-Chapter 21-

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Arackniss woke up in a dark room, his wounds still open but have stopped bleeding. "Wh-where am I?"

"Ah you're up," Alastor got up from his seat, "You are in a pocket dimension I made. And if you want to live my friend, then I suggest you will take this proposal."


The deer demon nodded, "Correct. You see in here your wounds will stop festering, but the moment I drop us out of here you will pass out again and slowly die. So, I would like to make a deal with you."

The small spider looked down at his body, his wounds have indeed, stopped bleeding. "What do ya want then," he asked slowly looking up at the taller sinner. "Well, its nothing too harsh, you'd be working for me, seeing you've already been rejected by your gang..."

Arackniss looked to the side, it stung but it was true. He couldn't go back to the gang nor his father. Not after this. "and what do I get outta this other than continuing my afterlife."

Alastor laughed, "You're a smart one, well you'd get to see your..." he cleared his throat, "your boyfriend again. And I won't hurt the fool. If this doesn't work out I can always leave you to die." The spider looked skeptical, and his eyes watched as one of the other's arms leaned downward to him. Green flames appeared in the outstretched hand and wind swirled around the two, "So tell me my fine friend, do we have a deal?"

I'll get to see Pentious again....

He looked wary but sighed, before accepting the hand, "We have a deal."

The deer demon's smile widened ever so slightly, as the deal was accepted. His crimson eyes watching as Arackniss own eyes widened at the sight of a deer skull marking appearing on his chest. "The deal is now sealed my friend. Now let's get you fixed up shall we?"


The spider instantly fell unconscious again as the dark room faded and they appeared in the lobby of the hotel.

"What the fuck," Husk's eyes widened at the sight behind Angel. "What's the matter- ARACKNISS!," The taller arachnid quickly got up and ran over to his brother, "Alastor what the hell did ya do?!"

Alastor cocked an eyebrow, "I didn't do anything, this is the work of your father. I brought him here figuring Husker could fix him up."

"Shit then get him to one of the rooms dammit! Not here," the demon cat grabbed the kit under the bar. Angel scooped his brother into his arms, just as Charlie walked in, "OH MY GOSH?! What happened?!"

Husk and Angel didn't answer they just headed upstairs to a vacant room. The princess immediately followed clearly concerned.

"Lay him on the bed. Princess please you don't want to be in here for this," The cat commanded while trying to keep Charlie out. "Husky we don't have time to bicker with her, if we wait too long these injuries will kill him," Angel stated. Husk groaned, going over to the smaller spider on the bed. He started checking to make sure that the other was breathing. "He's still alive, but barely, Princess since you're in here do me a favor. Go to that new patron we got. Ya know that little fish guy? He has some equipment he brought with him, tell him I need to borrow it. Quickly," the cat ordered as he started stripping Arackniss of the remaining clothing. Charlie nodded and ran out of the room leaving the three. As Husk pulled off Arackniss' coat his eyes widened, "That bastard..."

"What," the younger spider's voice was full of worry. Husk covered Arackniss' chest, he didn't want Angel to see Alastor's mark. He pulled the older's phone out of the coat pocket, handing it to his partner, "Nothing. Don't worry. I got this. Call the snake he needs to know that his boyfriend has been injured." As Angel went to do what Husk told him to, the cat turned his attention back to the mark, he had one too, on the bottom of his foot, although his was faint, Arackniss' wasn't. Meaning it was new. He was going to have a few choice words for that damn deer later for now, he had to start trying to remove the bullets.

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