Without You

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Chapter Two - Without You

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Chapter Two - Without You

After giving Kurt his coffee from the Lima Bean, he quickly forgot everything and we were both singing show tunes in the car on the way to school as he drove. "You really are wasting your talent, you've got a much prettier voice than mine. I mean yes, I have a way better vocal range, but your voice is the embodiment of melted chocolate."

"So you're going to guilt me now?"I chuckled, playfully nudging Kurt. Finn sat in the back of the car texting Rachel on his phone, apparently, she wasn't too happy that Finn didn't spend lunch with her yesterday. They would be this lunch as the club was planning on performing to attract new members. Just as we pulled up into the school, I got a text from Sam.

Sam: Hey, are you at school yet? I just pulled up, wondered if you wanted to walk to homeroom together?

I smiled at the message, texting him back saying I had just arrived. We had been texting all last night, and I felt butterflies as he asked to meet. "Is that from the Blaine guy you met last night?" Kurt asked, noticing me blushing into my phone.

"No actually, he hasn't texted yet. It's from Sam." I got out of the car, noticing Sam wandering through the car park. "I'll see you later guys," I said before I went to join Sam.

The sun was shining so we sat outside for lunch, I was with Sam and a few other of the jocks from the football team, they had tryouts later and all seemed a bit nervous, Sam especially being the new guy. I was sitting by Katie, a girl from my Home Economics class I had made friends with and her friend Talia. Unlike Santana and Brittany who I had been speaking to yesterday, both the girls were also Sophomores.

Suddenly music began to play from a stereo, and the New Directions began to sing. "Not this again," Talia complained, "I can't believe they think this will actually make people join their silly club." they chuckled bitterly.

"Good on them though, it takes a lot of guts to perform." I defended, I knew for a fact that I couldn't have done what they were doing, and besides, both Finn and Kurt were up there performing.

"Whatever." Talia rolled her eyes, as the two girls ignored the performance and went back to chattering between themselves. So did the other guys we were sitting with; only I and Sam seemed to pay attention to the performance. Perhaps it was because we were new and this had been done before, or we just both enjoyed the power of a live performance.

The thing was, the Glee Club got all this hate but they were good. Everyone could sing so well, and they sounded so professional, yet people still treated them as they were all awful, talentless singers. I watched them all, seeing both Santana and Brittany were members too. Everything seemed like they were having so much fun, and a part of me made me think that Kurt could have been right.

As Lunch ended, Sam caught me to one side, "Hey Poppy, do you want to maybe hang out, later on, after football tryouts, we could get a coffee?"

"I would love that." I smiled, half because I was excited to spend time alone with Sam, but also half because I thought I might just see Blaine again.

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