chapter twenty six: 2UMMER012

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There's a huge time skip in this chapter, just get ready (also can we talk about HOW BEN'S HEAD IS ON RYAN'S SHOULDER AND IT'S ADORABLE)

Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            Nederlander Theater                                                                                                                                                        May 18th, 2012-July 10th, 2012                                                                                                                                                           

"Great job out there." I said, pecking a sweaty Ben's lips. "Also, you stink." 

"Do I?" He wrapped his arms around my torso, hugging me tightly as I struggled to pull away. 

"Yes! Stop!" I laughed. 

"Sickening." Andrew joked, taking off his mic. 

"Hey Andrew--Ben, Josie? What's going on?" Ben's arms quickly dropped to his side as Jeremy opened the door. 

"Hey, Jer." 

"Hey, Jeremy." 

"You know Ben, I should've kicked your ass when I had the chance." Jeremy got in his face, but I quickly stepped between them. 

"But you didn't. And you're not going to now." He waited a second, then took a step back. 

"Fine. I'm still not happy though. Anyways, Andrew, do you know where Thomas is? I need to talk to him." 

"No clue. Sorry man." Jeremy gave a curt nod, still upset, and left the room. 

"I wish he would get over himself." I sighed, falling into a chair. "It's not that big of a deal." 

"I understand where he's coming from though. If someone hurt Celia or Maggie, I'd be pissed too." 

"I'm going to go shower before lunch." Ben said, grabbing a towel off the rack on the wall. He kissed the top of my head, leaving the room. 

"I get that it's the older brother thing, but I'm over it, I don't get why he isn't." 

"Who knows. Hey, I was thinking about making a video this summer." 

"What kind of video?" 

"A music video kind of thing? Every time I hang out with friends, I want to record a little bit and then put it to music." 

"That's sounds like a great idea. It would give us something to look back on." I said. Who knows what crazy shenanigans we would get into this summer. 

So, with the help of a lot of friends, we made a video. It took a long time to get through all the footage and edit it to music, but it was so worth it. All summer, someone had the camera in hand and rolling. Finally, on July tenth, everyone who was in the video gathered at Andrew's apartment to watch the finished product before it went live on YouTube. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all so much for coming, and for being a part of this little project I thought up. Another huge thank you to Josie, for helping me go through and edit this never ending footage." I raised my glass of punch as people laughed, smiling brightly. "So, without further ado, let's watch this little video." Andrew hit play on his laptop, and on the tv, a bunch of bubbles started the video. I watched my summer play out before my eyes, starting in May and ending with the Fourth of July. Sitting on Andrew's couch, Ben's arm around me as we laughed, I realized something: This is my family, and these are the people that are going to shape my life. Not my parents, not my biological family, but the people I choose to love as an adult. These are the people that my children will grow up around, that they will call their aunts and uncles. This is the big, beautiful, crazy family that I was thrown into. But I wouldn't want it any other way.

"You good? You're staring into space." Ben nudged me, pulling me out of my thought bubble. 

"Yeah, I was just thinking about how these are gonna be our people for the rest of our lives." 

"That's crazy to think about, but I think you're right." 

"I know I am. But still, where would we be if we never met any of these people?" 

"Who knows." he whispered, kissing my head. "But I'm damn glad we did." 

"Me too." We went back to the video, watching the guys smear red and white face paint on with Q-Tips to go watch fireworks. After it ended, everyone was silent. 

"Well?" Andrew asked, standing back up. 

"That was amazing." Ryan Steele said, clapping a little. 

"Yes sir!" someone else yelled. The entire room broke out into applause. It seemed like we had all had the same realization at the same time. Andrew walked over to our group, sitting down on the arm of the couch. 

"Well, that was an ordeal." he said, taking a deep breath. 

"Yeah. I think it was really good for all of us though. I had a deep realization." 

"Me too. We should do this next year." Ben added. 

"We should." 

Later that night, as Ben and I were walking back to my apartment, I leaned my head on his shoulder, still thinking about the future. 

"This is going to sound completely random and out of the blue, but how many kids do you want?" I asked suddenly. 

"Um, I don't know, probably two or three. What about you?"

"I want a boy and two girls. A boy first, so the girls get the older brother experience. I don't know where I'd be without Joey and Jeremy." 

"I like that." 

Okay, lowkey short, but still sweet, right?

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