chapter 4

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song of the chapter: fancy by twice


chapter 4

Taehyung and Jimin's presence did not go unknown to the student body. The two were called the "Cotton Candy Boys". Their hair was colorful, and bright, and it captured the school's attention, the girls more specifically.

Throughout the rest of Jennie's classes, all she heard was talk about the new boys and how hot or beautiful they were.

And so she was exhausted by the time her last class ended around 6pm, and headed to her job where she would work until midnight. Then she'd have 2 days off from school since she only had classes on Monday's, Thursday's and Friday's.

She still had work everyday besides weekends, but she didn't mind it much since it was sort of

her escape from being home.

Her time at Walmart had been going relatively well until two certain boys suddenly popped up in front of the cashier.

"Jimin! My gosh - " Jennie jumped out of the reflex and hit her hand on the register.

She drew in a sharp breath and clutched her tingling pinky finger. A frown formed on her lips and the bags underneath her eyelids were obvious enough that she was quite tired. She sort of regretted staying up all night studying the day before just to flunk her math test as usual.

Jimin, who had been standing there with Taehyung, struggled to keep back a smile. "Ah, I'm so sorry, are you okay?!"

Jennie nodded, a long breath escaping her lips as she blinked away tears. Of course it had to be the metal part she hit.

She felt a hand on hers and saw pale fingers wrap around her own. They belonged to Taehyung, who held it gently, inspecting it.

"Jimin, you pabo." He looked down at the pink haired boy who soon wore an adorable pout.

"Hey! I just wanted to surprise her."

Taehyung hummed, "Well you succeeded."

Jimin rolled his eyes and leaned on Taehyung who instinctively wrapped his arm around him. Jennie unknowingly began smiling at the interaction. Two Cotton Candy Boys.

"Aww, there's that smile I've been missing." Jimin gushed and moved his fingers in a pinching motion.

Jennie felt her face warm. It was around 10pm, and there were only two hours left until her shift was over. There were more people than there were last time but luckily no one was close enough to them to hear their conversation. Hopefully.

"We should get to know each other." Jimin spoke slowly. He didn't want to come off too strong and scare the girl off.

Jennie didn't understand what was going on. From a Walmart employee's perspective, this was kinda weird. She'd only seen them twice now, or well, thrice. And from a students perspective, they apparently went to her college. That was it. That's all she knew.

First they wanted her to show them around school, and now they want to get to know her. But why her? She looked between the two weirdly. "Really? Right now?"

Jimin shrugged and nodded, casually running his fingers through his pink hair. There were small, silver earrings in his ears that he hadn't remembered seeing before. They were pretty, really pretty, but he was a boy. A boy wearing earrings. If Jennie didn't feel nervous before, she definitely did now.

She didn't know why it made her so anxious, but she couldn't help her eyes glancing around them to make sure there were no people watching them.

And that didn't go unnoticed to Taehyung who leaned closer to the register slightly, his arms resting on the board dividing them as they held eye contact. "Why not."

Jennie gulped as a question came in mind. "Well, you guys are new, so where did you come from?"

Taehyung and Jimin glanced at each other before replying. "Hoboken."

She froze slightly and felt her eyes widening after hearing the name of the town she was always taught to avoid. And now she was hanging out with two guys who lived there. Everything about this seemed wrong.

Jimin sensed her unease and he looked down to the floor. "Look, we know how your kind feels about us but you haven't even given us a chance."

Your kind? Jennie heard the words go right through one ear because inside, she was still panicking. She was just confused how she hadn't realized it before.

They have hair like that, and wear earrings and they overall did not even seem like wholesome people of God.

"How about we prove it to you how it's okay to different. Because we're people, just like the rest of you." Both gave Taehyung the attention as he spoke, his words bluntly cutting through the tense air. "You should just live life. What's written on a page shouldn't dictate everything you do."

Jennie felt something hidden in his words and there was a new feeling spreading through her that she's never felt before. Like a new energy, or a rush to do something exhilarating.

She sighed deeply, not realizing how much air she had been holding before. Jimin, who was standing a little tense, had a still expression on his face, one Jennie wasn't used to seeing.

The two cotton candy boys were there, right before her, asking her to do what exactly? Live life? With them? What did they mean by that?

"I don't know..." She didn't even know what she didn't know. There wasn't a right response she could think of with her mind running a mile every second.

Taehyung licked his lips and paused for a second, almost as if he were collecting his thoughts before he spoke. "Let's do something. Something you've never tried before, so show just how exciting life can be if you live it to your fullest."

The eye contact between the two was strong and yet neither found the will to look away.

"We find you interesting, Jennie. And we can show you a lot of things, if you let us." Jimin's soft voice lured her eyes onto him then, and for a moment she was struck with his beauty once again.

His voice was enchanting and sweet, and there was a special charm to his smile that warmed Jennie's cheeks. And then Taehyung, his sophisticated words and captivating eyes often made her feel lost... like she could be there forever.

Jennie was nodding before she could mentally realize it. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she wanted to know what they had in mind. What is life? And what could she have been missing that these two were so willing to teach her about.

"You're in?" Jimin's eyes widened slightly and he raised his eyebrows.

He was expecting her to shut them down since after all, they had just met.

The girl nodded once more, and kept her lips shut. She was too nervous to speak and resulted in physical movements. Her hands were hidden behind her back, which she did to prevent them from seeing how tightly she was squeezing them.

"Jimin." Taehyung called, looking at the smaller boy. The pink haired boy nodded, knowing what he was trying to say. They both turned to face the girl behind the counter. "We know just where we can go."


my favorite era is boy with luv 💕💫

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