chapter thirty six

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    April 24th, 2014                                                                                                                                                                   11:47 PM

"Hey, we need to pick a date." I said, sitting down on the couch next to Ben. He closed his laptop, turning to me. 

"Okay. So, we know next year. But when? Do we want to do it on our anniversary?" 

"No, that's too close to my birthday. It would be weird to have a birthday and then your anniversary back to back. It's one thing now, but like, for the rest of our lives would be a bit much, you know?" 

"I get that. So May and October are off the table. What about June? The weather's nice, and most people are free." 

"I like June. Now, we need to look at the calendar and see if there's a good Saturday for us to get hitched." He opened his laptop back up, pulling up the calendar. 

"The twentieth is the day before father's day, that won't work. We could do the twenty seventh?" 

"Ben and Josie Fankhauser, married June twenty seventh. It sounds amazing." I said, picturing the invitations in my mind. 

"You know what part of that sounds the best?" 


"Ben and Josie Fankhauser. Josie Fankhauser. I can't wait!" Ben grabbed my waist, pulling me over on top of him. He kissed the top of my head and closed his laptop. "So the twenty seventh?" 

"The twenty seventh." 

A Few Hours Later...

The crew was gathered at our apartment to start cracking down on the planning. So far, we'd really just picked out a vibe. 

"So, June twenty seventh, huh?" Jeremy gave me a small smile as we all added things to the communal Pinterest board (what, a girl's gotta organize) from our laptops. 

"June twenty seventh. I can't wait." I replied, saving a center piece. 

"Have either of you seen any invitations that you've liked so far?" Andrew asked, tossing some popcorn into his mouth. 

"A couple. But that can wait a little while, I think. Ashley, you said you were going to call the dress shop?" 

"Done and done. You have an appointment for June eighteenth at two. I already called Jessica, and she said she would be here, so that's the five of us. I think Tommy and Andrew invited themselves, too." Ashley shot the two of them a playfully stern glare, making the rest of us laugh. 

"Here's the real question: Who's bringing the tissues? I know for a fact that every single one of us is going to be crying." Tommy laughed, with Andrew nodding in agreement. 

"Do I get to come?" Ben asked, sticking out his bottom lip at me. 

"Nope! You have to wait til next year!" I laughed, kissing him quickly. 

"That's not fair! You get to see my suit!" 

"Bad luck, Benny Boy, bad luck. You can do it though. Jeremy and I both did." Corey said, slapping him on the back. 

"It's hard, but completely worth it." Jeremy added.

"Speaking of grooms, where's Kev?" Meghan asked. 

"Audition ran late." Kara replied, not looking up from her screen. 

"Understandable." We all sat around the living room, eating pizza, watching TV, and scrolling through Pinterest until almost three in the morning. Kevin joined us around ten, and everyone was coupled up in their own part of the room. 

"So I guess you're all sleeping here tonight?" I asked, startling some. 

"I assume so." Corey said, speaking for the group. 

"Fair enough. The couch is fair game if Ben gets up, but I'm going to my bed." I stood up, stretching my back and hearing my joints pop. "Goodnight. Or morning, I guess." A few minutes after I got in bed, Ben crawled in next to me, throwing an arm around my waist. 

"June twenty seventh." he whispered, kissing my temple. 

The Next Afternoon...

After everyone woke up, they all went back to their own homes, and Ben and I were sitting in bed. 

"So. June twenty seventh we go from Josie Jordan and Ben Fankhauser to the Fankhausers. Seriously, it's crazy." he said, kissing my forehead. "I can't wait to be your husband." 

"I can't wait to be your wife." I smiled, leaning into him. "I love you so much." 

"I love you too." We sat there for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company in a comfortable silence. "Other than the show, do we have any plans tonight?" 

"No, I don't think so. Why, did you have something in mind?" 

"I was thinking about going to Haswell Green's with some of the guys, if you want to come?" 

"Sounds like fun. I'll be there." 

At Haswell Green's...

"Hey, I'm going to go get a drink, do you want anything?" I asked Ben as I started getting up.

"Whatever you get." I nodded, going up to the bar. 

"What can I getcha, missy?" 

"Can I get two glasses of rosé please?" I asked, grabbing my wallet. 

"I'm going to need some ID before I can give you that." 

"Of course." I pulled out my ID, handing it to the bartender. 

"You with a show?" he asked, giving it back. 

"Newsies. I don't act though." 

"I saw that one the other night. Pretty good, I'd say." He handed me my drinks, giving me a nod before walking to the the next patron. 

"One glass of your favorite wine." I said, sitting a glass down in front of Ben. 

"Ooh! Yay!" 

"So, how'd the show go?" 

"Really well--Hold on, is Ryan putting Andrew in a death drop?" I followed his gaze to the dance floor, where, sure enough, Andrew's back was almost on the floor at the hands of Ryan Steele. 

"I think so." I laughed. 

"I love our big crazy family." 

"Me too." 

JUNE!!!! TWENTY!!!!!!! SEVENTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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