-Chapter 23-

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"Husky are ya hidin' something from me when it comes to Arackniss?"

"Huh? No, don't worry about it," the cat shrugged off as he spiked his own coffee. The spider narrowed his eyes, "If somethings wrong I'd like to know I mean this is my brother we're talkin' about."

"Angel he's fine...I promise," He reassured him. Sighing the spider gave up.

Another week passes, Arackniss is starting to be able to move around a bit, his limp still there, but not as noticeable. He was still here at the hotel, mainly because Charlie and Angel were so worried they wouldn't let him leave. As sweet as it was, it was annoying. He was walking down the halls in his own thoughts, when Alastor's shadow got his attention. "Hmm...what do ya want," he asked the shadow with one eye brow raised. It grabbed him by his hands. It felt ice cold causing the spider to shiver. A quiet yelp left his mouth as he was harshly tugged by the thing. "Geez cut it out alright? I'll follow ya, just lead the way," he motioned his hand forward as if to say "continue."

The shadow grinned and started off down the hall. Arackniss shook his head. This thing seemed way too excited for where it was leading him.

As they reached a crimson door, this room didn't look like it belonged here in the hotel at all. It was so different, eerie, and strangely elegant. The spider raised a brow, "Here? Why here?" The shadow only nodded, before slipping under the door. Arackniss looked at the door again for a second before he gave three knocks. "Come in." A voice called from the inside of the room. Hesitantly, the small sinner opened the door, the room was huge, and clearly wasn't part of the hotel. It's design to like an old cabin. It had long red curtains hanging over the window, a king sized bed with black and red sheets, next to it rest a night stand with small red lamp. The walls were littered with deer heads, and skulls. Dark wooden dresser and wardrobe to left side of the room, while a dark table with two red cushioned chairs rested on the right side near the window. Sitting in one of those chairs was none other than the Radio Demon, himself, "Why hello there Arackniss! Why I wanted to speak with you. Although not at the moment, it appears my shadow had other plans," his ever cheerful voice beamed, but his eyes narrowed over at his shadow. The smile never fading, not even for a second. "About...?" The spider crossed his arms and gave a skeptical look.

The deer demon closed his book, "Well since you'll be working for me, I feel it is best for you to start working here in the hotel."

"And what if I don't want ta? Ya know I'd like ta go home...," the ebony spider stated, annoyance in his voice. The room suddenly got eerier, as Alastor stood up, closing his book, "I'm afraid you don't have much choice in the matter my friend. As for living here, hmmm."

The red haired demon looked in thought before answering, "I will make sure it's alright with Charlie if you may be the only employee to go home after the working day. But I'm sure she will give you a room here just in case. Now do you have anything else you may be good at that we could use to help with the hotel?"

"Not really..." Arackniss shrugged. Alastor walked around him, "Well you could be a greeter, but then again, you keep a rather unpleasant look on your face. You really should smile more. Besides you're never fully dressed without one."

"No thanks...greetin' others is definitely not my thing. So I'm afraid ya will have to find a different position for me," the spider stated, "I can't cook much either. Only a few things. Ya want someone else who can cook, ya should talk ta Anth- I mean Angel."

The deer's ear turned at that slip up, and gave a questioning look but shook it off, "Alright then, well, like I said, I will speak to Charlie. I'm sure we can come up with a position for you here. You may go."

Nodding, Arackniss left without another word. As the door shut, he turned to see it slowly fading away. "What the hell..." he cocked an eyebrow. It eventually disappeared, and a normal hotel room door took its place. It made his eyes widen. The spider eventually just shook it off, Alastor was considered strange and powerful. The fact he could make a room appear and disappear at will shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone.

He made his way to the kitchen where Angel and Husk were chatting with Pentious. "Mornin' Niss," Angel smiled at his brother as he joined them. "Mornin'," he answered back, he felt his serpent place a hand on his shoulder. "You're moving around quite a bit. That's good," Husk scanned him up and down. Arackniss nodded, "Yeah...I was getting tired of being stuck in that room."

"It meanssss you could probably leave soon as well," Sir Pentious smiled down at the small sinner.

The two moved a bit to chat, as Angel and Husk sat at the island that was in the middle of the kitchen.

"Speaking of going home...Nisss I'd like if you'd move in with me," Sir Pentious stated. The smaller spider blinked, "Are ya sure?"

The serpent smiled, "Of course I'm sure, in fact I insist you to. I've been a tad lonely with you here at the hotel." He scolded himself for a moment, "And I can't get those ssstupid Eggbois to shut up about you either...They either miss you too or just want me to stop moping and be more productive. I haven't made anything new in days you see...I've kinda lost my muse." Arackniss just stared up at him, about to say something, but his brother came up startling the two, "God Niss just agree will ya, he's makin' me want ta puke my guts up."

Sir Pentious narrowed his eyes at the pink loving spider, "Oh hush pervert, no one asked you to eavesdrop."

"Like I need ta ask, ya fucknut," Angel flicked the top hat back a bit. The ebony snake groaned as he fixed his hat, then looked at Husk, "Can't you put a gag on him or ssomething?"

"Eh he wouldn't consider that a punishment, it's easier t'do this," Husk walked over and yanked a small bag of white powder from Angel's pocket.

"What—Husky, nohhh...those are my drugs!!! I neeeeed them," the spider whined as the cat started to lead him away, "C'mon...give em baaaack..."

"Then come and get it," the cat disappeared from the door. Angel was sure to follow suit. Sir Pentious sighed after seeing the display, "Isss it mean or are they more messed up than usss?" Arackniss just gave a tiny laugh, "Ha, maybe, but we are pretty messed up ourselves."

The reptile placed a hand to his chin, "Hmm I ssssuppose you're correct," He then leans over, getting closer to his spider, then added, "Now, back to the topic at hand. Niss, won't you come home~?"

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