chapter twenty eight: the wedding pt. 2

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Wedding (YAY)                                                                                                                                                            September 8th, 2012                                                                                                                                                        

"Do you, Jeremy, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

"I do." 

"And do you, Ashley, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do." 

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." I clapped loudly as Jeremy kissed Ashley, tears streaming down my face. Happy tears, of course. "I am proud to present, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Michael Jordan!" The wedding party and I followed the happy couple down the isle and outside for pictures.

"You're married!" I said, pulling Jeremy into a hug. 

"I'm married!" he laughed. 

"I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see where life takes you and Ashley, and I know for a fact it's going to be great." 

"Thank you so much. Just know, I won't be this happy for you on your wedding day."

"Sure you will."

"And what makes you think that?" 

"You know how you had to ask Ashley's dad before you proposed?" 


"Well, whoever I marry has to ask Dad, Joey, and you. If even one of you says no, then so do I. You guys know me so well, and I know that if I didn't see something, one of you would." 

"So what you're telling me is that as long as I tell Ben no, then you won't marry him, right?" 

"Please, you'd be lucky to have him as a brother-in-law." 

"In all seriousness, I'm glad you trust me that much. I probably should've asked you this awhile ago, but you do think Ashley's right for me, don't you?" 

"I don't think there's anyone more  right for you, Jer. You guys are perfect." 

"Aren't we?" Jeremy went back to Ashley's side, kissing her temple lightly. 

"I love weddings." I said to myself, sighing blissfully. 

"Do you now?" Ben asked, hugging me form behind. 

"I really, really do. Especially when it's people I love get married." 

"I really expected more tears, if I'm being honest." 

"Don't underestimate me, Fankhauser. I haven't given my speech yet, and I know for a fact that I will be bawling." 

"Oh, I don't doubt it." 

"Josie! Family pictures!" Joey called from where everyone was standing. 

"I shall return." I went over to my family, posing for a few  pictures. 

"Josie, darling, ask Ben to come over here. I have a good feeling about him." Mom said, motioning towards where he was standing. 


"Yes!" She pushed me towards him, and I quickly walked over. 

"My mother requests your presence for family photos." 


"I know." The two of us walked back over, and my mom smiled. 

"Alright. I want one of my six kiddos!" 

"Mom, there's four of us." Jess said. "Are you feeling okay?" 

"Five!" Jeremy interjected. 

"And six with Ben. Now then, smile!" Mom replied, starting to snap pictures on her phone. We all gave each other a 'do we need to start looking at nursing homes' look, but did as she said. Finally, she decided she was done with us and let us all go inside. 

An Hour Later...

"Ladies and gentlemen, it has come to my attention, that it is time for speeches!" I said, standing up and tapping my glass. "I have known Ashley for four years, and I've known Jeremy for almost twenty one, and when I tell you these two are perfect for each other, I mean it. As I got older, and started really thinking about the future, I realized that not only would I see myself fall in love and get married, but I would get to see my siblings fall in love and get married. With that realization, I, like any fifteen year old bored in math class, starting thinking about what the perfect person would look like for each of us. And, I just happened to write it down on a piece of paper that I found the other day." I pulled the folded up piece of notebook paper out of my pocket, quickly unfolding it. "This is dated January 8th, 2009. It's a bullet list, so bear with me. 

'Jeremy's Perfect Girl:

-Outrageously Gorgeous (if he could get someone that pretty)
-Goofy (like him)
-Amazing Person' 

Well Jeremy, I am glad to say that your wife checks every box I ever came up with for you. And she goes far beyond that. I am so happy to have another sister, and for Ashley to be that sister." I felt myself welling up again, and had to take a second to reign in my emotions. "I look up to both of you with the utmost respect. When the day comes for me to get married, my greatest wish is to have a relationship as strong and as loving as yours. So, to Jeremy and Ashley, may you continue to fall in love forever!" I raised my glass of sparkling grape juice (thanks Mom), and the room raised theirs with me. I sat back down at my table, and Ben grabbed my hand. 

"You did amazing. Where did you find that paper?" 

"A box of stuff in the studio. I was looking for a backdrop." 

"Well that's just lucky." 

"It really is. But I'm glad I found it. My speech would've been totally different. Lots of the mushy-gushy stuff." 

"But you love the mushy-gushy stuff!" 

"You've got me there." I took a drink of my cider, looking at all the couples on the dance floor. 

"Wanna dance?" Ben stood up and held out a hand so I couldn't refuse. 

"Of course, lover boy." 

i love weddings. like so much. anyways, i'll see y'all later. 

p.s. there may have been a little foreshadowing here but i don't know....(yes i do)

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