chapter twelve: the christmas special (even though it's september)

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the matching shirts awwww im dead it's so freaking adorable okay that's all

Josie's POV                                                                                                                                                                            December 20th, 2011                                                                                                                                                       JFK Airport                                                                                                                                                                           7:00 AM 

I put my head on Ben's shoulder, trying to stay awake in the crowded airport. He wasn't coming home with us, but he was flying out to Ohio in a few hours. Jeremy and Ashley were sitting across from us in the waiting room. None of us had bothered with contacts this morning, so each of us donned a pair of glasses. 

"So, are you guys excited to see your family?" Ashley asked Jeremy and I.

"Mostly? I think if we can get over Mom's passive-aggressiveness, then we'll be golden." Jeremy responded, putting his arm around her and eyeing Ben and I. He still wasn't completely on board with it, yet slowly but surely he was coming around. 

"Yeah, it'll be hard, but I can't wait to see Joey and Jess." I said, pulling out my phone. I texted Jess, telling her we were boarding in about twenty minutes. She quickly responded. "Also Jess says hi to Jeremy and Ashley. No offence babe, but she doesn't know you're here, or I'm sure she'd say hi to you too."

"None taken." We continued chatting a little here and there, all of us trying to keep the others awake. 

"Flight 782 to Corpus Christi is now boarding, Flight 782 to Corpus Christi is now boarding, thank you." We all stood up, and Ben pulled me into a hug. 

"Text me when you land so I know you made it safely." he said, kissing my head.

"I will. I love you." 

"I love you too." He kissed me softly, leaning down. "Also, here's this." He handed me a blue hoodie and I immediately put in on, breathing in his scent. "Have a good Christmas!" 

"You too." Jeremy, Ashley, and I walked towards our gate and boarded, with me on the far inside, Ashley in the middle ("I can't put up with him for eight hours straight, I need someone to talk to") and Jeremy on the isle. 

"Hey, you want to watch a movie?" Ashley asked, holding out a dual headphone adapter. 

"Sure." I plugged my earbuds into the adapter and she plugged it into the TV in front of her. 

"Hey! What about me?" Jeremy asked, giving us an offended look.

"Hush. It's girl time." Ashley replied, turning on Love, Actually. 

Eight Hours and One Flight Later

When the plane finally landed, I sat up, stretching my back.

"Well that was fun!" Ashley said, pulling the headphones out of the TV.

"Yeah, for you two!" Jeremy took his head off her shoulder and started packing his things back into his backpack. "You just watched movies the entire time!"

"You could've watched one yourself, you know." I said, taking my headphones. I put them back in my bag and shot Ben a text, letting him know we had landed.  

"Well what if I wanted to talk to my fiancee? Or my sister?" 

"Then I guess you're out of luck." Ashley said as we stood up to exit. 

"Hey Josie, call Joey and let him know we're here. I think he's picking us up." I pulled out my phone and hit Joey's contact as we got through the tunnel thing. 

"Josie! Are you guys here?" Joey asked, his voice giddy. 

"Yeah, we just got off the plane. Meet you at baggage claim?" 

"See you there!" He ended the call and I turned to Jeremy. 

"We're meeting at baggage claim." I got a nod in response as we went through the little bit of security. Finally, after what felt like forever we got to baggage claim, where Joey was waiting, looking for us.

"Yo!" Jeremy yelled, throwing his hand up. Joey  started quickly walking towards us, arms out for a hug. He got to Jeremy first, pulling him into a bro hug. 

"Jos! You've grown so much!" He hugged me tightly.

"That's not true but whatever." He gave Ashley a quick hug and we got our bags, heading out to his car. "SHOTGUN!!" 

"Oh my God, she's still twelve." Jeremy said, more to Ashley than anybody. When we got out to the car, Jeremy tried to get in the front. 

"Hey man, shotgun is shotgun." Joey said. Jeremy rolled his eyes but got in the back anyways. "So, how's the big city?" 

"Same as always. Big. Busy." I replied.   

"But things are spicing up for you Jos, aren't they?" Jeremy asked passively. 

"What are you talking about?" I turned back and shot him a look that said 'not yet.'

"Well, you have a b-" Ashley elbowed him sharply. "A big opprotunity for good rehearsal pictures." He rubbed his arm with he'd been hit. 

"You get to go backstage whenever you want?" Joey asked, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Jeremy almost spilled my big secret. I'm going to tell him, just not right this second. 

"Pretty much. I'm friends with all the guys, so even if Jeremy's not there I can just go chill."

"That's awesome! So, Jess and I were talking earlier and we realized we haven't gotten Mom a present. Dad's taken care of, but we've run out of ideas." 

"Shit, okay, I don't really know. Josie, got any ideas?" Jeremy said, eyes wide. Mom's gift has to be perfect  every year. 

"I've got a few pictures I've been sitting on for a while. They date back to when I was still vying for a spot at NYU up until like, yesterday, so I could print those and put them in an album from all of us?" I suggested, grabbing my camera bag from where it sat at my feet.

"That's actually a really sweet idea. I could help you decorate the book if you want." Ashley said. 

"That would be great, thanks. Jessica can help too, we'll make it a girl's day of sorts." I started flipping through my older pictures. I came across one that I didn't take, or know was on my camera. "Oh my God, who took this one?" In the picture, I was about eighteen, which would've made it 2009 or 2010. It was me, Joey, Jessica, and Jeremy in our parent's pool, chicken fighting. I was on Jeremy's shoulders, arms locked with Jess, who was on Joey's shoulders. I turned the screen towards Joey, and then in the back to Jeremy and Ashley.

"I remember that! I came home for your eighteenth birthday and somehow you convinced all of us to get in the pool." he said.

"The pool? In November?" Ashley asked. This was her first time going to Texas with us in the winter.

"It's heated. It stays warm all year, so they splurged." Joey explained, pulling onto the street where we grew up.

"Well shit! I didn't bring a bathing suit!" 

"You can borrow one of mine." I said, getting as close to the windshield as I could, looking for the house I loved so much. Finally, we pulled into the driveway. I was out of the car before it was even in park, racing to the front door. I threw it open, dropping my smaller bags. "IM HOOOOME!!" 

hehe i love this okie byeeeeeeeeeee

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