chapter forty six

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            Jeremy and Ashley's House                                                                                                                                          January 14th, 2017                                                                                                                                                           2:48 PM

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this joint gender reveal!" Kara said to all our friends and family. "Today we find out the genders of Baby Cott and Baby Fankhauser!" Everyone clapped, and the four of us stepped up to the front. My bump was barely visible now, but still there, which is why I was wearing a sort of tight shirt. Kara had planned this whole thing, which meant she knew whether the kiddos Meghan and I are carrying are boys or girls. Jeremy and Ashley had the biggest place, so they volunteered to host. "Now then, are we ready to find out the genders? We're going to start with Corey and Meghan. Corey, do you think you're having a boy or a girl?" 

"I think it's a girl. I've always wanted a little girl. Not that I wouldn't be insanely happy to have a boy, but that's just what I think it is." he said, bouncing on the balls of his feet. 

"What about you Meg?" 

"I think it's a girl. Mother's intuition." she shrugged. 

"You heard it here first folks! Both Cotts think that it's a girl! Are we ready to see if they're right?" We all nodded as Casey, Corey's brother, brought out the box with their balloons in it. Corey and Meghan each grabbed a flap and we counted down from three. They flipped it open and a bunch of blue balloons flew out, stopping when they hit the ceiling. Corey hugged Meghan tightly, picking her up a little. "Congrats to Meghan and Corey for their little boy! Are we ready to find out about Baby Fank?" I nodded quickly, grabbing Ben's hand. "Alright. Benji, what are you feeling?" 

"I think, no, I know it's a girl. I'm positive." he replied. 

"Alright Mr. Confident. Jos, what about you?" 

"Well, Ben knows this, but I've always wanted a little boy first. So I'm going to go with boy." 

"Ooh, a split vote. This should be fun. Jeremy, if you will?" Jeremy brought out our box, which had our last name plastered across the front. "Ready?" Everyone counted down, and on zero we threw the box open. I was hit in the face by a baby blue balloon, and squealed loudly. 

"We're having a boy!" I flung myself into Ben's arms, tears in my eyes. "We're going to have a son." I whispered as he kissed my head. 

"You were right." he said. I could hear the tears in his voice, and knew he was just as happy as I am. "I love you both so much." 

"We love you more." 

"We've got boys all around! A giant congratulations to both beautiful families, we cannot wait to meet your little guys." 

Later at Home...

"I still can't believe I was wrong." Ben laughed. 

"You were so sure too. I felt kind of bad." I kissed his cheek, cuddling into his side. 

"I'm still over the moon happy though. I'm so excited." 

"Me too. What are we gonna name this kid?" I patted my stomach lightly, and Ben put his hand over mine. 

"I was thinking about..." 

The Next Day... 

"Okay, I don't care what you're doing right now, you and Meghan are coming to the mall with me. We're going to look for cute baby stuff." Kara said over the phone. 

"Well K, I was throwing up, but sure, I can come with you." I replied sarcastically. 

"You're still dealing with morning sickness? I thought that ended at four months!" 

"It does for most people, Meghan included, but unfortunately I am not one of those people. I should be good now though, I am normally am by this point." I said, standing up form where I had been sitting in the bathroom floor. 

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry you've got to deal with that. So, mall?" 

"Mall." When we met Meghan at the mall, Kara immediately dragged us into a baby store. 

"Okay, let's find some cute ass shit." We looked around, finding a lot of cute clothes and toys. These little boys are going to be so loved by so many people. 

"So Ben and I decided on a name." I commented, looking through a rack of onesies. I pulled out a little onesie with some saying on it. "Ooh, look at this." 

"What name did you guys pick?" Meghan asked. 

"Well, we're not telling anyone his first name until he gets here, but his middle name is going to be Charles, like Ben." 

"We're doing that too! No first names until he's born, but his middle name is going to be Michael." Meg laughed. 

"That's adorable and I really want to know now." Kara said. "Have you guys thought about what would happen if you go into labor on the same day?" 

"Well, I'm due at the end of April, and Josie's due at the end of May, so that probably won't happen, but it'd be cool if it does." 

"What about godparents?" She wiggled her eyebrows at us, causing Meghan and I to break out in a laugh. 

"I don't know about Meghan and Corey, but we've got ours picked out." I said. 

"Who'd you pick?" 

"We haven't asked them yet, so I'm not telling." 


"Not rude, just secretive." 


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