chapter forty: I Dos

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Apartment                                                                                                                                                                    June 27th, 2015                                                                                                                                                                  1:37 PM 

Once we had gotten to the church, the girls and I were ushered into the Bridal Suite, so that we could get our dresses on. I help each of them zip theirs up, when finally, it was time to put mine on. I slipped into it, and since there were four buttons at the top, Jess, Ashley, Kara, and Meghan all fastened one. After I was ready, Jess walked over to the door, opening it widely. Mom, Dad, Joey, and Jeremy each stepped in, eyes watering. 

" look amazing." Dad said, wiping his eyes. He hugged me tightly, doing his best not to cry on my dress. 

"Oh honey! I can't believe my baby's getting married!" Mom sobbed, wiping her face with a handkerchief. "I would hug you, but I don't want to get makeup on you." she laughed. 

"Listen, I've got to hurry and get out there so I can make sure Pops, Mimi, and Grandpa find their seats. I love you, and I promise we'll talk more later." Joey said, giving me a quick hug and kissing my head. As soon as we pulled away, he was out the door, Mom and Dad not far behind him. 

"We'll give you two a second." Ashley said, leading the girls into the hallway and shutting the door. 

"Is this real?" Jeremy asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Are you seriously getting married?" 

"Yep." I chuckled, trying to hold back tears. Thank God for waterproof makeup. He quickly walked across the room, pulling me into a hug. I felt a few tears fall on my shoulder, which made the ones in my eyes fall. 

"You're supposed to be like, I don't know, twelve or something! Not twenty three!" he laughed, wiping his eyes. 

"That would make you nineteen, and therefore also unmarried." 

"Fine, I take it back. You're old enough. I guess. Maybe. I still don't like it." 

"You okayed it!" 

"So? I could take that back if I wanted." 

"Not today you couldn't." 

"Fine. Tomorrow morning. I will meet the two of you at the courthouse tomorrow morning and we will get this annulled." 

"That won't work." 

"Why not?" 

"Consummation." (if y'all don't know what that is, please, google it)

"OKAY, THAT WASN'T NECCESSARY!" Instead of saying anything else, I just started laughing. 

"Oh, I think it was." 

"Anyways, give me a fucking hug before I go punch Ben because you've put that image in my head." 

"Don't punch Ben please. And if you do, then please, wait until after the reception." I said, hugging Jeremy again. 

"Okay, I have to go get in line. Dad's going to come in here to get you in just a second. Don't forget to take your ring off." I nodded, slipping the ring off my finger and setting it on the table. After the ceremony, Ben and I would come in here and just chill for a few minutes before going to take pictures. After I took my ring off, Dad knocked on the door, cracking it open. 

"Ben's in the sanctuary, are you ready?" I nodded, taking a deep breath and grabbing my bouquet. "Then let's go." I took his arm, sudden nerves setting in. He walked me to the doors, and they opened to the chapel, where everyone was standing. But my eyes weren't on them. They were on Ben. I was crying, and I saw him wipe his own eyes. Finally, Dad and I reached the altar. 

"Who gives this woman away?" 

"Her mother and I." Dad put my hand in Ben's kissing my cheek lightly. 

"You look radiant." Ben whispered. I gave him a small smile in return. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to bring Benjamin Charles Fankhauser and Josephine Eleanor Jordan together in holy matrimony." I cringed slightly at the use of my full name, which made Ben laugh slightly. "The couple has written their own vows. Benjamin, if you'd like to begin." 

"Josie, when I saw you walk into the rehearsal studio that day, I knew I wanted you to be mine. Though we went through our rough patches like every couple, it only made our love stronger. I love you so much. And I promise that I will always, always be in your corner, have your back, and be your best friend. Instead of dragging you along for the ride, I will keep you by my side. I will support you in anything that you do. But most of all, I promise to love you more than anything else in the world for the rest of my life. I love you so much, Jordan." Both of us were crying, and I could hear Jess sniffling behind me. Jeremy was crying on Ben's side of the isle, and gave me a wink when I caught his eye. 


"Right. As we all know, I am nothing close to a writer. However, I knew that I wouldn't be able to wing this, so I did my best." I cleared my throat softly, begging my body to stop producing tears for just a few minutes. "When I was a teenager, I had my heart broken. Many times, actually. But when I met you, something was different. I remember telling Ashley, before anyone even knew we were dating, mind you, that I had a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever I was with you. I will never forget how I felt when she told me that for her, that's how she knew Jeremy was the one. It was shock, realization, and happiness. And that is the best thing ever. Ben, you get to live your dreams onstage almost every night. And I am so, so, SO proud of you. I promise to be there through every elation, heartbreak, good thing and bed thing. I swear, that I will be backing you up through every step of every way. No matter what you choose, I will be with you, for the rest of our lives. I love you too, Fankhauser." 

"That was beautiful. Now then, Benjamin, repeat after me. I, Benjamin Charles Fankhauser-" 

"I, Benjamin Charles Fankhauser-" 

"Take thee, Josephine Eleanor Jordan-" 

"Take thee, Josephine Eleanor Jordan-" 

"To have and to hold." 

"To have and to hold." 

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health." 

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health." I knew that Ben wanted to kiss me. I could see it in his eyes. I gave him a look that said 'wait,' no matter how much I didn't want to. 

"For as long as we both shall live." 

"For as long as we both shall live." he finished, giving me a grin. 

"Now, Josephine, repeat after me." I went through the painstakingly long process of repetition, ready to say I do and be married. "It is time for the rings. Benjamin, take this ring, put it on Josephine's left hand, and repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed." 

"With this ring, I thee wed." Ben slipped the tiny gold band on my finger, giving me a small smile. 

"Josephine, take this ring, place it on Benjamin's left hand, and repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed." 

"With this ring, I thee wed." I said, sliding it on his hand.

"Very good. Now, do you, Benjamin Charles Fankhauser take Josephine Eleanor Jordan to be your lawfully wedded wife?" 

"I do." 

"Do you, Josephine Eleanor Jordan take Benjamin Charles Fankhauser to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do." 

"Then by the power vested in me, by the great state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."  Ben smashed his lips on mine, dipping me slightly. "I am proud to present Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Charles Fankhauser!" 


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