-Chapter 18-

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About a week passed since Henroin told the two goons to follow his son around. He had called them to tell them to report to him. As they arrived he was looking out the window, his hands behind his back. "So did my boy check out," he asked darkly.

There was silence for a moment which caused him to turn to face them, "Well?"

The two share an uneasy look, which caused the old spider to slam his hand on his desk a angrily, "Well, did he check out or what?! Do I gotta shoot one ya's fuckin' brains out ta get ya to talk?!" He pulled his gun out to show he would act out on that if an answer wasn't given to him.

"Here boss," one of them finally spoke up, dropping a file on his desk, "it's best for ya ta see for ya self."

"What the hell is this?"

"Your answer boss. Just like ya asked.," the other spoke. Henroin narrowed his eyes, opening the file, it was full of pictures. "So he's talking' ta Tony again hmmm...," that wasn't too bad, he could handle that pretty easily. It wasn't until he seen the bunch of other pictures with a familiar serpent did he become in raged, "I-is that...MY BOY TALKIN' TO SIR PENTIOUS?!"

"Yeah...unfortunately we don't know what they were talkin' about, they appear pretty chummy," the brown arachnid answered. Henroin kept looking through the pictures, "So ya tellin' me, my son, my own flesh and blood is fraternizin' outside enemy lines?"

"Looks like it boss."

"Does anyone else know about this," he asked as he looked between the two. They shook their heads, "No boss we brought all this straight to ya."

"Good, that's good. Now I can take care of this personally...," Henroin cocked his gun, "Ya work is done boys." He aimed and shot both spiders in their heads. Besides he couldn't let anyone else find out about this info. It had to be done. As he picks up the final picture he snarled, it was of Pentious kissing Arackniss on the cheek. He looked at his son in the picture, "Now what do I do with ya?"

"Pent—," Arackniss could hardly get a word out before the snake connected their lips. He was just gone for three days, and the taller sinner was acting like he hadn't seen him in a year. The kiss broke and Pentious cooed, "I missed my little spider.~" The spider just laughed a little, "I know I just got here, but Angel texted me and invited me to join him and his boyfriend ta some place ta eat, I wanted ta know if ya wanted ta join me?"

Pentious gave a small smile, "Of course I would Nissss," but then he frowned, "But if you're brother starts asking questions about us in bed I'll leave. Somethings are done in private spaces for a reason."

Arackniss just shook his head, yet a tiny smile formed on his face, "Noted, but ya know he only does that ta mess with ya right? He's not actually expectin' answer. He wants a reaction."

"Still! It's absolutely rude, not to mention dissgussting," the serpent hissed out. Oh boy, here we ago again, the spider just went into the bathroom check to make sure he was looking decent while his boyfriend ranted in the other room. He silently laughed to himself, no wonder his brother messed with him all the time. The snake gave him the reactions he wanted. "Alright, alright ya done," he poked his head out from the bathroom, "If ya want ta change ya better do it now."

Sir Pentious stopped his rant, "Give me a moment and I'll be ready."

They arrived to the restaurant, Angel and Husk were already seated and had their drinks. By the looks of it, his brother was talking the poor cat's ears off. But Husk didn't seem to mind it too much, sometimes speaking as well. Angel greeted them when the two ebony demons sat down. "Ah I'm glad ya could come along as well Penny," Angel gave a smirk. Pentious didn't look impressed, and Arackniss cut in, "Be nice ta him, he'll leave if ya go too far."
The taller spider laughed a little, "Okay I'll play nice, but just this time."

Once everyone had their food ordered and in front of them, Angel spoke up, "So ya guys have been careful for the most part?"
"Yeah, Pops doesn't know. He's gotten suspicious, but didn't push it any further. He let me handle a few drug deals. So I figured all is well," Arackniss responses. That's what his mind told him at least. His gut said differently.
Husk and Sir Pentious listened for the brothers talk, until Angel looked at the serpent, "Ya been treatin' my brotha well?" The snake wasn't expecting the be asked that, but he nodded, "I'd like to think I am at leassst but that's up to my little spider to decide for himself I sssupppose." Arackniss gave a small smile, "He's treatin' me well don't worry." The white spider smiled. He thought the nickname was sweet and he hasn't seen the eldest smile in a long time. So he knew his brother was being honest with him. "How about ya cat over there? He treatin' ya nice," he asked all eight of his red eyes on Husk. Angel happily wrapped his arms around the demon cat, "He's treatin' me betta than any man I've had. I'm thankful for him." Husk couldn't keep himself from turning a bit red, slightly purring as well. Which made even Sir Pentious chuckle a bit. "Glad ta hear it," the shorter sinner exclaimed.

By the end of it, they all said their goodbyes, of course Angel hugged both his brother and Pentious, catching the snake off guard by the hug. But he accepted it. This was his partner's family. So he should be nice. Soon both couples went on their separate ways. "That went sssurprisingly well," Sir Pentious stated as they walked, he stopped when he noticed Arackniss seemed to be in his mind, "Nisss?"

Shaking his head, he looked up at the serpent, "Yeah?"

"Everything alright?"

"Just....I can't shake the feelin' that something is about ta go terribly wrong....," he explained, which in turned caused his partner to pat his back. "You're over thinking again. I'm sure everything will be alright."

Arackniss gave a small smile, but his gut screamed at him to be worried, maybe even scared.

I hope ya right Pent....

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