chapter nineteen

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Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            The Nederlander Theater                                                                                                                                               March 29th, 2012                                                                                                                                                               7:21 PM

I ran through the house and backstage, trying to get to Ben as quickly as I could. When I got to his and Andrew's dressing room, there were so many people inside they were spilling out into the hallway. I pushed my way through the crowd, heart racing and adrenaline pumping. When I finally got to the door, Jeremy, who had been trying to call him down, moved out of the way. I felt the air get knocked out of me when I saw him sitting there, a few tears running down his cheeks. My heart was breaking in way I didn't know was possible, and I knew that I had to fix this right here and right now. 

"Everybody out!" I yelled, making the room fall silent. Everyone left fairly quickly, and I sat down in Andrew's chair, pulling up so I was right in front of Ben. "Hey, talk to me baby." 

"I can't do it, I can't it's too many people." he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He hugged me tightly, burying his face in my chest. 

"You can do this, I promise. You did it for a year with Spring Awakening, and then you were amazing at Paper Mill, and you already made it through previews! The hardest part is over." I ran my fingers through his hair, not caring that it had already been done for the show. Right now, they need their lead, and I refuse to let him sit back here and suffer. 

"But this is Broadway, and previews are different, because technically you're not a real show until opening night, and that's right now, and this is my Broadway debut, and-"

"I understand that. Ben, look at me." He looked up, his face slightly tear stained. "Have I ever lied to you?" 


"Exactly. I wouldn't tell you you could do something if I didn't truly think you could do it. And I think, no I know  that you can do this. You are the best person possible for this role. You, Benjamin Charles Fankhauser, are a star. You've just got to let the people see you shine." I kissed his forehead, willing him to be okay. After a few minutes of just sitting there, his arms wrapped tightly around my torso, he let go, wiping his eyes a final time. 

"Thank you so much Jos. I love you." 

"I love you too. Now go break a leg. Hell, break everyone's legs for that matter." He let out a small chuckle, leaning in to kiss me. "I'm in the middle of the fifth row, right behind the pit. I'll see ya out there, strike leader." We stood up and he started fixing his hair again, putting in back in place. When I opened the door, Kara, Jeremy, Tommy, and Andrew were waiting, worried looks on their faces. 

"Is he okay?" Jeremy asked, biting his nails.

"He's fine now. Still a little on edge, but fine." 

"Good. You should probably be getting back out there. Tell Kevin I love him." Kara said, walking me back to the stagedoor. 

"I will. Break a leg!" I went back into the house, quickly finding my seat and taking a deep breath. "Kara sends her love." 

"Sweet. Is Ben okay?" Kevin asked, knowing that I don't run unless it's an emergency. 

"Yeah, his nerves just got the best of him." 

"I'm glad he's okay. He's going to do great." A few minutes later, the lights when down and Ryan Breslin's voice came over the speakers. 

"Heeellllloooo New York! It's me, Racer, and Jack told me ta tell ya that ya gotta toirn off ya phones, whateva those is. Also, don't take no pichas! Or videos! See ya soon!" The room applauded, ready to start the show. About twenty minutes in, after Carrying The Banner, Ben and RJ made their entrance, scanning the crowd. Ben quickly caught my eye, giving me a sly wink. The entire audience was swept up in a trance as the boys told this amazing story. What felt like seconds later, it was curtain call. The guys did their stunts and bows, and then I saw Ben come bounding out. I was on my feet immediately, screaming loudly. Kevin and Ashely were right next to me as Kara and Jeremy came out for their bows. There was on older couple on my right, very blatantly staring at us. When the lights came up, I started getting my things together, ready to see Ben and take more pictures.

"Excuse me. Don't you kids know it's wrong to be in a relationship with two people at once?" the lady asked, tapping my shoulder. 

"I beg your pardon?" 

"You and that blonde girl shouldn't both be with him!" She gestured towards Kevin, and it took everything I had not to start laughing. 

"I'm so sorry ma'am, but I believe there's been a misunderstanding. All three of us are in a relationship, but not with each other. The blonde girl in engaged to the actor who plays Jack, he's engaged to the girl who plays Katherine, and I'm dating the guy who plays Davey." I said, still trying not to laugh. "We're all friends." 

"Oh! Well that's better I suppose. Have a great evening, dear." She and her husband walked away, finally letting me crack up. Kevin and Ashley had heard the entire thing, and joined in. After a few minutes of waiting for the house to clear out, the three of us hopped onstage and went through the wings, going to the different dressing rooms to see our loved ones. When I got to Ben and Andrew's, I knocked loudly. 

"Andrew? You decent?" 

"Yep!" I opened the door and Ben was standing there in his boxers.

"I'm not-oh it's you. That was almost bad." He pecked my lips and grabbed his jeans while I turned to talk to Andrew. 

"I will be telling Kara and Tommy about this." he whispered as I hugged him. "So, how was the show?" 

"Amazing! After it ended, this old lady asked me if Ashley, Kevin, and I were in a threesome."

"Seriously? I'm going to need that story." 

benny boo is okay yayyyyy

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