-Chapter 4-

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Arackniss answered the phone, still panicked by his awful trip, he didn't dare let the snake get a chance to say a word before opening his own mouth, "Help....please....I...can't breathe..."

"Niss? What'sss the matter," Sir Pentious asked on the other end.

"Help....," the spider pleaded again, "please..."

Now the reptile was worried, why was Arackniss' breathing so labored, what was going on over there. He had to get an answer. So he used his tail to pick up the eggboi that was holding up his phone for him. He gently placed the egg on his shoulder and spoke again, "Niss, where are you right now?"

"Home....," the other panted, "North....side....please...I...."

"Okay, just stay on the phone with me Nisss, I may need you to guide me to your home," Pentious responded as he started out. He'd have to get there by tail, since his new air craft was still a work in progress. "....Okay....," Arackniss panted out.

The spider laid on the floor, his hand clutching his chest, he just wanted to breathe again. Why can't he breathe?! Why was the made up scene with his father playing over and over again in his doped up mind? He started to pull at his hair, "S-stop....please....n-no more."
"Nisss, can you give me directions, the quickest way you can think of. I'm on the west side of the pentagram," the snake broke through the image of his father hurting him. "Yeah...," Arackniss responded.

Through all his panic he'd manage to guide Pentious to his apartment complex, it was a challenge to say the least but he did it. He could hear the snake trying to open the door, but the door is locked. He'd have to get up again...could he?


Sir Pentious was concerned when he didn't get a answer. The phone was silent, but his hood flared up a tad when he heard some movement on the other side of the door. The other was in there. Thank Lucifer, he thought the spider had fainted. "Ugh...," Arackniss had to use the wall as support as his legs wobbled like a child trying to walk for the first time. He had to get to the door, let the snake in. He could feel himself getting light headed, the world around him starting to spin. "No...not now...almost...," he grabbed the handle.


The door unlocked, and Arackniss quickly opened it. Only to fall right into Pentious' arms. He couldn't stand any longer, everything was spinning at such a rapid pace. God, he felt sick...yet he hadn't ate anything since last night. "Niss...," the reptile held the other close, by one look, he knew the smaller was on something and was now paying the consequences. With a sigh, he picked Arackniss up(which isn't hard, the guy is pretty light), and went inside the crummy apartment. "Letss try something Niss, every time I say an odd number you breathe in, every even you breathe out. Can you do that for me?"
He only got a nod, so he sighed again, "Alright then, one."

Arackniss took a sharp breath of air.


He exhaled.


The spider inhaled again.


A shaky breath left the smaller's mouth.


He breathed in once more.


Despite the Arackniss shaking like a leaf, he calmly exhaled this time.

"See, you're okay Nisss," the snake soothed him, rubbing small circles into his back, "Letss get you to bed." Sir Pentious looked from where he stood. It didn't take him long to find the bedroom, as it's door was slightly open, showing a bit of the mattress. He slithered into the small bedroom and gently placed Arackniss onto the bed. All eight eyes looked up at him, completely glossed over from whatever drug, and tears. "You need some resst," the ebony snake stated as he pulled a blanket over Arackniss' small frame. As he turned to leave the room, a hand stopped him. His hood flared out and he turned to see the spider looking at him still, but there was a pleading look to them.

"Please...don't leave me....I don't want to be alone right now...," the spider begged. Oh how Pentious' evil heart ached at those words. So he settled on the bed by the other's feet, "I won't leave. Not till itss out of your system, or unless you tell me too."

He felt movement, causing him to look back over to see Arackniss had moved over a bit to make room. One of his many arms stretched out and patted the space next to him, calling the snake to lay beside him. With a small smile, Sir Pentious obeyed. To his surprise though, the small spider snuggled up to his chest. He got the message though.

Oh, he wants to be held...okay I can do that.

The snake wrapped his arms around Arackniss. His mind swirling on its own, because here he was, with a guy he met only three months or so ago. They had slept with each other several times, but something about this was so different. It felt nice to feel an unfamiliar, yet ever so gentle warmth in his chest.

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