chapter twenty

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that's kind of how im imagining josie

Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            Nederlander Theater                                                                                                                                                        March 29th, 2012                                                                                                                                                                10:30 PM

"Josie! Can we get an interview please?" a reporter called as I walked down the stairs with Ben. I went over to him and his camera man, ready to go. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are live from the Nederlander Theater over on 41st street, with the cast and support system of Disney's Newsies! My name is Jake here for Playbill, and I am here with Josie Jordan, sister of the star, and as Jeremy said earlier tonight, 'the glue holding this entire operation together.' So, what did you think of the show?" 

"It blew me away. I've been watching everyone here tonight work their butts off for months trying to get this perfect, and I think that they absolutely killed it. I cannot wait to see this show take over The Great White Way." I replied.

"What's been your favorite moment tonight?" 

"My favorite moment was seeing the amazingly talented Ben Fankhauser be incredibly nervous backstage, and then come out and kill it. I couldn't be prouder of him and this entire cast." 

"Speaking of Ben, word is that you two are a little more than friends, no?" 

"Yes, we seem to be a cast favorite. But in all seriousness, I am super lucky to have met him, and to have such a great relationship with him, both romantically and platonically."

"Well we are happy to hear it. I'm Jake here for Playbill, and this is Newsies at the Nederlander Theater! Stayed tuned for exclusive interviews with more of the cast, coming up." The camera cut and I was waved away, going back to Ben's side. He was taking pictures and getting waved into interviews left and right, so I stayed back and watched. 

"Hey, what's up?" Jeremy asked, stepping up beside me. 

"Nothing much. You did great tonight."

"Thanks. You were probably watching Ben the whole time though." He nudged me playfully, sticking out his tongue. 

"I watched all of you, I promise. So, Broadway show number three is official. How does it feel?" 

"Crazy. It's dreams coming true that I never thought would." 

"You know I'm crazy proud of you, right?" I asked, turning towards him. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Jeremy, you're following the dreams you've had since you were a kid, and you're killing it. Your life is exactly what you wanted it to be, and you worked your ass off to make it that way. I am so, so, so proud of you for doing that. I know I don't tell you that enough. Besides, somebody's got to set the example for the rest of us to look up to." 

"You look up to me?" 

"I have for as long as I can remember. You're my big brother, I'm always going to look up to you. And you've set a pretty good precedent." Instead of responding, he hugged me tightly. 

"I love you, kid." 

"I love you too Jer." He kissed my head, pulling away from the hug. 

"Okay, well, you just made me almost cry, and there's still a carpet for us to take pictures on. So get your man, and get over here for some family pictures!"  Jeremy grabbed my wrist and dragged me over to the carpet where Ben and Ashley were standing with Kara and Kevin.

"Apparently it's time for family pictures." I said sarcastically, leaning against Ben. 

"Ooh, I can't wait to see this." Ben laughed, pushing me towards Jeremy and Ashley. 

"Nuh-uh, you're coming with me. Jeremy said." I crossed my arms, nodding towards my brother. 

"C'mon, Ben! Humor us, will ya?" Jer yelled from where he was standing. 

"Fineee." We walked over to Jeremy and Ashley, posing for the photographers. About half an hour later, the event had ended, and we got to go backstage again to get our stuff. As soon as we got up the stairs and out of sight of reporters, I took of my heels.  

"Finally free from these demons." I said, holding them away from me. 

"If you hate them so much, why'd you wear them?" Ben asked jokingly.

"So we'd get better pictures together." 

"That doesn't make any sense." 

"The photographers out there are trained to snap and go. If I wore flats, there'd be a pretty good chance that your head would get cut off, or you'd only see me from the shoulders up because of the drastic height difference. Ten inches is a lot." 

"I'm ten inches taller than you?!" 

"You're six one, right?" 


"I'm five three, so that's ten inches. Nine for me to get to six foot, plus one." 

"I'm going to start calling you Tiny." Ben said, resting his arm on top of my head.

"Don't you fucking dare." 

"Wait, did I just hear that correctly? I'm taller than you?" Andrew asked. I thought he had in headphones. 

"Yeah.." I grumbled, not wanting to admit it. 

"YES!! I've got to call Tommy, we're the same height." He ran out of the room, probably to find Tommy and tell him the 'good news'. 

"You ready to get out of here? We can walk, if you want." Ben said, standing up. 

"Yes please. I'm exhausted." I took his hand and we left, going back to his place for the night.

When I woke up the next morning, a Friday, Ben was next to me, snoring softly. I scooted over so I was laying on his shoulder, and he put his arm around me in his sleep. 

"You're my favorite person ever, Benjamin Charles Fankhauser." I whispered, snuggling up and drifting back to sleep. 

we had cute sibling moments, we had cute bosie (jen?? idk) moments, we had MOMENTS and I LOVE IT. i wasnt planning any of this, it just happened, but im glad it did. see yall later.

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