-Chapter 27-

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"Oh Arackniss there you are," the princess ran over to the smaller spider, nearly bouncing in her step. She settled on a bar stool where she was face to face with him. He was helping Husk get the bar ready for opening. She continued to speak, "Sorry it took us a week to decide but Alastor and I thought since you do so well at helping Husk that maybe you'd prefer to assist him at the bar?" Charlie gave a nervous smile as she looked over at the demon cat. Trying to gauge his reaction and when she got a shrug she sighed. Arackniss looked up from sorting out some glasses, "Wait...isn't he like the one who greets guest as well. I don't exactly have a kind face."

"Neither does Husky," Angel smirked as he sat down, "and yet somehow we're gettin' new guests poppin' in after talkin' ta him."

The cat glared at Angel for a second then went back to sipping on his drink. Charlie smiled, "I'm sure you'll do great! If things don't go so well we can always put you on cleaning."

The small arachnid simply nodded, before the cheerful blonde left to go to her office. Angel soon got up as well, "Now Niss ya betta not be flirtin' with my man while I'm not around." Arackniss rolled his eyes, "Wouldn't dream of it. I'm perfectly happy with Pent thank ya." Angel laughed, "Just messin' with ya big bro." After that the taller brother gave Husk a kiss on the cheek and went out the front doors of the hotel. "Uhhh...is he allowed ta just leave?"

"No, but you think that will stop him from doing so? He's probably going to see Cherri...," the winged demon grumbled, it was too early for him, especially all the talking. "True...." was all that slipped out of Arackniss' mouth.

By the end of the day, the spider felt tired. Yeah there maybe some new patrons, but not enough to keep them busy. So if he was tired, it was more less from boredom. He was ready to return home to see Pentious with that big goofy grin on his face. "I can handle wrapping up here for the night, go on home before it gets too late," Husk was cleaning off the last glass for the day. "Ya sure," the smaller asked. Nodding, the cat turned to him, "Yeah, besides I'm sure you want to see your boyfriend am I right?" Arackniss gave a nod before going out behind the bar, he gave a goodbye and then walked out the doors. He decided he didn't want to call Pent to fly out here and pick him up, so walking home it was. He was content with walking, besides it was always fun to watch denizens of hell running around causing chaos. Which let's be honest here, when aren't the creatures here causing mayhem? It was always normal to hear screams, gun shots, car crashes, you name it. Lighting a cigarette, he continued to walk. Taking puffs of it as he watched someone crash their car. He laughed quietly to himself at that. Besides not like the guy in the vehicle was dead. It was just funny to see some stupidity.

His mind soon went to other things, mainly about his and Pent's relationship and the whole hotel thing. He knew Pentious hated it, but he was trying his best to be supportive of his lover. Eventually his mind went to the hotel itself, Hazbin....as in useless, washed up, irreverent.

Talk about one hell of an insult. Alastor wasn't holding back when he renamed it.

So deep in his thought he didn't realize someone was behind him. He fell to ground, letting out a pained groan. Was he just hit? With what? "Not gettin' away this time huh," a voice laughed, causing Arackniss to turn to see a few members from his father's gang. One was holding metal bat. His eyes widened, trying to grab his pistol. Just as he had gotten his hand on it another blow was given, knocking him unconscious.

The group laughed again and the leader of the this little group spoke up, "pick him up, we're takin' him to the boss."

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