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Chapter Twenty-Two - Maria

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Chapter Twenty-Two - Maria

After it became official that our Fall Musical would be West Side Story, and directed by Artie, Miss. Pilsbury and Coach Beiste it was all everybody could talk about, especially Blaine. "I mean, I know Kurt really wants Tony, but being new to the club and school, I think I really need to make my statement, like you did last year, and Tony's the perfect role."

We had been getting coffee after he had Bootcamp and I had cheerios practise. Blaine had insisted going to Bootcamp to get to know everyone more, though I also knew there was a part of him that would like being the better dancer in there. He was so used to being the top guy at Dalton, I didn't know what his transition to McKinley was going to be like.

"Go for it, I know you want it and nobody, in my opinion, could do a better Tony, the role's perfect for you." I insisted.

He boasted a smug grin, "I assume you'll be going for Maria?"

"Do you really think I'm going to let anyone else play alongside you without putting up a fight?" I folded my arms, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on his lips. I knew to audition for Maria would have me tangled in a war between Rachel and Mercedes, though with them two distracted I could just be able to snatch it in plain sight. I knew I was just as good as both of them, though they had bigger reputations, and despite my best efforts I still felt ignored. I would have to bring double, and I knew the perfect song.

"Hi, I'm Poppy Hummel and I'll be auditioning for Maria." I smiled. Rachel and Mercedes were auditioning after me and were sitting in the auditorium, both forgetting that I would obviously go for the role. I wasn't choosing a song from West Side Story, which may have been a riskier choice but none of the songs was strong enough to make an impression, not like Defying Gravity.

I finished the song, Miss Pilsbury and Coach Beiste were standing, Artie was applauding loudly from his seat. Rachel and Mercedes looked in disbelief, and I was getting a bit sick of everyone being so surprised every time I sang as they had never heard me sing before.

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