chapter three

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Josie's POV

Her Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    October 17th, 2011                                                                                                                                                            7:30 P.M. (ish) 

"Okay. I got you this to see if green is your favorite color." Ben said, holding out a small bag.

"And I got a movie for us to watch." I replied, pulling a DVD copy of Newsies out from behind my back. We traded and I looked in the bag, seeing a small tube of bright green glitter. 

"So? What do you think?" Ben asked eagerly. 

"Eh, it's okay. I'll think about it. You ready to watch the best movie ever made?" 

"Sure. I'll already know all the songs though." 

"No you won't. They're all different in some way, and then you guys have more than the movie has." I led him into the kitchen, setting the glitter on the counter. "You want some popcorn?" 

"Sure." I got the bigger popcorn bowl out and pulled two bags from the box, sticking one in the microwave. 

"So Ben, how's life?"  

"Life I guess. I don't know. It's like, there's this....thing. And I really want it to work out but there's a lot working against it and I know in the bottom of my stomach that's it's never gonna happen, but in like....the bottom bottom of my stomach there's this tiny little shred of hope, you know? It's like even though everything in the universe is working against us--I mean it, I still feel like it could defy all odds and make it." 

"I understand that completely. It's like you know it's not worth it to spend all your time wishing for this little thing to come true, but if it doesn't you're really disappointed, and if it does happen to come true, you act like you knew it would all along." I poured the finished bag of popcorn  in the bowl and stuck the other in the microwave, turned to face Ben. 

"Exactly. You're so easy to talk to Josie, did you know that?" 

"No one's ever told me that before. Thank you." 

"Yeah..." Somehow, we moved towards each other, only inches away. My eyes flitted down to his lips and we leaned in. Just before our lips touched, the microwave sounded off loudly, ruining the moment. Ben cleared his throat as I got the popcorn out, filling the bowl the rest of the way up. 

"Let me show you this." I grabbed some gummy worms out of the cabinet, dumping them into the popcorn and tossing the bowl a little to mix them in.

"Did you just pour gummy worms in popcorn?" Ben asked, pointing at the bowl. 

"It's going to change your life, I swear." We went in the living room and I set the popcorn down to put the movie in the player. I sat down next to him on the couch, pulling my laptop into my lap. I pulled up my editing software, putting a few pictures into the cache to edit. 

"What are you doing? I thought we were going to watch a movie." 

"We are. I just have a little homework I need to knock out. Now shh, it's starting." I continued to edit my pictures as Ben rolled his eyes and the movie started. I kept editing, trying to do it as quickly as possible so I could focus on the movie. That's when I came a cross a picture I had snapped of the guys rehearsing The World Will Know. Ben was front and center with the stupidest look on his face. I blurred some things and tried to get the focus on the guys. "Perfect." I whispered. 


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"Can I see?" Ben asked, trying to look at my laptop.

"After the movie. I've got two left and then I'll be done for the night okay?" 

"Fine." He turned back to the movie and I took another look at the picture before emailing it to Kara and Andrew. I quickly got through the last two shots, setting my laptop aside. I snuggled back into the couch cushions and hugged a fuzzy throw pillow to my chest, pulling a blanket over my legs. 

"Now is the time to seize the day/open the gates and seize the day." I sang quietly.

"So you and Jeremy both got the musical gene, huh?" 


"Josie, I can hear you singing along. It's pretty obvious. Also, where's Katherine?" Ben asked, turning back to the movie.

"Katherine doesn't exist in this. She didn't come along until you guys. In this one, we have Denton and Sarah. Katherine is better than both of them though." I explained. 

"Cool." We kept watching, humming along to song we knew. When the movie ended, I stretched my arms and stood up, the blanket and pillow falling into the floor. 

"So, what'd you think?" I asked.

"I liked it. Is it the best movie I've ever seen? Probably not." Ben replied.

"Tragic. So, what do you want to do now? It's only ten." 

"You could show me those pictures you were so diligently editing." 

"Sure." I pulled my laptop back out and pulled the pictures up, going through them one by one. When the one I had sent to Kara and Andrew was next, I stopped. You could tell that Ben was the focal point of that shot, and I didn't need him to know that he'd been on my mind lately, no matter what had almost happened in the kitchen. "So, what do you think?"

"I think there's another picture that you're not showing me." Shit. 

"W-what are you talking about?" I chuckled nervously.

"I'm kidding. They're great Jos." I closed the laptop, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

"Thank you."

"I should probably be getting home. It's late, and they want us to come in tomorrow." 

"Okay, um, have a good night." I walked him to the door, and fell back against it when it closed. I was falling for Ben. Fast. This isn't good.

Hey dudes!! I'm back!! I also just found out that I will have a chance to be in a production of Newsies next year (not professional or anything lol I wish)!! But yeah, here's a little something something for you guys to enjoy (hopefully)

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