-Chapter 24-

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"LITTLE BOSS," the eggbois practically tackled the small spider as soon as the two walked into the room. "Oof! I-uh hi," he gave a smile, "Sorry I made ya worry so much." Arackniss patted one of their heads like you would a pet. A hand reached down towards, "You eggsss need to not be ssso rough," Sir Pentious hissed as he helped his boyfriend up. "Sorry boss," the eggbois spoke in unison. The spider dusted off his suit, "It's alright Pent, it seems like ya all missed me...I..I don't think I ever really had someone actually miss me for as long as I've been in hell..."

Pentious pulled Arackniss close, "Of coursssse we'd miss you," Their foreheads touched, "Welcome back home Niss~"

The eggbois took this as their sign to let the two have some privacy, but not without snapping a picture, which caused the couple to look surprised. The snake hissed, "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Taking a cute photo with your phone boss, see," the eggboi with the serpent's phone turned to show the picture of the couple he just took. Sir Pentious blinked, then look down at his pocket, "WHEN DID YOU TAKE MY PHONE YOU CHICKEN FETUES?!"

Arackniss rolled his eyes but smirked. He brought a hand to the other's face and forced him to turn his direction once more, "Who cares about the damn phone Pent, I want you~"

The snake grinned, "Then I ssupposssee we should take thissss to the bedroom~"

The two kissed feverishly as soon as they made it into the bedroom. As they started to remove bits of clothing, tossing it off the sides of the bed without a care. Sir Pentious broke the kiss, and started kissing and nipping down his lover's neck. Which in turned got small moans out of the spider, "P-Pent...," Arackniss is still in his dress shirt and boxers, his hair a mess, and chest rising and falling from the sharp breaths he took and panted out. The serpent was admiring this look, he liked seeing the smaller sinner like this, especially under him, "Yessss my ssspider~?" His hands slowly working on unbuttoning the yellow dress shirt the other was wearing. As the shirt started to slide off of Arackniss' small form he stopped. There was a red marking on him that he'd never seen before. It was the shape of a deer skull, and his mind instantly clicked, "Niss?"


"What's thisss," he already knew but he wanted the other to confess.

Arackniss twitched when Pentious ran his hand over the mark, it was still sensitive. He couldn't really tell the snake who's mark it was. After all, with the time he's been with him, he's learn that Alastor and Pentious are pretty much enemies. But he wanted to be honest with his lover, so with a heavy sigh he spoke, "It's a mark...."

The serpent's eyes narrowed, "Who'sss mark?"

It felt hard to swallow as Arackniss looked over to the side, "Alastor's....I...I uh...work for him now...."

Sir Pentious' hood flared and he quickly got up off the bed, he was now pissed, "And you didn't tell me thisss?!"

"I was plannin' ta, I just didn't know how I was goin' ta break the news....," the spider confessed as he sat up. "He's my enemy Nissss," the snake hissed, "How do think this makes me feel?!"

"I-I know, but I had no choice! If I didn't agree I would have died! That's why I did it! I wanted ta continue my afterlife...."

Pentious shook his head and snarled, "So you just quickly accepted the deal without thinking how that would affect everything?! What if he uses you to kill me Arackniss?!" The spider softly whimper at his words, he didn't even think about that. Granted he didn't really think at all other than getting to see Pent again. "I...," he couldn't find his tongue. What could he say really? Pentious had every right to be mad here. Alastor and Sir Pentious were enemies, to make a deal with his lover's enemy...he only assume that Pentious felt betrayed. He gulped, "Pent...I'm sorry...I didn't think..."

The snake was standing there with his arms crossed, "That's very clear to me..."

Arackniss sighed, the mood had shifted from happy to tense and awkward. He fixed his shirt and got up from the bed. He hesitantly walked over to the other, "Pent....?"

"I'm going to the lab...just....let me have some time to think...," Sir Pentious fixes himself up and left the bedroom. Leaving the spider there alone.

Way ta go Arackniss. Ya've officially just fucked ya relationship.....Ya dumbass.
He went over, flopping down on the bed with a sigh.

What the hell do I do now....?

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