You Know You Love Me

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Chapter Sixty-Seven - You Know You Love Me

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Chapter Sixty-Seven - You Know You Love Me

okay smut, you guys wanted this and for that reason i will provide so here u go hope ur happy, if u wanna skip u know the drill

Since Sam had moved in, Blaine hadn't been acting the same and it wasn't in the way that his crush on him was resurfacing. Most of the times everything was fine, we'd chat and laugh and actually find that the three of us living together wasn't too much of a bad experience. It was the little things I began to notice that only developed. I'd be lying in bed with Blaine fully naked before getting up to make him a coffee in bed - he always insisted on cooking me Breakfast so the coffee was always the least I could do afterwards - when I'd slip on one of his shirts or tops that was on the floor to put. 

"Are you going to wear any pants?" Blaine asked one time as I went to do the door. Blaine's shirts were massive on me and concealed everything, so I was confused by his question.

"Coming from the guy who is usually taking them off?" I joked, staring at him confused.

"Sam's here you can't just walk around like that," Blaine explained.

I stared at him oddly, "It's nine am, Sam won't be up for another three hours. Besides, you can't see anything."

"I'd just rather if you wore something," he noted, and I reluctantly shoved my pair of underwear from the night before on just to walk out. 

He had even started to get uptight about having sex anywhere out of the bedroom, which was something we had done often when it had just been the two of us. Blaine had been working late on some of his summer work for NYADA when I had gone into the office in attempt to seduce him. I walked in wearing lingerie, and he instantly got uptight about me being so naked. "Did anyone see you?"

"Sam's out on a date night," I remained coy, sliding myself into his lap though he still wasn't content.

"Are you sure they didn't come back and see you?"

"Blaine you are acting insane!" I shouted frustratedly, getting off his lap, "I'm not walking around naked for anyone to see but you and yet ever since Sam has moved in you've been getting so uptight about Sam. I don't know what's led you to think any of these things but I don't want to be with Sam, I want to be with you-"

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