-Chapter 16-

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"Hi I'm Katie Killjoy! "And I'm Tom Trench! Today another turf war has broken out between notable Sir Pentious, Spunky powerhouse Cherri Bomb, and Hell's number one porn star, Angel Dust."

"That snake will never give up will he huh, Tom?"

"It sure doesn't appear that way. But we all know that Pentious will lose again."

Everyone around Arackniss laughed, as he watched the news report on the tv. He was in the gang's hideout once more. In the far back, being a loner, like always. He sighed to himself, he felt a little bad for Pent. He was seen as a laughing stock to outsiders, but Arackniss knew a lot more about him now than he ever did. In fact...if he didn't start sleeping with the guy, he would probably be laughing too. But now he wasn't, yet he held his angry tongue. Taking small puffs off his cigarette as he did so.

"Haha! Come on old man when are you going to give up?!," Cherri yelled as she threw a bomb at his face, Sir Pentious was able to block it this go around, pulling out some type of ray gun and shooting it, causing it to explode before it reached his face. Angel jumped down in front of him with a toothy grin, his golden tooth reflecting the light off surrounding buildings, "Hey Penny boy! Look just 'cause ya bangin' my brotha don't mean I'll go easy on ya. Though ya could answer some questions I have."

"I don't have to answer a damn thing!," Sir Pentious then caught on and mumbled, "wait- brother?!"

"Aw come on I gotta know, he won't tell me so ya gotta spill it! ," he threw a bomb and then aimed his tommy gun, shooting at the snake, "Are ya givin' or receivin'? Or do ya guys go like aces in a poka game?"

Cherri laughed behind her best friend at that question just as Sir Pentious fell back from the impact of the bullet. The serpent quickly got up, brushing off his suit, and fixing his bow tie. He crossed his arms and stuck his nose to the air, "Well that's none of your damn business! Now is it?! Pervert!"

The white arachnid's grin grew, as he threw an eggboi, causing it to break and yolk going all over the snake's face. Pentious hood flared out and he hissed, his hat mimicking his annoyed expression, "Now I'm going to blow you away!" Using a long chain to try grab him, but the spider was too quick, and jumped onto a balcony of some random building.

Angel raised a cocky brow as he smirked, "Whoa, whoa, save that talk for my brother now will ya? He's sensitive, don't want him to get jealous now would we?"

"As if you can compare," the ebony snake scoffed, "At leassst I don't whore myself off and then go crawling to my boyfriend after!"

"Haha as if anyone else would want ya! Besides, me and my mans gotta agreement. I don't bitch about his gamblin' and he doesn't bitch about my job. I call that a win, win, fucker!," Angel threw another bomb down to distract Pentious and he kicked him away from Cherri.

This fight was going to last awhile.

By evening, Arackniss was sitting on the couch at the snake's place, Pentious had given him a key to the house since he expected the spider to be around more. As he waited for the other to get back from his battle, his mind went to earlier as he watching the broadcast of the fight.

Katie and Tom mostly talked over the fight, making jokes, and mainly making fun of the serpent.
Arackniss felt his blood boiling a tad, but he had to hold his tongue. Others would become suspicious of him. "Damn faggot...an embarrassment ta the family.," the smaller spider didn't even notice his father had come down to sit by him, watching as they put Angel on the screen. The white sinner clearly talking.

"He won't tell me so spill it! Are ya givin' or receivin'? Or do ya guys go like aces in a poka game?"

Arackniss had to keep himself from nearly choking on his drink as he heard his younger brother say that through the tv screen. Henroin grumbled and shook his head, "What the hell is wrong with that boy? I raised him better. He's a faggot and a whore for all of hell to see...disgustin'."
Luckily for the ebony spider, they cut away from the live feed as Katie and Tom to take a break from the turf war.

Arackniss shook his head, no telling what was said after that line Angel spewed out. He was happy Angel didn't say his name or anything about a brother in that moment. Otherwise he would have been screwed. The sound of the door opening broke him from his thoughts. Pentious was finally home. The snake looked defeated and frustrated, he knew it didn't end well. "Sooo-,"he started out, but Pentious cut him off, "Listen Nisssss its just business, nothing personal, I didn't even know he was your brother until today. And I'm not sorry for calling him a pervert either! Who the fuck wants to know what their brother is like in bed?!"

The spider gave a breathy laugh, "Haha....its cool, really! I don't care but could ya maybe relax a little?"

The snake gave a huff, crossing his long arms, "Sorry, sorry, it just...it just burnss my blood!"

Arackniss shook his head, "Aw jeez your not gonna relax, are ya?" By the way Pentious kept ranting that was a no, so he sighed. Leaning down to an eggboi, he whispered,"Do me a favor and get me some hard liquor and a couple of glasses will ya? I'm gonna be here for a while..."

"Sure thing little boss," the eggboi smiled before walking off to the kitchen.

"What are you whissssssspering about...," The ebony reptile had his arms locked again, his red eyes looking down at the small spider.

Arackniss quickly responded, "Nothin' baby just listenin' to ya rant..."

"Oh....Alright then,....where was I?," Sir Pentious asked trying to think back to where he stopped.

"How the fuck should I know? Just come ova here and let me give ya back rub," the spider raised a hand motioning is partner to come over, as the eggboi returned with the liquor. With a sigh Pent gave in, and settled in front of the spider with a loud huff. He melted in Arackniss' touch, taking the glass of liquor that the eggboi offered. He looked up at him, head resting in his lap, "Thank you Nisss~"

Just giving a small nod in return as he caught Eggboi #23 walk up to the tired snake, "So boss, now will you shoot me with your ray gun?" Sir Pentious quickly shot his head up and peered down at the egg, "What the— Why in the nine circles do you keep assssking me that?!"

"I just want to be shot with a ray gun....," #23 looked at the ground sadly.

".....No!!! You walking yolk sack!!! I'm running out of Eggbois as it is without ssssacrificing one more on sssuicide requessssstsss! Now leave me alone!," he nudged the eggboi away as he was quite irritated. Arackniss snorted a little, which caught Pentious' attention, "What'sss so funny?"

"Nothin' at all Pent," he shook his head, but grinned, "Now hush and enjoy ya massage and drink alright?"

Once again big shout out to Agent-Hedgehog, they have helped me big time with this chapter with their suggests of Angel and Sir Pentious talking in the turf war, and most of the Arackniss massaging and eggboi #23 asking to be shot again. Of course I try to add on to it or change it a tab, but goodness it was too good. Thank you so much Agent. I would probably have writers block at this point if ya didn't keep throwing ideas at me. Especially when it comes to jokes.

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