-Bonus Chapter 2: Movie Night-

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Arackniss came through the door feeling exhausted from work. It felt like suddenly the hotel blew up outta no where. Thank goodness he was going to have tomorrow off, between the new patrons and Alastor, the poor arachnid felt like he hasn't had much time to relax. "Welcome back home, Niss," the serpent greeted him happily, the end of his tail wagging like a dog. "Hey," he tiredly replied back, "what're we watchin'?"

The snake shrugged, "Hmm I don't know I'm not an expert on filmssss so I just grabbed whatever looked good."

"Fine by me...," the smaller sinner responded, "Just let me shed some of these clothes....I've been in this shit all day....I want somethin' more comfortable."

Sir Pentious gave a nod, "Alright then."

Once Arackniss got out of his usual suit, he slipped into a clean dress shirt and of course his boxers. He sighed as he finally felt comfortable before walking back to the living room. His lover happily waiting for him. "Ya already got the movie in I see," the spider stated as he settled down next to Pentious. "Mhm, I did, got all the adsss out of the way," the snake gave a smile and put his arm around the smaller one. "Mmm that's good," Arackniss leaned into his touch a bit as the movie started to play.

Around the middle of the film, the ebony spider was cuddled up to his lover and seemed to be having a hard time keeping his eyes open. Maybe he was more exhausted than he thought. Besides having to go with Husk to deal with a certain tv overlord today can take its toll on a guy....how his brother dealt with both Vox and Valentino was beyond him. A yawn escaped him, although it was quiet, it didn't go unnoticed by Pentious. The serpent didn't dare say anything. He could tell the other was in a furious battle with his tired mind.

Even so, one side had to win, and unfortunately for Arackniss, sleep took him. His soft snores caught  the attention of the taller sinner. Sir Pentious could only smile, his spider was all snuggled up and asleep to his side, it was genuinely a cute sight to see. Besides he knew the other wasn't one to just simply doze off. Work must have been tough on his poor lover. So he leaned down, placing a small kiss to Arackniss' forehead, "Rest well my sweetNiss~"

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