-Chapter 26-

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Arackniss yawned as he woke up. He looked at his phone. It had 6:05A.M. plastered on the screen with bold white numbers. He rubbed his eyes as he fully didn't take in the time. They felt a little a bit swollen because of crying himself to sleep. Sir Pentious stirred, causing him to look over surprised, "Pent?...You're here? I for sure thought ya would have ditched me for the couch or something..."

The other opened his eyes to look at him, "Why would I do that? That ssounds uncomfortable."

Sighing, the spider, laid on his stomach, "I...I dunno....I'm sorry about cryin' on ya like that. A-are we okay?" Pentious placed a hand on his lover's head, "We are just fine Niss...and don't apologize for crying....but I do ask one thing of you."

Arackniss leaned into the touch, "What is it?"

"What you displayed concerned me. You were freaking out on me....and in the mist of it all I realized why....Niss, you need to open up more about your emotionssss," the serpent sat up, his eye closed as he explained, "Keeping everything bottled up like that isn't healthy."

He opened them when he heard movement, turning his head to see Arackniss sitting up on the side of the bed hugging himself. "Niss...?"

"I'm sorry....I neva wanted ya ta see me like that....normally I'm able to stop myself...."

"And how do you do that exactly," Pentious asked, watching at the spider hugged himself a little tighter. "Ya don't wanna know...."

The taller sinner arms crossed over his chest, "If I didn't want to know I wouldn't be assking. I want you to be open with me Niss, please. Trusst me....."

With a sigh Arackniss spoke up, "Usually....I have to hurt myself.....like scratch myself on the arm, or thigh...., sometimes my face, so hard I can I draw blood...I pull myself back that way I-"

He was cut off as the snake pulled him onto his lap, back pressed to other's chest. Sir Pentious moved Arackniss' arms that was were holding onto the slim form and replaced them with his own as he rested his chin on the spider's shoulder. He didn't know what to say to him, the spider clearly needed some help with fixing his broken web after such a harsh storm has ruined it. All he knew is he didn't want his spider to hurt himself for simply having emotions. If he saw it, he would put a stop to it...let Arackniss spill out anything he needed to get off his chest. Gently, he placed a small kiss on the nape of his lover's neck, "If anything is on your mind my SweetNiss, pleasssse do not hurt yourself...tell me. Okay?"

The spider gave a small smile at the new nickname, it was so clearly a play on the word sweetness. "Okay...I'll try...and same ta ya. Tesoro~"

So yeah this chapter is short, but I wanted a cute little chapter based on them making up and just letting each other know they can be each other's shoulder to cry on. The idea of Arackniss hurting himself when he starts getting emotional, as well as the pet names SweetNiss and Tesoro is all inspired/taken from Nadairead from twitter. Their Pentniss artwork is so amazing and beautiful to look at, and brings me so much joy, so please go check them out.

Also if google translate is correct, Tesoro is Italian for treasure. But bare with me as I do not speak Italian.

Anyway hope ya continue to like the story.

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