chapter two

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September 25th, 2011

Papermill Playhouse

After the Show

Josie's POV:

As Jeremy took a bow at the front of the stage, I yelled louder than I had for anyone else. I was clapping so hard it hurt, and I winked at him when we made eye contact. After most of the people filed out of the theater, I made my way backstage again, where Jeremy was waiting.

"Jer! Oh my God that was absolutely amazing! I loved it!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"I'm glad you liked it. And I didn't shit my pants during Santa Fe!" he said as our parents walked up.

"I'm sorry, what?" Mom asked, looking between us.

"Just an inside joke, Mom. Don't take it to heart." I said, internally rolling my eyes. Our parents had a small problem about being traditional. They hated that we swear, had wanted me to go to in person classes instead of online college, which is a way better fit for me, and had almost revolted when they found out that Jeremy was going to be a musical theatre major. They weren't fond of me wanting to be a photographer, but it's what I love. And they certainly didn't need to know that Jeremy and Ashley were living together before they were married. AShley was staying at my apartment this week while my parents were in, and any of her stuff that we hadn't hidden or that they found would be claimed as mine, forgotten when I moved out. A simple plan, really. 

"It's very crude in nature. A gentleman doesn't use such language." 

"Mom, just let it go. Don't let this turn into another bathing suit debate." Last summer, I went to the pool with Ashley, right after she and Jeremy got engaged. We just wanted to take a girls day. I wore a bikini (not even a revealing one), and I posted a picture of myself in it. That night, I got a call from my mother, during which she proceeded to scream at me for ten minutes about how immodest and disgusting I was for wearing a two piece that showed my stomach. She told me I was going to hell and a lot of other things that I honestly don't remember because I just put her on speaker and let her go. Jeremy just sat next to me, silently laughing. 

"I'm just saying that it's not becoming!" 

"And I'm saying it's not the eighteen hundreds. Cmon Jos, let's go to my dressing room." Jeremy said, a hint of agitation in his voice. I followed him up the stairs and to the small room, where Ben was sitting. As soon as the door closed, Jeremy let it all go. "Who does she think she is? This is the biggest night of my career and she has the AUDACITY to start a fight. And you tried to calm it it down! It just pisses me off! She thinks we're still kids! She's convinced that we still have to live by her rules, which is certainly not the case!" He continued to rant as he changed shirts, and Ben gave me a confused look.

"Our mom was being a bitch downstairs and took something Jeremy said too far. I tried to get her to chill out but it just got worse." I said quietly to Ben. "Hey Jer, maybe stagedooring will make you feel better, yeah? You love you fans." I said, putting  a hand on his arm. He took a deep breath and nodded, stepping out of the room. "You not gonna stagedoor?" I asked Ben, sitting down in Jeremy's chair. 

"I went out for a few minutes right after the show. Not many people know who I am. Your brother on the other hand..." Ben trailed off. I picked up a video game controller, turning on the game system. 

"Of course the only game he has is Call of Duty." I said, starting a game. Ben picked up the other controller, joining the game.

"So, tell me about yourself Josie."

"Well, I'm nineteen, and I moved here from Texas. I'm the youngest of four kids, and Jeremy is my older brother. I haven't acted since high school, and I rarely sing, so don't ask. I'm a photography major at NYU online, but I occasionally go in for a class. I'm single, not really looking for a relationship, and my best friend's name is MaKray. Any questions?" I was used to getting asked about myself by Jeremy's friends, so at this point I had my speech memorized. 

"What's your favorite color?"


"You heard me. Favorite color." Ben gave me a smug look, knowing he'd caught me off guard. No one ever asked questions.

Umm....probably like, pastel yellow? I don't know. I don't really have one." I replied.

"Bullshit. Everyone has a favorite color." 

"Okay then. What's yours?" 

"Easy. Green. Favorite movie?"

"That one's easy. Newsies. I've loved it since I was a kid. I've been told I saw it in theaters, but I don't remember that. All I know is that it was on almost everyday when I was a kid. God knows how many VHS tapes Jeremy and I burned through. You?" I asked, remembering my childhood. Pretty much every afternoon after school, Jeremy and I would run to the tv to watch it again. That's how mom got us to do homework. We'd complain and groan, but she'd take the tape until both of us were done, sit us down with a snack, and beg Joey and Jessica to start on their work. They learned pretty quickly to do it with us, or they'd have to do it with me and Jeremy screaming Carrying the Banner and King of New York at the top of our lungs. Jeremy likes to say that Spot Conlon was my first crush, but we all know it was David.

"I don't have one. I don't watch a lot of movies."

"We're even. I don't have a favorite color, and you don't have a favorite movie." I laughed.  

"I have an idea. I'll find you a favorite color, and you find me a favorite movie. Deal?" Ben asked, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"Deal." I shook his hand, giving him a small smile. 


Hey dudes! It's meeeeeee!!I hope you liked this broskis. Lemme know what you thought in the comments, and if you have any ideas, let me know (seriously. I know where this is going but I need help getting there lol). Okay byeeeeeeeeee

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