-Chapter 11-

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A cold hand poked Arackniss' back, causing him to to groan and turn over. There was another poke and another, then another. He grumbled, tiredly sitting up. He rubbed his eyes, "Who the hell-?!"

He was suddenly yanked out of the bed by his small feet, and the bed sheets covered him head to toe. While now on the floor he pushed the sheets over his head to see a shadow looking much like Alastor. "What the fuck?!," he jumped as it seemed to be laughing but no sound came out. Realizing the spider was looking at it, it retreated by going under the door. This was definitely a rude awakening. He grumbled, glancing at the clock. It was 6A.M. On the dot. He started dressing himself quickly, making sure not forget his phone.

What the hell was that thing?

Once dressed he opened the door to see Alastor with his wicked grin, "Why good morning! Since you're here I thought you'd like to join us all for breakfast!"

The deer was way to cheerful for the small sinner to handle at this time of morning. He narrowed his eyes a bit and slumped, "I suppose I could eat."

"That's great! Charlie went to get Angel and Husk up. So they should be coming down as well," Alastor stated as he started walking, "come along." That's when the shadow made its presence visible again, it looked at Arackniss and giggled. "Do be nice to the arachnid my dear I don't feel like dealing with Angel this morning" His shadow huffed, wanting to mess the ebony spider some more, but shrugged and faded into the red deer's shadow that was on the floor. Arackniss looked up at the other "So that thing is with ya?"

"You mean my shadow? Why yes its a part of me, although it tends to have a mind of it's own at times," Alastor explained as he adjusted his monocle. "Next time if I'm here tell it not ta yank me outta bed," the spider informed. A laughing track was played, "My apologies my small fellow, I told it to wake you. I should have expected it would give you a rude wake up call."

Arackniss could tell that the other wasn't being sincere, but he shrugged it off. Not like he was going to push it. After all, he wasn't about to mess with the Radio Demon himself. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Angel and Husk had come down from the other side. Alastor's smile grew wider, "Good morning Angel, Husker!"

"Mornin' Smiles, Niss," Angel smiles down at his older brother, "Hope ya slept alright."

"Mornin' and I slept fine, until someone's shadow woke me up," Arackniss looked over at Alastor, who was already making his way to the kitchen. Husk snorted, "Oh yeah I should've warned you about that. He used to pull that shit on me if I slept in my old room. But since I'm in Angel's room more now he avoids that room as much as possible."

"Why? Is he too scared he'll walk in on something?," Arackniss asked with a bit of a breathy laugh.

The three were walking to the kitchen now, "Oh Smiles has walked in on us. Twice now. Poor guy was like a deer in headlights."

"Hey he learned to knock after the second time though. So I ain't bitching," Husk shrugged as they reached the kitchen. Niffty had prepared breakfast this morning. Of course Alastor helped quite a bit before going to wake up the other arachnid. Charlie soon came to join everyone, with Vaggie at her side. They all settled down as Niffty put the final thing on the table. As they ate everyone chatted here and there. Charlie was asking Arackniss somethings as well. "So Arackniss what do you do down here in hell?," she asked. "I'm a hitman," Arackniss bluntly answered with a deadpan expression. Although he wouldn't say for what or who. "O-oh, I see, that's interesting...," the princess wore a worried expression. He shrugged and went back to eating. Angel was being affectionate towards Husk, who didn't seem to mind it. Still though he watched as the old cat put some alcohol in his coffee, before taking a sip. "So is that how ya handle my brother?," he asked the cat. Husk chuckled at that and played along with the joke, "Sure is. How I handle about everything." "Hey!," Angel acted offended, "Now that's just cold babe, but that's okay, when you're drunk off ya ass ya love to cuddle and stick ya face in my fluff."

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