-Chapter 22-

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Arackniss opened his eyes, looking around before he sat up at a rapid pace. Regretting it as he let out a soft pained groan, his body covered in bandages. His mind soon recognizing where he was, the Hazbin Hotel.

How did I get here?

His eyes turned to where it caught movement, turning his head to follow them. Its Pentious, snoozing away as he sat in a chair and his head resting on the bed next to him. He formed a small smile before reaching a hand out to touch the hood. The snake's hood flared out at said touch causing him to shot up, "Niss!" Sir Pentious wrapped his arms around the tiny sinner, "Oh I'm ssso happy you're awake!"

Arackniss returned the hug, "How long have I been out?"

"For a week. Your body still needs time to heal a tad bit. The cat said you'd take about three weeks in total," Sir Pentious explained a bit before there was a knock on the door. Angel poked his head in, excitement in his eyes upon seeing his brother awake, "Holy shit you're finally up!" He was fully in the room now, behind him Husk, who was holding a med kit. "How do you feel," the cat asked as he walked over to Arackniss.


Husk chuckled, "Well that happens when you take a few holy bullets like that," his face turned more serious, "I need to speak with you."

"Uh, okay," Arackniss raised a brow. Angel came up behind the demon cat, "I'm glad ta see ya awake...we almost lost ya. So how'd Pops find out?"

The smaller spider looked down at the dingy white bed sheets, "I don't know....he must've had someone spyin' on me...he was cruel....although I'm not a bit surprised....I mean it's Pops...but..."

"He didn't try anything did he," the younger brother asked, before settling down on the opposite side of the bed. Arackniss looked at Pentious, "Well first he tried ta get me ta snipe Pent out...I told him I couldn't do it....that's when he dropped another file full of pictures....," his gaze fell down to the bed sheets again, "He was going to shoot me....I didn't want to die again....not like that so...I dodged it and starting firing my own guns. Unfortunately I didn't have any holy bullets on me...but I could stun them with what I had. Once I made it outside I was chased, and shot at. Next thing I knew I was laying at Alastor's feet."

Angel swallowed thickly, he knew their father could be homophobic, but to try to end his brother....that scared even him. Husk finally spoke up once more, "I hate to ask this of you two, but I'd like to have a word with Arackniss. I'll change his bandages as we speak. Okay?"

Sir Pentious looked hesitant of this, but Angel got up before placing a hand on the ebony serpent's shoulder, "Sure Husky, while ya do that, I'll make Penny here gets something to eat and we'll chat."

After that Angel tugged the snake out of the room, leaving the other two. "What do ya need ta speak with me—?"

"What'd you agree on in your deal with Al?"

"What do ya mean...," Arackniss raised a brow. Husk growled, "Don't play dumb. I saw the fucking mark kid. You fucking stupid? Do you not realize what you've done? You gave your soul to him, you belong to him until that fucker gets erased!"

"I know...but I was desperate....it was either die a second time or I get to continue on but I work for him," the spider answered, "I chose the second option."

The cat shook his head, "Please tell me you at least asked him about that..."

"I didn't. I already have an idea of what it means. I'm sure he'll send me missions ta eliminate targets or fight with him. I've done that kinda shit before...the only difference is the guy owns my soul," Arackniss answered, letting Husk work on his bandages. "You still should have questioned more. If there is so much as one flaw in the deal he's going to take advantage of that and play you like fiddle," the cat grumbled. The other sighed, "Put yourself in my shoes for a bit Husk. I was desperate, I wanted ta continue my afterlife, I wanted ta see Pent again. If ya were told either ta accept the deal or ya left for dead what would ya choose?"

"Kid, I'd choose death over working for him any day! I'm a fucking veteran with ptsd," the cat hissed out. "But would ya say that now?! When ya with my lil brother?! Wouldn't ya want ta see him again...," Arackniss questioned. Husk sighed, but kept silent. The spider narrowed his eyes, "That's what I thought...so stop gettin' pissy with me for choosing what I chose." Their conversation faded, leaving the sound of fresh bandages being wrapped around Arackniss' torso. Once done, Husk got up to put away the rest of the bandages. "Hey..."

"Hmm," the cat didn't look back but acknowledged the other. Arackniss asked, "Ya sound like ya were talkin' from experience....so...did ya make a deal?"

Husk sighed, "I did." He sat back down one leg resting on the other, before he pointed to the pads at the bottom of his paw like feet, "See...I have a branding on me too...because I was stupid and new to hell at the time, I made the mistake in making a deal with that bastard. I suppose I just don't like seeing others becoming pawns in Al's games. But its too late for you now...you're stuck in this mess with Niffty and I. Though I guess you could take it as compliment. The fact he wanted to make a deal with you, means you're useful or powerful in some degree...granted being useful to that fucker is the last thing you want."

"I see...so he's fucked ya over," the spider said that more like a fact than question. The cat groaned, "More times than I can fucking count."

Arackniss turned his attention to his chest, the mark was barely visible due to the bandages. "Well, I should probably get back to the bar, I'll let the princess know you're awake. She'll have someone bring you some food. Being out for so long, I can only assume you're hungry," Husk stated as he got up from his chair. As if on cue the spider's stomach growled, which caused the cat to grin, "Thought so."

The taller sinner went to leave, but Arackniss spoke up, "Hey...thanks....for being concerned about me and for fixin' me up."

"Don't mention it kid, now get some rest while you can," was all the other said before he left the room. Leaving Arackniss there alone.

Hours had passed, the small sinner was laying back while playing on his phone. Luckily the thing managed to survive his fall. "Niss...," Sir Pentious caught Arackniss' attention. He was sat up next to him in the full size bed. Just staying to make sure his little spider was alright. Arackniss raised a brow as if to say "yeah what is it?"

Pentious smiled softly, one his hands playing with the spider's bangs, "You going to be alright? I mean about being kicked out of ya know?"

Arackniss places his phone down, "I'll be fine Pent. Don't worry so much." It's not that it didn't hurt, because it did. But he didn't want to mop about his father or the gang. He just wasn't the type to do that. He leaned into the reptile's gentle touch, "Thank you for worryin' about me." He wrapped his arms around the other, causing Pentious to make the goofiest yet cutest face. The snake's pupils became huge with glee, this was always rare for Arackniss initiate a hug. So it tended to make him a little giddy. He was quick to return it, "Of course Nisssss!"

The two stayed that way for a little bit before separating. "I feel so tired...," the spider yawned. "Well it is late," the snake pointed out that the time on the clock, it was midnight. The two laid back as Arackniss released another yawn. The serpent's eyes widened a tad when he felt the other snuggle up with him, he wrapped a protective arm around his partner.

It didn't take the smaller sinner too long be out like a light. So Pentious smiled once more, before softly placing a kiss to the forehead, "Goodnight my spider~"

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