chapter fifty five

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            February 5th, 2020 (there is no pandemic in their world. i can't put them through that lol)                                                                                    The House    

I was laying in bed, the covers up to my chin and tears streaming down my face. This was the worst pain I had ever felt. 

"Jos, honey, are you okay?" Ben asked as he laid down next to me. 

"No. I don't know how you are." I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm not." I rolled over to face him and pulled him into a tight hug. Getting time to grieve about our loss was hard, seeing as we hadn't told anyone. Kade and Ally were both down for naps, so we had just entered the two hour window we had for just the two of us. "Are we going to try again?" 

"What do you think?" 

"I think it's your body and it's your choice. My heart will be full either way." He kissed the top of my head and I snuggled farther into his chest. 

"I love you so much." I said softly, slowly drifting off to sleep. 

Two Hours Later...

"Jos, we have children that are awake." Ben chuckled, lightly shaking me awake. 

"I've got Ally if you've got Kade." I replied, getting out of bed and retying my ponytail. 

"Deal." I stepped out of our room and went to Ally's, where she was standing up on the rails of her crib. 

"Hi pretty girl! Did you have a good nap?" I asked her, lifting her out of the crib and laying her on the changing table. I started changing her diaper when Ben came in. 

"Somebody climbed out of his crib after his nap." he said as Kade bounced on his hip. 

"Yeah! I played with all my toys when I waked up!" Kade exclaimed in his little two year old talk. 

"Did you get enough rest?" I gave him a look, knowing if I didn't he would just say yes without thinking. 


"Guess what?" I set Ally down so she could walk as we started into the living room. 


"It snowed while you were asleep." Kade wriggled out of Ben's arms and ran to the nearest window, pressing his face against the glass. 

"DADDY COME LOOK!" Ben crouched down next to him, looking at the snow. 

"Yeah buddy! Do you want to go put on warm clothes and go play?" 


"Then let's go!" The boys ran into Kade's room and I heard his closet doors fly open. 

"Ally, do you want to come look at the snow?" She toddled over to me, timidly pressing her hand against the glass. 


"Yeah, it is pretty! Do you want to go play with Dada and Kade?" She thought for a second before nodding quickly. "Then let's go put on some warm clothes." While I was getting her changed, I called Jeremy. 


"Hey, we're about to take the kids out to play in the snow if you guys want to join us." I said, helping Ally put on her boots. 

"That sounds fun. I'll talk to Ashley and probably meet you out there." 

"Great. See you in a minute." 

"See you." 

"Ally, you ready to go out in the snow?" She shook her head quickly, giggling a little. "Good." I put on my hip, walking out into the hall where Ben and Kade were waiting. 

"Buddy, your ears are going to get super cold in that hat. Plus it's too big." I looked over at them and saw Kade wearing Ben's old Newsie cap, but it was falling over his eyes. 

"But I wanna wear this one!" 

"I have an idea." I set Ally down and took Kade's beanie from Ben. I took off the cap, put the beanie on, and put the cap back on top of it. It didn't fall, but sat exactly how it was supposed to. "Perfect." 

"You ready to go in the snow?" Ben asked, grabbing our coats of of the closet. 

"YEAH!" Kade made a beeline for the front door, Ally not far behind him. 

"Our kids are so cute." I commented, shrugging on my coat. 

"They really are. You guys excited?" 

"YES!! OUTSIDE! OUTSIDE!" Kade yelled as the two of them jumped around. 

"Watch out, let me open the door." Ben stepped around them and opened the door. It had started snowing again, and everything was covered in a blanket of white. "Go!" Kade bolted out the door, starting to throw snow around everywhere. 

"Mommy, it's cold." 

"I know buddy, it's snow. Oh! Who's over there?" I asked, seeing the Jordans making their way across the street.  

"Uncle Jer! Aunt Ash! Clara!" Ally was still standing in the doorway, just looking at the snow. 

"Ally, do you want to come in the snow with me?" I held out my hand and she took it, slowly stepping outside. "I bet Aunt Ash and Clara will play with us, don't you?" 


"Yeah, let's go see." The snow crunched under her tiny boots, but I picked her up when we got to Ashley. "Hey guys!" 

"Hi! Ally, what do you think of the snow?" 

"Cold." Ashley laughed a little, nudging Clara to join in. 

"Clara, can you say hi?" 

"Hi." she mumbled, not used to the snow yet. She had never seen it. 

"Hi Clara." I leaned over and kissed her cheek as Ally twisted and turned in my arms. "Do you want down kiddo?" 


"You got it!" I set her down in the snow and she ran over to Jeremy and Ben, who were trying to teach Kade how to make a snow angel. "This is the life." I sighed as Ashley and I sat down on the porch steps. 

"It really is." she replied as Clara shoved a handful of snow in her mouth, her face scrunching up because of the temperature. "You should go get your camera, there's some great pictures out here." 

"I thought about it, but I think if I take any pictures I'll do it on my phone. I just want to be here right now." 

"I like that. Hey, remember that big snowball fight we had in the park like, what, eight years ago?" 

"God, it doesn't feel like it's been that long! We were so young!" 

"Newsies wasn't even open on Broadway. It's crazy to think that we've grown up that much." 

"We all got married, added new friends to the group, had kids....Life is so much better now, even if it gets pretty stressful sometimes." 

"Amen to that." 


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