-Chapter 13-

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Arackniss may have started a game he couldn't win. The snake was good at this whole flirting thing. The last text Pent sent left him feeling a little hot and bothered. He sat on his bed racking his brain of an idea for a good message to send or even a picture to take. But nothing came up. It was late but he was sure his brother would still be up. So he pulled up his brother, the two had exchanged numbers while they chatted at the hotel. He started messaging him.

~~~~~~~~~~Hellphone Messages ~~~~~~~~~
Arackniss: I need some help...please

Angel: With?

Arackniss: Pentious.

Immediately Angel video called him. So he answered," Holy fuck! Ya ain't messin' around are ya huh? So what's goin' on?"

"So we started trying to out flirt each other.," Arackniss explain.

"So like a flirt off?! Oh shit, let me tell ya the best ways to get a guy to bust their fuckin' load!," Angel was practically grinning. His brother was all in this shit, and he was going help Arackniss get him a man, "What was the last thing Pen sent ya?"

Arackniss' face turned pink too embarrassed to say it, but he did and it only caused his blush to darken. The younger arachnid laughed, "Oh-ho! Penny got it bad for Nissy, okay so this is how we'll finish him-"

Husk grumbled," I'm trying to fucking sleep."

Angel rolled his eyes, and muted his side of the video call, "Oh re-lax babe, once I'm done schoolin' Niss, I'll suck ya dick, that always helps ya sleep." 

"Ugh fine," Husk acted annoyed but he wasn't. After all he was getting something outta this. As Angel unmuted their side, Arackniss raised a brow.

"Don't worry about it, Husky is just being himself. Anyway let's discuss all that you've sent him."

As the older brother explained everything the two had sent from photos to text messages in this flirt off. Angel nodded, "Not bad, but Penny has ya beat right now. After saying he'd teach ya how ta arch ya back like that. Oh man, I didn't know that snake had it in him ta be like that. Ya said he likes the pictures of ya the most right?"

"Yeah," Arackniss didn't know where this was going.

"Okay don't respond ta him, make him think he's won this time and come back ta the hotel at nine in the morning! I'm goin' ta help ya blow that serpent out of the water!," the white spider giggled and ended the video call.

Arackniss just sat there, and blinked. What was his brother planning? And how much was he going to regret it.

Just like Angel told him, Arackniss was back at the hotel at 9A.M. he was greeted by Alastor, "Oh why hello Arackniss! I'm surprised to see you here again today."

"Uh yeah...," he was actually nervous. He hoped no one from the gang saw him head this direction. "Well I'm afraid I can't stay and chit chat, I have some personal business to attend to," the deer stated as he let the smaller arachnid inside. His voice sounding much more sinister as he added, "Do be so kind to not cause any trouble for the hotel."
After that Alastor teleported away. Arackniss was confused, yet very afraid. Although he didn't show that he was scared of the radio show host, but that didn't mean he didn't wear his confused expression.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?!

"Niss!," Angel ran up to his brother, happy to see him, "Ya ready ta leave Penny wantin' ta fuck ya so hard ya won't be able ta walk for a week?!"

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