-Chapter 29-

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"Swallow it," the leader of three was holding Arackniss' mouth shut after they had just poured holy water into it. It tasted terrible as it had a strange metallic taste that only amplified when the inside of his mouth began to bleed. Having no choice he swallowed it down so they would let go. Its only a matter of seconds before he'd start sweating and throwing up, as demon bodies aren't made to handle holy water. Just as he thought, sweat started to form on his forehead, his stomach felt as if someone had reached their hand in there and crushed it, shook it and then flipped it. It felt truly awful. He turned his head to the side of the chair started coughing, before bile mixed with blood expelled from his small form and onto the concrete below. These guys wouldn't give him time to breathe as the process was done once more. It felt even worse the second time.

They would do this over and over again, until the small sinner's trembling body could only vomit blood and stomach acid. He coughed as blood trailed down from his mouth. The sound of the heavy warehouse doors caused him to look up, a familiar silhouette walked in, as the doors slam shut, Henroin was now visible to him.

"I see ya boys did a number on him," the old spider raised a brow upon seeing his son. "P-Please Pops....just...," he coughed, blood dripped onto his suit, "let me go...."

The elder snarled, balling up his fists before landing a hard blow to his son's right eye, "Ya think ya have any right ta speak?!"

Henroin stepped back and crossed his arms, "There's only one way this is gonna end."

Arackniss swallowed thickly at his words as tears threatened to make their presence know, "No Pops—"

The small spider was knocked unconscious once more.

"Any newsss yet," Sir Pentious asked as he came through the door. Angel shook his head, leaving him to sigh. He settled down on one of the other sofas, his hands resting on the sides of face. They waited until a shadow zoomed out from under the entrance, going over to Alastor. His ear twitched, "What have you found?"

The shadow pointed as if to say "I'll lead just follow." So with a nod, he got up, "Come on then, lead the way."

The others immediately hopped to their feet...well in Pent's case tail. "I can follow in my ship," the serpent stated. He looked at Angel and the others, "You're free to ride along as long as you don't break anything." He mainly aimed that at the tall arachnid. "I will follow from the ground, I am much faster in the shadows anyway," the deer responded. Sir Pentious gave a nod, the others agreed to get on the ship. They would follow Alastor from the air.

On the outskirts of the Pentagram, Arackniss was in the back of a trunk, he was gaged and tied. He groaned once more as he was awakened by a hard slam on the breaks which sent him over to hit the walls of the confining space.

Fuck....this is it....this is how I die the second time....oh...God....

The trunk opened causing bright light to shine in his eyes, he squinted. "Get him outta there," he heard Henroin command. Rough hands pulled him out of the trunk, forcing him to stand on his feet. His legs trembled like a new born fawn, hardly able to keep himself steady. "Come on. Walk," one of the goons pushed him forward a bit. He almost fell, but was quick to get himself as steady as he could. Their guns pointed at him. As they walked his father was in front of him, his back facing him. He gulped as they stopped in front of an area where a shovel laid. "Ya know what to do boy. Get to it," his father commanded, as his arms were untied. They watched Arackniss walk over and pick up the shovel, he couldn't escape it this time. If he ran for it, shot, if he did what he was supposed to, shot. He was damned either way. At least this way he'd have a grave....

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