chapter forty eight

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    June 15th, 2017                                                                                                                                                                  2:47 AM 

We were woken up to Kade's cries over the baby monitor, meaning he was more than likely hungry. 

"Happy anniversary." I whispered as both of us woke up. 

"You too. I got him." Ben said, getting out of bed. I nodded, rolling back over to try to get to sleep. I heard Ben's voice float over the monitor a few minutes later. "Hey buddy, you hungry? Yeah." I smiled to myself at how good he was with Kade, and thought about what he might be like with more kids. Not any time soon, of course. Kade was a handful as it was. "You want to rock for a minute?" The rocking chair creaked slightly. "There we go. Now, I've got to get back to Mommy, so you've got to go back to sleep." Kade's cries had calmed down, but not completely stopped. Ben started softly singing, and the whimpers stopped. I stood up silently, grabbing my phone and walking down the hall to the nursery. I stood in the doorway, snapping pictures quietly. "What are you doing up?" 

"Thinking about how much I love my boys." I said, walking over to the rocking chair and looking down at Kade, who was asleep in Ben's arms. 

"We love you too." 

"Happy anniversary, baby." 

"Two years down, forever to go." I leaned down and kissed him softly. "Let's get this guy to bed. I'm tired." 

"Same." Ben gently set Kade in his crib, and the two of us walked back to bed. I crawled under the covers and Ben put an arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest and kissing my cheek.

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

The Next Morning...

"Good morning my loves." I said as Ben walked into the kitchen with Kade. 

"Good morning." I handed Ben the bottle that I had warmed up when I heard him go into Kade's room, which he immediately gave to him. "And what do us adults get for breakfast?" 

"Pancakes." I replied, flipping one on the stovetop. "What time are Corey and Meghan coming over?" 

"They said they'd be here around two with Elliott." 

"Perfect." We ate our pancakes in a contented silence, playing with Kade and just being happy. "I love our life so much. We've been together for almost six years, married for two, and now we have the most adorable newborn in the world. How did I get so lucky?" 

"I could be asking the same thing. We really hit the life lotto, didn't we?" 

"The life lotto?" 

"You know, we got lucky? Oh nevermind!" he laughed, rolling his eyes. Soon enough, two o'clock rolled around, and there was a knock at the door. 

"Hi! Come in!" I said, opening it widely so Meghan and the boys could step in. Corey had Elliott's carseat in hand, and Meghan had his diaper bag on her shoulder. I hugged Meghan, having not seen her in person since Elliott was born. 

"So? How was it?" 

"Incredibly painful but even more worth it." 

"Any complications or anything?" she asked as Corey and Ben showed off their little boys to each other. 

"At one point I was hyperventilating and stuff, to the point where I wasn't getting enough air, so they had to put the oxygen mask on me." 

"Scariest moment of my life!" Ben called from the kitchen. The guys walked into the living room with the boys, and Ben sat down next to me. "Seriously, she was so pale, and looked like she was going to pass out. Plus with all the doctors and such rushing around, it was stressful." 

"I hardly remember it, honestly." I chuckled as Ben handed me Kade. "But, no matter what happened, it was all worth it for this little munchkin." 

"Amen." Ben said, taking a drink of his water. 

"It feels weird being the only parents in our group." Corey said. "Like we know something they don't."

"Well, we do. We know how to take care of a little human." Meghan laughed as she rocked Elliott. "We're the cool ones now." 

"We're the cool ones who get to text each other with, and I'm quoting something I've texted Meg, 'hey, how are you guys figuring out who gets up when? I don't like changing diapers at two in the morning.'" I said, making the group laugh. 

"I don't think anyone likes changing diapers at two in the morning." Corey laughed. 

"So have your parents been on you about more kids yet?" Meg asked. 

"Already? He's hardly a month old! But no, they've just started pestering Jeremy and Ashley. 'Little Kade needs a cousin!'" 

"My parents are just happy to have a grandkid." Ben replied simply. 

"So how are things at Bandstand? We've been meaning to get over there to see it, but you know how life with a baby is." 

"Great, actually. Everyone there loves us, and it's an amazing show." 

"I listened to the album the other day and fell in love, so I can't wait to see it." I replied.

"You may not have to wait long. There's talks of a Fathom Events ProShot in the works." Corey said, wiggling his eyebrows at us. 

"Those are so much fun to do." 

"They're also fun to watch." 

"I think I'm more excited that Elliott is going to be able to see it one day. It's crazy." 

"I was thinking about that the other day, with Newsies. Kade's going to grow up around all these people, and he's going to get to see us do what brought us together." 

"To our kids seeing our work!" Corey said, raising his water bottle. 


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