chapter 24

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song of the chapter: boss b^ch by doja cat

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song of the chapter: boss b^ch by doja cat


chapter 24

"Jennie, guess what!" Doja caught up with Jennie and a wide grin spread on her face. "Mahkai asked me out."

Jennie gasped and looked at her friend with wide eyes. Doja squealed in excitement and nodded her head. "I know right! I honestly wasn't expecting him to."

It was now Friday, and she had not seen the boys since the night they dropped her off to work, two days ago. She hadn't heard from them since. She thought of texting them to see if they were okay, but she chickened out before she could hit send.

Yesterday, she just felt a bit worried for some reason, and so she sent the group chat a text with the thumbs up emoji and a question mark, but there was no response when she woke up that morning. She just gave them the benefit of the doubt. They probably didn't see it.

"Girl." Jennie began, walking alongside Doja in the hallway. "It was so obvious that he liked you, I can't believe you didn't realize it sooner."

Doja rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, I see you've been hanging out with those guys lately." She said suggestively and Jennie sighed lightly.

"Oh, Jimin and Taehyung?" Jennie asked. Doja made a face that duh. "Yeah, they're really nice."

Doja chuckled. "Nice? That's all you have to say about them?"

"They're... cute?" She added in a question like tone.

Doja snorted. "Understatement of the year."

"Hey!" Jennie laughed and Doja shrugged. "You have a boyfriend now, I would hesitate to tell Mahkai."

"Tell Mahkai what?" Mahkai made an appearance and walked in between the two girls. "Best friend. Girlfriend. How's it going?"

"Oh my gosh." Jennie said under her breath.

Mahkai was being extra smiley, and was already acting cringy. Jennie honestly wanted to laugh but she found it cute at the same time.

"Here's my class, bye guys." She waved at the two and stood outside the door.

They waved back, saying they'll meet later. Mahkai walked away with Doja, probably to her next class. They're cute or whatever. She thought as she headed to her regular seat.

In between the lesson, Jennie felt her phone buzz from in her pocket. She took a look at it, hoping it was a message from one of the two boys, but when he saw the message, it wasn't what she thought it was.

Mandatory Meeting for All Bake-A-Thon Volunteers on November 20th, Friday - at the Catholic Church for the Saturday event on November 21st.

Looked like she had plans today.


Jennie still had yet to have a decent conversation with her family. Whenever they found themselves in the same room, she tended to just ignore them and go about her own business.

It didn't work out this time when she walked into the house after school ended.

"Jennie." She slowed in her steps and turned slightly to the voice, keeping her gaze on the table. "Don't forget about the bake sale this weekend."

Not a "how was your day," or "are you okay" after she came home. She wasn't surprised that they only cared about the bake sale, and their reputation that was to be upheld in the church.

"I won't." She responded gently, and after receiving a curt nod, she left the area.

Soon, she made it to her room where she took off her book bag and just fell back into her bed. She looked up at the ceiling in thought. She sometimes didn't like being left in thoughts, knowing where it would lead her.

It was 5pm, and she knew she had to be at the church for 8pm, which was when all masses were over and when the church technically closed.

Jennie would be going there with her sister, as she usually did. It was only to put up the idea that both of the twins were bakers and cared about the church, when it was really just Jennie doing all of the work.

Jennie didn't mind it much since she enjoyed baking, but when her sister tended to flaunt or brag about the deserts that Jennie made, it sometimes pushed her last buttons.

It was exactly 8pm when the twins walked into the church. The only thing they would be doing at this meeting would be discussing who was making what, and for what time they should all be there for.

"Jisoo and Jennie! We're pleased to see you could make it tonight." Jennie walked in and sat along with the others at the large circle table.

"Of course we wouldn't miss it, Angela." Jisoo said in a fake sweet tone that she managed to pull off.

It was obvious that Jisoo could care less about the event, but had an act to keep and so she did. Jennie smiled politely and nodded along with Jisoo's words.

"Alright! So let's not postpone this any long. Who's doing what?" And they got right into the discussion.

There were about 20 other volunteers in the room, all adults who were much older than the two 20 year old twins. They tended to gear towards more traditional foods like banana bread or pumpkin pies for the bake sale.

That was why Jennie chose to make desert-like foods to target towards the younger children and teens that went to these sales too.

She remembered when she was a kid attending these events, she never really liked the things they had to offer.

"I can make cookies again? Or maybe cinnamon rolls? Those were really popular last year." Jennie suggested, knowing how much money she raised towards the church from that.

"Yeah, we will make them extra special this year." Jisoo emphasized. "For the kids."

One of the reasons why Jennie loved the people at the church so much was that they didn't fall for Jisoo's tricks. They may be older, but they weren't as dense and clueless as their parents were.

She saw Karen, the blonde middle aged woman purse her lips as Jisoo flipped her straight hair over her shoulder. A few of the other people just looked around, an annoyed look on their expressions. Jennie managed to keep her smile down and folded her hands in her lap.

"Okay, perfect. Those were excellent by the way. My kids loved them." Lauren, the director complimented and smiled at Jennie.

"Thank you." She replied, genuinely happy that someone had enjoyed her deserts that she spent so long making.

Baking was hard, and weekends like this when demands were high, it was really crazy, but she loved the challenge.

She knew exactly what she was going to make the next day, and to say she was excited was a huge understatement.


i love cookies!! i have a high sugar rush.

i also love how doja's music blew up on tiktok. i never would have really known who she was if it wasnt from tiktok!

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