chapter fifty

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how are we already at chapter 50 WHAT

Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    May 28th, 2018                                                                                                                                                                    11:26 AM

"I can't believe we have a one year old." I sighed as I put Kade down for a nap. 

"Me neither." Ben said, joining me at his crib. "He's getting so big." 

"We may have another problem on our hands." I blurted, the nerves I had felt when I found out returning. 

"What kind of problem?" he asked as we went back into the hall. 

"You're probably going to want to sit down for this." Ben sat down, a worried look on his face. 

"Jos you're scaring me." I took his hand giving it a light squeeze.

"It's not just going to be the three of us for much longer." I instinctively put a hand on my stomach. 

"Are you..?" 

"Yeah." Instead of freaking out like I had, he pulled me into a tight hug. 

"We're having another baby. I'm not dreaming this, am I?" he whispered, his face buried in my neck. 

"No, this is very much real." 

"Are you okay? You don't seem happy." He pulled away from the hug, but kept a tight grip on my hands.

"I'm happy. So happy. But are we ready for this? Kade's only one, and we agreed to wait until he was two to start trying again, and I was on birth control but it didn't work, and-" 

"All of that it true, but apparently we were meant to have our second kiddo now rather than later. We've got to put all of those broken plans behind us and start planning for the future. Which probably needs to start with us getting a bigger place. I know we can do this. We're a team, remember? We got this." He wiped away the few tears that were running down my cheeks, kissing me softly. "You are the strongest person I know, and if anyone can do this, it's you." 

"I love you so much. Thank you." I sighed, falling back into his arms.

"I love you too sweetie. So much." For a second, it was just us. The world went away, and I was me, laying in Ben's arms and listening to the sounds of the city I love so much. I started drifting off, when I heard Kade start whimpering. I sat up with a sigh, going into his room. 

"Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I leaned over the side of the crib, where he was making grabby hands at me. 

"Mama!" That's new.

"Ben! Get in here!" Ben was at my side in a second. 

"What? What's wrong?" 

"He said Mama." I gasped. "Kade, can you say it again for Dada?" 

"Mama!" I picked him up, kissing his cheek. 

"No way!" Ben said, taking him from me and holding him up. "Good job buddy!" 


"You don't think he's going to...?" 

"Oh my God I hope so-" 


"That's right!" Ben peppered kisses all over his face. "That's me!" 

"No matter how much I don't want to say this, we have to put him back to bed. He'll be so cranky when everyone's here if we don't." I sighed. 

"You're right. Kade, buddy, we're so proud of you, but you gotta go back to sleep, okay?" Ben said, putting Kade on his hip. He was met with a whimper, and Kade's bottom lip started quivering. 

"Come here buddy." I held out my arms and he fell into them, a few of his tears falling onto my shoulder. "We're going to rock for a few minutes, I think." Ben nodded. 

"I'll be in there." 

"Okay." I sat down in the rocking chair, Kade laying on my chest. I rocked slowly, hearing his breathing slow back down. After a few minutes, he was asleep. But, I know this kid. And I knew, after he woke up twenty minutes after I put him down, that if I were to get up, he would start screaming. Besides, I love cuddles with this little boy. I leaned my head back, letting myself relax. 

Two Hours Later...

It didn't seem like it had been two hours, but when I heard a knock at the door, I knew we had to get up. 

"Hey buddy, you've got to wake up. It sounds like Uncle Jeremy and Aunt Ashley are here." I shook him lightly and he stirred, burying his face in the crook of my neck. 

"No." This word he knew. Well. 

"I know you don't want to, but you need to. They're here to see you." 


"You can stay with me, but we have to get up." I stood up, Kade still clinging on for dear life, and went into the living room. "Hey guys." 

"Hey Jos. How's the birthday boy?" Ashley asked, hugging me as well as she could. 

"Mad that he had to get up from his nap." I chuckled. "Can you say hi?" 


"Okay then." I laughed, sitting down next to Ben. I ran my hand up an down Kade's back, trying to get him to wake up.

"Kade! You wanna come see me?" Jeremy asked. Kade's head popped up and he almost jumped out of my arms towards Jeremy. 

"I see who the favorite is."

"I will always be the favorite, Josie. All. Ways." 


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