chapter thirty nine: Getting Ready

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the pic has nothing to do with the chapter i just loved it. like. a lot.

Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    June 27th, 2015 (do i even need to say what this is?)                                                                                     9:30 AM

I tossed and turned in bed, trying to go back to sleep, but failing miserably. 

"GOOD MORNING! IT'S YOUR WEDDING DAY!!!" Jessica yelled as she and Ashley pulled the comforter off me. 

"Good morning." I said groggily. 

"You don't seem excited." Ash pouted. 

"Trust me, I am, I just need some coffee or something in me before I start bouncing." 

"Fair enough. Kara, the tea!" Kara and Meghan came rushing in, five mugs balanced on a tray. "Never drink coffee on your wedding day, you'll be shaky." 

"I can't wait to see everyone. I haven't seen a lot of people since Newsies closed." I commented, sipping my tea.  Oh yeah, that happened. It was really hard for everyone, especially Ben. He had been with that show since the beginning. But, a handful of us went to see the tour when it came through, and they were doing it amazing justice. 

"Me neither. I miss them all so much." Meg sighed. 

"You've got a new cast to bond with now. Don't forget about Gigi." I laughed, making sure I added the accent. 

"And you've got the cast of Beautiful." she retaliated.

"But we've all got WICKED!" Kara exclaimed loudly. She had left us for tour before being offered the role of Glinda on Broadway, and was still understandably psyched about it. 

"Anyways, we need to figure out our plan of action for the day. The ceremony starts at two, and it's about nine now, so that gives us roughly three and a half hours to get Josie ready, plus make sure the boys are okay. Speaking of which, Ashley, you might call Jeremy and make sure they're awake." Jess said as Ashley grabbed her phone. 

"Hey. Is everyone awake?" she asked, talking to Jeremy I guess. "Good. Is everything running smoothly?....Perfect. I'll see you later. Love you too. Bye." They hung up and Ash turned back to us. "They are all awake and mostly showered." 

"Great. What do we need to do now?" I asked, looking at the three married women before me. I was a bridesmaid in two of their weddings, and took pictures for all three. But now, I was the one getting pampered. 

"Now, you need to shower. Remember, shampoo twice, condition once!" Meg laughed, taking my mug and pushing me towards the bathroom. After I showered (shampooing twice, conditioning once), I went back out in a fluffy robe with 'Bride' written across the back. A gift from Kara. 

"Alright kiddo, have a seat and we'll get started on your hair." Jess said, pulling a chair up to the mirror. She got out my hairdryer and some bobby pins, knowing exactly what she was doing. We had decided on all of this the other day. "I can't believe you're getting married today." 

"Me neither." 

"Are you nervous?" 

"Kind of? It's like, I know I want to spend my life with him, and I know he's the one, but it's still a new chapter of life, and that's never not going to be scary." 

"I understand that completely. Now then, you sit there and relax while I work." 

Ben's POV

"Ben! You gotta get up, man!" Corey yelled, throwing the blanket off me. 

"Huh? Where's Jos?" 

"Josie's at your apartment. You're getting married today, remember?" 

"Oh. OH! Shit, I've got to start getting ready and everything!" I was up in and instant, but didn't know what I needed to do. "I'm getting married today." 

"Yeah you are. Now then, all the guys are about to get here, so you may want to go shower." I nodded, heading to the bathroom. When I got out of the shower, the rest of my groomsmen were in the living room with Corey. 

"So, how does it feel to be joining the Jordan clan?" Jeremy asked, clapping me on the back.

"Nerve wracking, if I'm being honest."

"Oh, he's got the jitters!" Kevin laughed from across the room. "Trust me, we've all been there." Jeremy and Corey nodded, both of them subconsciously looking down at their rings. 

"So I how do I make it stop? I don't want to be nervous." 

"You don't. You're going to be nervous until you kiss her." Corey shrugged. 

"I should text her." I mumbled, looking around for my phone. 

"Nope. You don't get to talk to her until she walks down the isle." Jeremy said, holding it up. 

"I don't like that."  I reached for it, but he stuck it in his pocket.  

"I know you don't, nobody does. And trust me, the girls are having this exact same conversation with Josie. You'll both live. Besides, you get a whole week together for your honeymoon." 

"But that's forever away." I whined. I just wanted to talk to Josie. This is the longest we've gone without contact since our little spell a few years ago. 

"It may seem like it now, but you'll be getting on a plane in twenty four hours. Ben, it's nine now. You'll see her in four hours." I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. 

"You're right. I'm good. We're good. It's all good." 

"That's the spirit. Now then, let's get some tea in you. Apparently we've been forbidden form drinking coffee today, because it 'makes you shaky.'" Jeremy said, adding air quotes. 

jeremy's a fuckin man child bruh

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