-Bonus Chapter 1: Arguments-

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This bonus chapter is inspired by nadairead's pentniss week artwork on day 6, for Pain/Healing! I tried to built upon it, but I will say it again, please go check them out on Twitter! Their artwork is everything.

It has been almost a year since the the incident with Arackniss' father. Angel had only been able to visit once, and it had to be quick due to him having to go to work. Today though, the younger brother decided to drop by unannounced and was full of questions.

Angel was in the lab with Pentious, looking at everything, "So what's this thing do?"

Sir Pentious turned to see what he was looking at, "Oh it's for—"

"Don't care...Oh, what's about this," he asked looking at some sort of weapon. "Well that'sss my—"

Once more he was cut off by the tall arachnid, "Eh...I'm bored...Ya ever make anythin' useful. Like a way to snort drugs without it gettin' stuck in the back of ya nose?"

The serpent was getting annoyed, "I don't take drugssss!"

Angel smirked, "Of course not, your a grandpa."

Arackniss walked down into the lab, he wanted to check up on the two of them, "Hey, ya guys doin' okay down here?"

Sir Pentious hissed out a his response, "No! I swear I'm going to kill your brother!"

He looked confused at his lover, "What? Why?" His brother only rolled his eyes, shoving the poor snake to the side, "Ignore him Niss, he's bein' a big grandpa baby...," his attention went to something else, "Oh what's this for?!"

"STOP TOUCHING THINGSSSS," the ebony serpent snapped, he just wanted the horny spider to leave his home so he could have his peace to work. "Ya the one who invited me over," Angel scoffed. Arackniss wasn't sure what to do, he was scared to lose the last bit of family he had. "YOU INVITED YOURSSELF OVER," Sir Pentious gritted his teeth.

"And ya didn't object ta it."

"....I swear to Sssatan."

The smaller arachnid walked over to him, placing a hand over one of his lover's, "Calm down Pent, he's just bein' curious."

"Annoying is more like it," the snake grumbled. While the two finished talking they turned to find Angel had left the lab, so the couple quickly went up stairs, where they found the white demon looking around their bedroom. He looked over at his brother and the snake, "So this is where the magic happens...Ya guys got any toys? I can recommend a great store."

This was it, this was the straw that broke the camel's back for Pentious, he'd had enough, "THAT'SSS IT!"

Without a second thought the serpent slithered over and grabbed Angel's arm with an iron grip before he started to head to the entrance to his home. Arackniss' eyes widened, and he followed them as fast as his legs would take him.

"GET OUT," Sir Pentious threw the younger spider out the door and slammed it. He huffed and puffed until he calmed down enough to turn around to find Arackniss standing behind him, wide eyed and hurt. "What the fuck was that Pent?!"

"He wasssss getting on my nerves, I couldn't take it anymore," the reptile crossed his arms. The spider's hurt turned into anger, "Well that's still my brother! Ya can't just do that!"

"This is my home Niss! I can do whatever I want when I want," he hissed back. Arackniss folded his own arms over his chest, "It's my home too ya know?  And that's my family, the last bit of family I have! So don't ya cause me ta lose em too just because ya can't learn ta tolerate em....If this is how ya act with other people's family no wonder that woman left ya."

That struck one hell of a nerve in the taller sinner, his hood flared out and without a moment of hesitation he turned and raised his hand. This caused his lover to become paralyzed with fear, before reaching up to his cheek after a loud sounding smack was placed upon it, right over one of his bottom eyes too. "DON'T YOU DARE EVER...," Sir Pentious snarled, as tears formed into his own eyes, and he jabbed a finger into the other's chest, "AND I MEAN EVER! TALK LIKE YOU KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT MY RELATIONSHIP WITH THAT WOMAN WHEN I WASSSSS ALIVE BECAUSE YOU DON'T!"
Arackniss' eyes widen as the serpent was in his face. But in that moment all he could see was his father, who would hit him over saying or doing one tiny thing wrong. He couldn't hide the fact he was trembling, backing away from the other in fear of being hit once more.

The snake noticed him taking a step back and it clicked, he had made a terrible mistake. He hurt Arackniss, his spider, his poor sweetNiss. "Niss I—"

Before Sir Pentious could even finish the sentence, the smaller sinner ran to the bedroom. He wanted nothing more than to hide, to have the memories of that man hitting him to just go away. A few eggbois were hiding behind the couch and whimpered, "They're fighting again..."

"I hate when they do that...," another whined. The third one added, "Me too...and the noises they make when they make up are even worse."

Arackniss slammed the bedroom door shut, locking it. It felt like it was hard to breathe. All he wanted was to breathe, so he clenched his chest with tears streaming down his face.


"Niss...pleassse open the door....I...I didn't mean to hurt you....," Pentious said the other side. He knocked again when he got no answer from his spider. When he still didn't get an answer he sighed, before unlocking it himself, and opened the door to see Arackniss hunched over on the bed clenching his chest with one pair of arms while the top set was pulling at his own hair. He slithered over, "Niss it'sss okay, it's me, see. I'm not him..."

Carefully, Pentious slowly was able to pry the spider's arms away from his hair and pulled the trembling mess into a hug, "Shhh....I'm sorry....I'm so sorry, my sweetNiss, I shouldn't have hit you...."

The small male, slowly was snapping out of whatever he was going through, and wrapped his own arms around his lover, "I'm sorry too....I-I shouldn't have said that...you're right...I don't know anything about your past relationships...and it was wrong of me to say anything...."

Sir Pentious felt more tears well up in his eyes he could only hug him a little tighter and he rub the back Arackniss' head, "It's alright. I deserved it....every bit of it." He sat on the bed with his lover in his lap, he rubbed the small spider's cheek, and whimpered a bit. The eye that was hit was going to swell....he felt beyond guilty. A peck on the lips pulled him out of his guilty thoughts, "Niss...?"

"It's okay..."

"No it'ssss really not....," the snake responded, he mentally swore he'd never do it again. He'd hit himself next time if he ever tried to raise his hand to his poor spider ever again. "It's okay because I know ya ain't gonna do it again...once you feel guilty about somethin' ya never dare repeat the action....," Arackniss stated, he looked up at Pentious with tears still in his eyes, which caused the serpent's heart to ache. He quickly captured the other's soft lips with his own.

The kiss broke when they needed to breathe, so Sir Pentious spoke once more, "I hope you forgive me, if not I do understand...."

Arackniss rolled his eyes, as a small smile formed, "Hush will ya, ya already know I do. Now c'mere!"

The small spider didn't give him a chance to respond as he pulled him into another kiss.

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