chapter thirty two

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            March 14, 2013                                                                                                                                                                    The Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    8:37 AM

"Good morning!" Ben chirped as I walked into the kitchen. 

"Morning." I said, sitting down at the counter. 

"You seem down, what's wrong?" 

"Just not feeling great. I'm fine though." 

"Well hopefully pancakes can cheer you up." He put a plate in front of me, and I took a bite, trying to settle my stomach. "I hate to leave you like this, but I have a meeting. I don't know how long it's going to run, so I will see you at some point before the show tonight." 

"Okay. Have fun, I love you." 

"I love you too." He kissed the top of my head, grabbing his coat and heading out the door. I grabbed my phone off the counter, quickly sending a text to Kara, Meghan, Ashley, and I's group chat asking them to come over. A few minutes later, we were all seated in my living room as I nervously rubbed my hands on my pajama pants. 

"Okay, what's going on boo?" Ashley asked, noticing my mannerisms. 

"Um, I think uh, I think I might be pregnant..." I said quietly. 

"What? When? How-actually don't answer that one." Kara asked, taking a deep breath. 

"Well, I woke up not feeling well this morning, and like.....I did the math and it adds up. Plus, my period's late." 

"Well, we have to get a test." Meghan said. 

"I might be an aunt!" Ashley exclaimed suddenly. "Oh my God, Jeremy's gonna freak!" 

"If it's negative, we don't breath a word of this anyone. Understood?" I said, my normal composure returning. 

"What about Ben? You need to tell him." Kara gave me a stern look.

"....I'll figure it out. Now. A test." 

"Actually, I have one." Meghan said, grabbing one out of her purse. "Corey and I have been trying, so I keep one on me, just in case. I tested yesterday though, so it's negative, before you start getting excited." My heart dropped. Here was Meghan, who was trying to get pregnant and couldn't, sitting in my living room, watching me freak out over an accident that may give me the thing she wants most. That girl is truly a saint. She handed it to me with a tight lipped smile. 


"Don't feel bad, I'm happy for you. Seriously." 

"Don't get too happy, we don't even know if it's positive yet." I got up and went into the bathroom, taking the test and bringing it back out to the living room. "Now what?" 

"Now we wait." Ash said, patting my knee. After what felt like the longest five minutes of my life, the timer Kara had set went off. 

"Someone else do it, I'm too scared." I said, putting my head in my hands. I heard Ashley move next to me, then sit back down. 

"Negative." she breathed. 

"Seriously?" I felt sort of disappointed, but relieved none the less.

"You sound upset." Kara laughed. 

"Oh believe me, I'm not, but still, it's a weird feeling. Almost like a teeny tiny part of me was hoping it'd be positive. But the part of me that knows my mother is completely and totally relieved." 

"Well, now you're faced with telling Ben you had a pregnancy scare. It happens to the best of us." 

"Hello!" Ben yelled, shutting the front door behind him and startling us. "Jos?"

"In here!" I called back, quickly grabbing the test from Ashley. Apparently I didn't do a good enough job of hiding it, because he noticed it almost immediately. 

"Hey guys how-what's that?" His voice was shaky, like he knew but didn't want to believe it. 

"We'll be leaving now. Ben, Josie, good to see you." Meghan said, dragging the other girls out behind her. Kara mouthed me a good luck as she passed. 

"It's um, it's a pregnancy test." I stammered. 

"And? Have you taken it?" 


"So what did it say?" Every bit of color had left his face, and he was sitting next to me, hands shaking. 

"It's negative." He left out a sign of relief, pulling me into a hug. 

"You scared me."

"I scared myself." I chuckled. "Seriously though, now that I've ruled that out, I think I have a sinus infection." 

"That's a lot better than a baby. Right now, anyways." 

"I called the girls right after you left, I was freaking out." 

"You should've told me." 

"You had your meeting. Speaking of which, how did that go?" 

"Really, really well. They're working on a song for me to sing at a little concert thing next year." 

"Cool! What's it called?" 

"To Kiss A Girl."

Huge shoutout to my friend for giving me this idea. Anyways, there's more  foreshadowing in this chapter that has ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING TO DO WITH BABIES (just before y'all get excited bc i read the comments lol) so it'll be fun to see if you can get it. gonna go read harry styles fanfic now byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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