chapter 11

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song of the chapter: say so by doja!!


chapter 11

"I am not getting in that dirty water!!" Jennie screeched from above the large cliff. The group of young adults were gathered above a large cliff. It was such a pretty sight from how high up they were.

There were huge palm trees all around them and the water from below was dark and gentle, mini waves crashing into each other. It was just them, so it was exceptionally quiet minus a few birds here and there chirping and flying around.

It was a bit dark out since it was really late, but there were pretty string lights that hung around the trees, lighting up the area.

"It's not that dirty," Doja laughed, glancing down at the deep water under the cliff.

It was about five of them together, Doja, Mahkai, Jennie, and two other people, Kaiden and Aniya. Jennie knew who they were since they were in the same friend group, but she wasn't that close with them. Which is why she was shocked when Aniya offered to jump with her.

"It'll be fun! When will you ever get a change like this again?" The taller girl exasperated, wanting to feel the water on her skin.

"I don't want a chance like this again." She whispered under her breath but Mahkai heard her and hit her arm. "Ow!"

"We should all just jump at the same time!" He suggested, and even despite Jennie not really wanting to jump, she managed to do it.

While panicking of course, and clutching Aniya's hand as if her life depended on it.

The water was surprisingly warm, but that was due to the sun shining on the water. From where she floated, it didn't look as dirty as she expected it to be. It was nice.

She couldn't believe how fun it was. Usually, her mother wouldn't allow them to go on most public beaches because she believed it was dirty. She wasn't wrong since people pee in the ocean.

Yet here she was, swimming in an enclosed ocean quite literally in the middle of nowhere. She was surprised she wasn't freaking out.

"Ahh!" A sudden scream pierced through the air and Jennie saw Doja's head sink under the water.

"Doja?" Jennie yelled, frantically trying to swim over to her.

She saw the others swimming over as well, but when Jennie couldn't find Mahkai either, she figured something was up.

Both Doja and Mahkai floated above the water at the same time, but before Jennie could ask if they were alright, she saw Doja hitting Mahkai's arm. The other laughed loudly and grabbed her hands to stop them.

"Are you kidding me Mahkai?! My hijab almost fell off!" She turned so her back was facing him and tried to tighten it more securely.

Jennie watched with a coy smile as Mahkai swam over to her gently helped rewrap the scarf around her hair.

"You know, if I could go back four years, I never would've sat next to you in Mr. Garner's class." Doja said childishly and let herself float back in the water once her hijab was neatened.

"But then you wouldn't have met me." Mahkai retorted back.

"Uh yeah, that's the whole point." Doja scoffed, and although she tried to keep a front, even Jennie knew she didn't mean it.

So Jennie splashed the water towards her and gave her a look that said 'why are you lying?'

Which then resulted in a water splash fight between the five grown adults. It was a truly memorable moment that Jennie would remember forever.

I can't wait to tell the boys about this, Jennie thought knowing how proud they would be of her. She couldn't wait to tell them all about her marvelous day.


The hotel she stayed at was one of the best ones ever. Doja managed to get two free rooms so they divided it by girls and boys.

She felt really tired after swimming so late, and she was the last to take a shower out of the three girls, which explained why both Doja and Aniya were knocked out by the time she'd gotten out of the bathroom.

She sighed and walked along the soft white carpet. The room was slightly chilly but it must've been from the slightly opened balcony door. She walked over to it, staring out at the dark sky.

The room gave them the view of the front of the hotel. There were lights leading up to the entrance and a large fountain right in the center. It was so pretty that she had to take a photo.

And for some reason, the calm energy around her made her think of Taehyung. She wondered what they were doing but considering it was late out she believed they were probably sleeping.

It didn't stop her from sending a text to their group chat. She sent the picture she took to them and waited for their response.

Jimin replied back with a picture of a sleeping Taehyung. Jennie smiled at the image, seeing how peaceful he looked when he was at rest.

She went back into the room since the wind began to pick up a bit. There were two beds in the room, and Doja and Jennie agreed to share one.

Jennie crawled in the bed, careful to not wake anyone up. She said a mini prayer as she got herself ready for bed, and she shut off all the lights in the room.

She picked up her phone and plugged it into the changer. She sent one last message before, and fell asleep with cotton candy in her mind.

goodnight jimin :)

Goodnight <333


jimin seems like he'd type like that lol

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