-Chapter 5-

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Rubbing his eyes, the small spider sat up. Sir Pentious wasn't in the bed with him. He guessed the snake thought it'd be okay for take his leave seeing that he'd fallen asleep, but the noise from the kitchen caught his attention. His high now almost nonexistent, he got up, before exiting the bedroom. There he saw Pent, with a few eggbois cooking something to eat. He seemed to be happy, humming a tune as he did so. As he turned to spot the other standing in the door frame, he smiled,"Sleep well?"

"Uhh, yeah...," Arackniss mumbled. "Hmm, I'm ssure you're hungry so I figured I'd cook you something with what I could find," the snake stated as he placed a plate of food onto the kitchen counter. The smaller's stomach growled, letting him know he was in fact, hungry. So he walked over to kitchen. He didn't have stools and he really didn't feel like standing so he hopped onto the counter, letting his feet hang off the edge. "How do you feel? The high finally down?," Sir Pentious asked, going and making a plate for himself.

Arackniss looked down at the food. It wasn't much, just some ham and cheese pasta. Granted he didn't have a lot to begin with. "Yes, thankfully its almost completely gone," he answered the other's question as he picked up his fork. "You know you had me worried Nisss," the snake informed as he went over to join him.

"Ah...I didn't mean to cause ya trouble Pent....," Arackniss looked over to the side before taking a bite of the food. He didn't know if it was because he was starving or what but damn, it tasted good. The snake sighed, "You didn't cause any trouble...jusssst, if you're going to get high, please tell someone before hand."

"What? Want me to call ya every time I decide to dope up," the spider dryly joked.

"If you'd like to. I wouldn't mind it"

Arackniss stared over at him, a bit confused, but he was shocked more than anything. Was this guy being serious? Pentious noticed his staring, "What? is there something on my face?" The smaller coughed awkwardly and quickly looked away, "N-no. Not at all....I was just surprised I guess."

"I see...well I didn't mean to sssurprise you. But I am being serioussss about you telling me when you're about to get high. Besides, I'd like to believe we're friends, despite somethingsss."

The spider nearly choked on his food. Friends...?! Seriously?! He didn't know if he liked being called just friends. But tried to mask how he felt with his normal moody exterior, "Yeah, sure." After that they both fell silent as they ate.

Once they finished their meal and straightened up the kitchen Sir Pentious smiled, "Well I supposse I should get going."
Arackniss felt his heart ache a little, but nodded. The ebony snake picked up his phone off the counter, "Goodbye Nisss."

"Cya...," Arackniss called as the snake slithered over to the door. As the door closed, the spider added, "Be careful..."

He sighed, he felt ridiculous. Falling for that loud mouthed, goofy, prideful, yet caring snake. They were friends though....at least that's what Pent thought. So why did it hurt to think that's all they'll be in the end. Just friends. Do friends sleep with each other though? Shaking off the question, he settled on his couch, and stared up at the ceiling.

What have I gotten myself into?

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