the dirt below, "Ugh...." To his surprise though, he felt tiny hands lift him up. He looked down to see the eggbois were joining in on the fight, while some helped him to his feet. "We were worried about you little boss," one of the eggbois spoke up and the others agreed. He gave a tired smile, the guys were fighting for him. Every single one of them. The eggs managed to help him over to Sir Pentious, the snake immediately wrapped an arm around his small frame, protecting him. "My spider, are you alright," the serpent asked, worry in his voice. Arackniss clung to him, "I am now....just give me a moment to get my bearings....I'll fight."

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