chapter fifteen

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            Central Park                                                                                                                                                                           December 27th, 2011                                                                                                                                                      7:27 PM

"Okay, who all is here?" Ben asked.

"Obviously me." I said, raising my hand a little.

"Okay, say your name, 'cause there's a lot of us." 









"Which one?" I asked.

"Oh! Breslin!"

"Ryan Steele."





"Alright, is that everyone?" Ben asked, looking around. The group nodded, looking at each other. "Great. So who do we nominate as team captains?" 

"I think it should be Jeremy and Ben!" someone yelled. 

"Deal. Jer, get up here with Ben." I said, moving to the big group.

"Okay, Jeremy, you can have first pick." Ben said, motioning towards him.

"Bet. Ashley, you're with me." Ashley walked over to him, a smug look on her face. 

"Josie, get over here." I went back to where I had been standing before. 

"Okay, can we get to the part where you guys actually pick us instead of your girlfriends?" Kara yelled from the back of the crowd. 

"Fiancée, thank you! Also, gimme Breslin." Ryan went over to Jeremy's side and Ben took his next pick. 

"Kevin!" Kevin bounded over to us, highfiving Ben and I.


"I won't spilt you up, Kara!" 

"Seriously! That was my next pick! Um, I want......" Jeremy scanned the group, stroking his chin jokingly. "I want Tommy. He's Italian, which means strength.

"Have you seen how ripped Andrew is? Get over here man." When Andrew got over to us, he flexed at Jeremy.

"Damn, you've been working out! I want Julie." We went through the rest of the crowd, with our team getting Ryan Steele, Mike, and Aaron. 

"Alright guys. There aren't really any rules, just be careful and don't die. Got it?" Ben said as we huddled up. We nodded, a few of us stifling laughter. We broke the huddle and the captains started a countdown. When they said go, I started making snowballs to the best of my ability, throwing them as hard as I could at the other team. One sailed across the field, hitting Jeremy in the back of the head. "How the hell did that hit him that hard from this far away?" Ben asked, giving me a surprised look.

"Ten years of softball, my friend. You're a girl in the south, you play at least one season of softball. I however, played twenty." I threw another, hitting Breslin. 

"Twenty? In ten years? That doesn't add up."

"Spring season and fall season. Watch this." I wound up and threw a pitch, accidentally hitting Tommy in the wrong spot. 

"Jesus Christ who threw that?! It was going like eighty miles an hour!" he yelled, doubling over. 

"I max out at sixty-seven, but sorry!" I called back.

"Okay, I'm officially scared of you." Ben said, throwing another snowball. I turned around to make another ball, when I felt some snow hit the back of my neck. 

"FANKHAUSER!!" I yelled, knowing it was Ben.


"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I ran at him, somehow tackling him into the snow. I landed on top of him, both of us covered in snow. "Are you dead yet?" I whispered, my face inches from his. 

"Yep, I think you need to give me mouth to mouth." I leaned down and kissed him softly, cupping his cheek. "That's better." A snowball hit both of us, and we turned our head towards where it came from. 

"Stop making out in front of all of us!" Jeremy yelled. 

"We're not making out, I kissed him once!" I retaliated. 

"I don't care! You're laying on top of him, and don't think I didn't hear that little comment to MaKray and Jess the other day!" My face got hot and I quickly got off of Ben. I helped him up and grabbed some snow, putting it on my face to try and make my blush go away. After about an hour of laughter and hitting each other with snow, we finally decided we should go get food or something. 

"I vote we find a dessert place and eat like cake and hot chocolate." I said.

"I like that idea. Any objections?" Kara, who was walking next to me, asked. 

"Not a one." Jeremy said, pulling his phone out. "Google Maps says that there's a place a couple blocks from here." 

"Lead the way!" Laurie yelled, her hyper personality shining through. Jeremy moved to the front of the pack, guiding us down the street and to a little shop. We all went in and got in line, ordering various sweet treats and flavor of hot cocoa. In a second room, there were a bunch of empty tables, so we decided to go in there. Our group filled half the room with four to a table, but it was perfect. I was sitting with Ben, Kara, and Kevin as I ate the giant slice of chocolate cake sitting in front of me. 

"So, what did you get each other for Christmas?" Kara asked.

"I got him an empty scrapbook so we can fill it, but I haven't gotten my present yet." I replied, taking another bite.

"Is your cake good?" Ben asked, giving me a joking look. 

"Very." I said through a mouthful. 

"Well I'm glad." he chuckled. His arm was slung around my shoulder, and he kissed the top of my head lightly. After we had all finished eating, we went outside to say goodbye. "Your place or mine?" 

"I don't care, it's up to you." 

"Let's go to my place, that way I can give you your gift." We walked to the subway hand in hand, talking a little here and there. We got on the A Train (I don't know anything about the subway sooo) and got off almost right in front of Ben's building. We rode up in the heat and he opened the door, letting me go in first. 

"I missed this place more than my own apartment." I said, taking a deep breath and pulling off my coat. 

"Good thing you're here then. I'm going to go get your gift." Ben walked back towards his room and I sat down on the couch, covering up with my favorite blanket. 

I LOVE JOSIE AND BEN SO FREAKING MUCH also big boy sad about west side story getting postponed again, because that was the last thing i had to look forward to this year. 2020 sucks man. 

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