-Bonus Chapter 3: Lonely-

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It was one of those weeks...in this case more like half a month....and Arackniss hated it. Hated what you may ask? Well he hated when his freaking snake boyfriend would be so busy working on stuff that he'd hardly see him for weeks at time unless he went down there or when they went to bed. It made the spider feel....lonely. Oh sweet Lucifer, what had Pentious done to him? He never got lonely before. But now he did? It's almost like he yearned for his snake's attention. For even so much as just a smidge of affection. Sighing, he went to pull his phone out to ask his brother for some advice, but quickly come to find it wasn't in his pocket. "Huh? That's...where'd it go," he said his thoughts out loud. Maybe he left it in the lab when he went to check on his lover earlier. So he got up and headed to the heavy metal doors. Unlocking it to see a familiar set of stairs.

Upon getting to the bottom of them, Pentious' back was facing him, he had a welders mask on as he used a flame to mold something together. "Hey Pent...," he called, catching the other's attention.

"Yessss Niss?"

"Have ya seen my phone....?"

Sir Pentious thought for a moment before speaking, "No, maybe one of the eggbois took it, you know how they are sometimesss."

Arackniss looked over at some capsule full of liquid with an uninterested expression, "Maybe...Ya gonna be down here for much longer? I've barely seen ya these past few weeks."

The serpent put down his tools and turned to face him, "Ah I'm sorry Nisss, I have quite the to do lissst. The thing is miles long..."

Raising brow, and crossing his arms Arackniss inquired, "Oh....Am I on it?" Now this caused Pentious to cock his head, "Pardon?"

"I better be on that list," the ebony spider stated, as his gaze returned to his lover.

The snake started to laugh, "Now, why would you be on my—," that's went it hit him, "Oh! Iss my spider lonely~??" He slithered over to him, wrapping his arms around him. "I thought you had a list a mile long," Arackniss wrapped his arms around the serpent's neck in return.

As their forehead's touched, Sir Pentious gave a sly smirk, "Letsss just sssay something came up shall we~?"

The two closed the small gap between them with a feverish kiss. Arackniss wanted— no he needed this! God he felt so desperate and needy. But when you've been starved from the affection you're so used to, one can only crave it.

"Mmm~," he moaned into the kiss.

Pentious was the first to break, a thin line spit still connected in between them as they panted. "Fuck...Pent...," the small spider whined. The reptile chuckled, "Shall we take thissss to the bedroom or do we stay here? I don't mind either way~"

That question caused Arackniss to turn red, and he looked to the side, "B-bedroom..."

"Then the bedroom it isss my spider~," Sir Pentious cooed as he carried Arackniss in his arms while slithering upstairs.

And this is the final Bonus chapter. I had a lot of fun with these. Once again thank you all so much for reading.

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