chapter four

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            Her Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    October 29th, 2011 (her birthday!!)                                                                                                                        10:47 PM

"So, how is it that my little sister is twenty? I thought you were like, seven." Jeremy said, walking into my apartment. He and Ashley were the first people to show up at my little get together of a party. 

"Me too, honestly." Someone else knocked, and I went to the door. I opened it to see Ben, Andrew, Kara, Tommy, and a boatload of other Newsies. "Hey guys, come on in!" Ben stayed by the door until everyone else had gone in. 

"Happy birthday. This isn't your gift, but I thought I'd bring you installment two of the color challenge." He handed me another little white bag.

"Is that what we're calling it?" I pulled out a tiny flamingo statue. "Ben, this is adorable, thank you." I hugged him and he embraced me tightly. 

"Excuse me, but there are other people here. Also, really Ben?" Jeremy said, sticking his head in the door. 

"Shut up. It's an inside joke that you wouldn't understand." I said as we followed him back into the living room. I put the Flamingo on a shelf and turned to face everybody. "Welcome. There's cake in the kitchen, and I'm about to turn on a movie." 

"Let me guess, Newsies?" Jeremy asked sarcastically.

"Jeremy, I will quite literally throw you off the balcony if you don't shut the fuck up. No, we're watching Captain America."  

"Jesus, no need to get violent." he muttered, walking into the kitchen with everyone else.

"WAIT! Josie, you gotta blow out the candles!" Ryan said, dragging me with them. Andrew was putting candles on the cake as Kara went behind him, lighting each one. When they had all been lit, everyone started singing and I stood in front of the cake. 

"Happy birthday dear Josie, happy birthday to you!" I blew out the candles, making a wish even though they never come true. 

"So, what did you wish for?" Ashley asked eagerly.

"I wished for..." I looked over at Ben and we locked eyes. It was like he knew. "If I tell you, it won't come true." 

"Party pooper. Let's watch that movie now." We all got cake and piled in front of the TV, with me, Kara, Ben, and Andrew on the couch. As the movie started, Ben put an arm around me. I snuggled back into his side, feeling safe and warm. Not long after, I dropped off to sleep.

The Next Morning

"Ben! Josie! What the hell?" Jeremy yelled, waking me.

"Shit Jer, what? You woke me up." I groaned, sitting up from under Ben's arm. He sat up as well, rubbing his eyes.

"You two were all cuddled up and touching and all the things that you're not supposed to do with your friend's sister!" 

"Jeremy, shut up and go back to sleep, we're all tired." Tommy said from somewhere on the floor.

"Fine, but I am not done with you two!" 

"Wait, what time is it?" I asked, feeling around for my phone.

"10:30, why?" Ben said, handing it to me. It was behind me. 

"You guys have a noon show!" Everyone had the same look of shock on their face as the still sleeping people were woken up and everyone rushed around, trying to get their things together so they could leave and make it back on time. In all of ten minutes, almost all of them were out the door, leaving just me, Ben, and Ashley. 

"Hey Josie, I'm going to go hop in the shower, give you two a minute." She walked into the bathroom and I turned to Ben.

"Josie, we both know there's something here. We can't keep ignoring it." 

"Ben, you saw Jeremy this morning. I love him more than anything. I just, I couldn't." 

"So you would rather be unhappy than make your own decisions?"

"That's not what I said! Ben, you and Jeremy were friends before I even knew you existed. I'm not going to put our relationship at stake for something that might not work out! That's not a risk I'm willing to take!" I said.

"Jos, I'm begging you." 

"Ben, I can--" He kissed me, and our lips moved in sync with each other in perfect harmony. I came to my senses and pulled away suddenly. "We can't." I whispered, tears in my eyes. I wiped them away quickly as Ben grabbed his coat. 

"Just...think about it, okay?" 

Hey dudes. This is a short chapter, but I feel like this is the best place to end this chapter. Also, two chapters in one day, whatttttttttttt???? I'm really feeling this story again, so there might be yet ANOTHER chapter later (don't quote me on that). Ben and Josie have been having a lot of fun in my head, so I thought I'd let them out. Love y'alllll. --J

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