-Chapter 12-

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Sitting on the couch in his apartment, he took a long draw from his cigarette. Angel's words still going through his head on reply. "Just hide it all huh?," Arackniss mumbled to himself, letting his cigarette hang from his mouth. He would have to be so careful, to not draw any suspicious to himself. Especially around his father. The spider looked at his phone, resting on the messages from this morning that Pentious had sent him. He desperately wanted to talk with him, maybe even actually confess. But he decided to hold off on it.

His phone dinged catching his attention, it was Sir Pentious, but wasn't. It appeared the eggbois had grabbed the serpent's phone and was sending him pictures of the snake who was reading. He felt his face heat up a bit, damn did Pent look hot as hell. The snake had his hood tied up in a pony tail like yesterday, but he was wearing a red dress shirt, it was unbuttoned a little. Slightly exposing his chest, and he was wearing reading glasses all while sitting in the red chair in his study.

Another one was sent, but this time it was a video. "What do you eggsss think you're doing?! Give me that?!," Sir Pentious hissed, his eyes narrowed. "We're sending nice pictures of you to Little Boss!," one of the eggbois explained. You would have thought the ebony snake's eyes would have popped out of his head for a second before they narrowed once more, "Give me my phone now or I'm cracking everyone of you incompetent foolsss-!"

After that the video ended with Pentious lunging over to whatever eggboi was holding the phone. Arackniss laughed a little, he was so harsh on his poor little henchmen, although they acted more like children at times. His phone dinged once more, which his smile only grew.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages~~~~~~~~~
🐍: I'm so sorry about them sending you stuff Niss. I didn't even realize they managed to get my phone. Must've been too into my book.

Arackniss: Its fine. I don't mind it, ya look good like that you know?

Sir Pentious was standing in the middle of his study completely pissed off due to the eggbois taking his phone without permission. He quickly apologized to the small arachnid, but found his face heating up as he read what Arackniss sent him. He looked good? His lips curved into a small smile, "So he finds me attractive like this? Well then why not show him what he likesss~" Oh how he had to take this opportunity to tease. He messed with his shirt a little, making it so that way even more of his chest showed, fixed his glasses, and then put his hand on his hood like it was running through hair. As the he looked at the camera he playfully winked as the picture was taken. As he sent it, he sent a little thank you message as well.

When the phone dinged again, Arackniss picked it up off the kitchen counter. As he unlocked his phone, his heart nearly leaped out of his chest. There was a sexy picture of Pent with his shirt a little messier and more revealing and winking with a message saying "Thank you, I'm glad you think I look quite appealing~" 

He couldn't believe that the ebony snake sent that. Arackniss cover his face as his blush only got worse. But then a wicked little smirk formed on his face, "Alright then Pent, ya want to be like that huh? Well two can play that game." As he sat the phone down he quickly removed his dress shirt, letting his whole chest torso be exposed. His small body quite built, and even had a few scars on his back that he gained from knife fights, as well a bullet scar on his right shoulder. He laid back on the couch, giving the most innocent smile he can muster. After the picture was taken he gave it a look over. "Oh yeah that's good," he laughed, but he was confident this would have Pentious weak. He sent it off with a little message as well.

Sir Pentious wasn't expecting an answer back from the other, figured he'd be a shaking red mess to even be able to pick up the phone again. He was slightly grinning to himself. That was such a mean tease and he knew it, but the poor spider left him a golden opportunity to flirt with him. He'd be stupid not to take advantage of it. He sunk back into his chair, a content sigh left his mouth. He was full of pride. When his phone dinged, he raised a brow, as he lifted it up he unlocked it immediately. He was met with a very cute, yet sexy photo of Arackniss with a message that said, "Of course why would I not~?" The snake's heart was beating faster now, his smile grew even more. "Ah so you can flirt back my little spider~," he cooed out loud.

Oh how fun this was going to be.

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